Penerimaan calon mahasiswa baru Program Diploma III (D-III) Kerjasama POLINEMA dan PT PLN (Persero) Tahun Akademik 2010/2011 adalah implementasi kerjasama antara POLINEMA dengan PT PLN (Persero) untuk memberi kesempatan kepada lulusan SMA/MA/SMK dalam memperoleh pendidikan yang berorientasi pada kemampuan dan keahlian terapan.
Dengan memenuhi persyaratan yang ditentukan selama menempuh program ini, yaitu IP sekurang-kurangnya 2,75 dan masa studi paling lama 6 semester.
Program ini hanya dibuka untuk program studi:
* D-III Teknik Mesin
* D-III Teknik Elektro
1. Mahasiswa Program ini setelah lulus pendidikan langsung DITERIMA SEBAGAI PEGAWAI PT PLN (PERSERO) pada PLN Unit di seluruh Indonesia setelah menjalani DIKLAT PRAJABATAN.
2. Mahasiswa wajib melaksanakan magang kerja di instalasi milik PT PLN (Persero) maksimal selama 6 bulan dengan memperoleh uang saku Rp.850.000,- per bulan.
3. Diberikan Beasiswa untuk Mahasiswa berprestasi.
4. Bagi Mahasiswa peserta Program Pendidikan ini yang tidak lulus evaluasi maka dinyatakan gugur dan dapat disertakan di kelas/perkuliahan reguler dengan catatan tidak ada pengembalian biaya
Persyaratan dan Pendaftaran
a. Mendaftar
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara OnLine dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
Lulusan SMA/MA jurusan IPA, SMK jurusan mesin/listrik tahun kelahiran 1990 atau sesudahnya.
b. Setelah Lulus Tes Akademik
Setelah dinyatakan lulus tes akademik, peserta harus melengkapi persyaratan untuk mengikuti tes berikutnya seperti berikut :
1. Copy ijasah SMA/SMK/MA dan nilai UN yang dilegalisir.
2. Copy akte kelahiran yang dilegalisir.
3. Surat keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter.
4. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dan Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba dari Kepolisian.
1. Menyiapkan pasfoto digital (nama file disamanakan dengan nama depan peserta) berwarna terbaru berukuran 4×6 cm (memakai pakaian yang sopan dan rapi) dalam format JPG atau PNG dengan ukuran maksimum 100 KB.
2. Mendaftar melalui website atau untuk mendapatkan nomor pendaftaran (Mulai 3 Me1 2010)
3. Membayar biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 200.000,- ke rekening Bank BTN Cabang Unibraw Nomor: 00113-01-30-000030-1 atas nama : Poltek Negeri Malang – Bendahara Penerima.
Catatan :
- Pembayaran bisa melalui kantor pos, atau bank selain BTN
- Menuliskan nama dan nomor pendaftaran pada slip pembayaran.
4. Kartu Peserta Tes bisa dicetak sendiri melalui website atau minimal setelah 1 hari pembayaran biaya pendaftaran.
5. Pendaftar tidak diperkenankan mengganti program studi yang telah dipilih dengan alasan apapun.
6. Bukti cetak kartu tanda peserta ini diperlukan sebagai syarat untuk mengikuti ujian masuk dan pendaftaran ulang apabila dinyatakan diterima sebagai calon mahasiswa baru.
Jadwal Ujian
Kampus Politeknik Negeri Malang
Jl. Sukarno-Hatta No. 9 Malang
1. Tes Kemampuan Akademik : 14 Juni 2010.
2. Tes Psikologi : 21 – 23 Juni 2010.
3. Wawancara : 5 – 16 Juli 2010.
4. Tes Kesehatan : 20 – 21 Juli 2010
5. Pengumuman hasil tes : 23 Juli 2010
6. Her Registrasi : 26 Juli – 6 Agustus 2010
7. Orientasi Studi & LDK : 9-14 Agustus 2010
Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi
Pengumuman Hasil seleksi :
- Tes Akademik : 16 Juni 2010
- Tes Psikologi : 30 Juni 2010
- Tes Wawancara : 12 Juli 2010
- Tes Kesehatan : 23 Juli 2010 (Hasil tes akhir)
di Kampus Polinema Jl. Soekarno Hatta 09 Malang dan melalui website atau
Kontak Person Teknis (Pendaftaran On Line) :
SAEP SUHERMAN, 081334280689
AHMADI YULI ANANTA, 085727478700
Jumat, 30 April 2010
Lowongan Kerja Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors
PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors (PT KTBM) was originally named PT New Marwa 1970 Motors and was founded in July 1, 1970 by businessman Sjarnubi Said. For some reasons, the name was changed into PT KTBM in August 1970. This company was set up with a basic capital of Rp 748 million. Since its establishment, PT KTBM has been the make-holder sole agent for Japan's Mitsubishi in Indonesia
Analyze TR (technical report), PQR (product quality report), and WSC (warranty service claim) from Service Dept.
Follow up TR, PQR, and WSC, including data input, website, and database.
Investigate problem with Service Dept. to customer if needed.
Identify problem caused by Parts or CBU and Vendor concern.
Monitoring & follow up raising problem
Requirements :
Gender : Male
Age : 21 - 23
Status : Single
Educational : Diploma
Major : Engineering, Mechanical
Experience : 0 years
Skills :
Good command in English
Able to read 2D and 3D simulation image
Good communication skill
Staff of KD Import & Export
Assisting in Import & Export matters
Responsibilities :
Preparing export documentation
Follow and prepare payment to forwarder and shipping company
Monitor and follow forwarder and shipping company fir custom process
Monitor payment
Administration of Import & Export
Requirements :
Gender : Male
Age : 22 - 25
Status : Single
Educational : Bachelor
Major : Economics
Experience : 0 years
Skills :
Good command in English
Staff of Supplier Support
Supplier handling
Supplier development
Supplier audit
Gender : Male
Age : 22 - 24
Status : Single
Educational : Bachelor
Major : Engineering, Industrial
Engineering, Mechanical
Experience : 0 years
Skills :
Good command in English
Staff of Internal Affairs
Handling business trip and vehicle rental administration
Implementing business trip preparation and other internal matters
Fulfilling request and requirement from other department such as vehicle purchasing, vehicle’s accessories, and rear body
Handling vehicle and driver rental request
Handling KTB Mess matters
Gender : Male
Age : 24 - 26
Status : Single
Educational : Bachelor
Major : Any
Experience : 0 years
Skills :
Good command in English (active)
Computer (Ms. Office, SAP)
Capable in handling administration task
Note: Male or female is allow to apply
Staff of IT Operation
Handle IT matters
Handling IT Request Process
Use Authorization Process
SAP Monthly Schedule Closing
Gender : Male
Age : 23 - 28
Status : Unspecified
Educational : Bachelor
Major : Computer Science
Experience : 1 years
Skills :
Good command in English intermediate level for writing & conversation)
Good technical knowledge of computer (hardware, software, LAN)
Understand of IT Operation Management
Having sense of control
Basic Accounting
If you are qualified and interested in the vacant position above, please email your complete resume (max 150kb, in Ms. Word/PDF file, including your transcript and recent photograph) to:, not later than May 31, 2010
Analyze TR (technical report), PQR (product quality report), and WSC (warranty service claim) from Service Dept.
Follow up TR, PQR, and WSC, including data input, website, and database.
Investigate problem with Service Dept. to customer if needed.
Identify problem caused by Parts or CBU and Vendor concern.
Monitoring & follow up raising problem
Requirements :
Gender : Male
Age : 21 - 23
Status : Single
Educational : Diploma
Major : Engineering, Mechanical
Experience : 0 years
Skills :
Good command in English
Able to read 2D and 3D simulation image
Good communication skill
Staff of KD Import & Export
Assisting in Import & Export matters
Responsibilities :
Preparing export documentation
Follow and prepare payment to forwarder and shipping company
Monitor and follow forwarder and shipping company fir custom process
Monitor payment
Administration of Import & Export
Requirements :
Gender : Male
Age : 22 - 25
Status : Single
Educational : Bachelor
Major : Economics
Experience : 0 years
Skills :
Good command in English
Staff of Supplier Support
Supplier handling
Supplier development
Supplier audit
Gender : Male
Age : 22 - 24
Status : Single
Educational : Bachelor
Major : Engineering, Industrial
Engineering, Mechanical
Experience : 0 years
Skills :
Good command in English
Staff of Internal Affairs
Handling business trip and vehicle rental administration
Implementing business trip preparation and other internal matters
Fulfilling request and requirement from other department such as vehicle purchasing, vehicle’s accessories, and rear body
Handling vehicle and driver rental request
Handling KTB Mess matters
Gender : Male
Age : 24 - 26
Status : Single
Educational : Bachelor
Major : Any
Experience : 0 years
Skills :
Good command in English (active)
Computer (Ms. Office, SAP)
Capable in handling administration task
Note: Male or female is allow to apply
Staff of IT Operation
Handle IT matters
Handling IT Request Process
Use Authorization Process
SAP Monthly Schedule Closing
Gender : Male
Age : 23 - 28
Status : Unspecified
Educational : Bachelor
Major : Computer Science
Experience : 1 years
Skills :
Good command in English intermediate level for writing & conversation)
Good technical knowledge of computer (hardware, software, LAN)
Understand of IT Operation Management
Having sense of control
Basic Accounting
If you are qualified and interested in the vacant position above, please email your complete resume (max 150kb, in Ms. Word/PDF file, including your transcript and recent photograph) to:, not later than May 31, 2010
IT Security Consultant Vacancy TTNI
We, TT Network Integration (TTNI), one of associated company of Toyota Tsusho Group, provide support in IT infrastructure such as communication network construction, security, and helpdesk with emphasis on network solution business. Our main customers are Japanese owned companies in Indonesia. Due to business expansion in Indonesia, we are seeking for highly qualified professionals for following position:
IT Security Consultant
- Preferred Male, Age 27-35 years old
- Degree of Computer Science or IT related
- If candidate is a diploma holder, need to have at least some IT security certifications.
- Minimum 5 years of experience in IT security field (technical experience in IT security monitoring, deployment and implementation of IT security solutions/products. Also need solution design experience
- Good communication and written skills in English
- Good IT Security knowledge and experience
- Project management skills
- High motivation and interests in IT Security
- Must be able to work independently and excellent team-player, also able to work under pressure
- Good interpersonal skill
Job description
- Provide security consultancy, assessment and audit to our group companies in Indonesia
- Produce project planning in the overall security improvement for the organization from a business perspective, as well as from IT infrastructure perspective
- Reviewing of Security Policies and Procedures and provide consultancy in developing these documents if the organization lack of it
- Assessing the organization’s IT Infrastructure design and ensure that the security systems implemented is an enabler to the business
- Building and designing a minimum security baseline for future security improvement
Please enclose your recent photo, application letter and CV (max 300 kb) with expected salary to Please Login or Register to apply this job online., not later than May 10, 2010.
IT Security Consultant
- Preferred Male, Age 27-35 years old
- Degree of Computer Science or IT related
- If candidate is a diploma holder, need to have at least some IT security certifications.
- Minimum 5 years of experience in IT security field (technical experience in IT security monitoring, deployment and implementation of IT security solutions/products. Also need solution design experience
- Good communication and written skills in English
- Good IT Security knowledge and experience
- Project management skills
- High motivation and interests in IT Security
- Must be able to work independently and excellent team-player, also able to work under pressure
- Good interpersonal skill
Job description
- Provide security consultancy, assessment and audit to our group companies in Indonesia
- Produce project planning in the overall security improvement for the organization from a business perspective, as well as from IT infrastructure perspective
- Reviewing of Security Policies and Procedures and provide consultancy in developing these documents if the organization lack of it
- Assessing the organization’s IT Infrastructure design and ensure that the security systems implemented is an enabler to the business
- Building and designing a minimum security baseline for future security improvement
Please enclose your recent photo, application letter and CV (max 300 kb) with expected salary to Please Login or Register to apply this job online., not later than May 10, 2010.
Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega
Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega
PT Bank Mega Terbuka's principal activity is providing general banking products and services. The Company's products and services include personal, which consists of savings, lending, credit cards, e-banking and special services; corporate, which comprises corporate savings, corporate lending, special financing and corporate services; treasury
with the following qualifications:
Male / Female.
Minimal S1 Law.
Experienced as LEGAL STAFF least one year.
Computer literate and master Office programs and Windows.
Ability to work under pressure and the team.
Able to ensure disbursement of credit facilities to customers is to meet the legal requirements for credit.
Ability to solve problems related to the law that occurred in the Branch and Branch / cash office under both associated with the internal (employee) as well as with external parties (clients, Ministry of Labour, etc.).
Age maximum 35 years.
For placement in Bojonegoro, East Java.
Male / Female.
Education at least D3 or equivalent
Experienced as ACCOUNT OFFICER / MARKETING in Financial Institutions at least one year.
Mastering the Bojonegoro regional market potential.
Willing to work with the target.
Computer literate and master Office programs and Windows.
Age maximum 35 years.
For placement in Bojonegoro, East Java.
If you meet the above qualifications, please send a complete job application documents and a recent photograph no later than May 30, 2010 to:
HRD Bank Mega Kantor Cabang Bojonegoro
Jl. Untung Suropati 18 Bojonegoro Jawa Timur
PT Bank Mega Terbuka's principal activity is providing general banking products and services. The Company's products and services include personal, which consists of savings, lending, credit cards, e-banking and special services; corporate, which comprises corporate savings, corporate lending, special financing and corporate services; treasury
with the following qualifications:
Male / Female.
Minimal S1 Law.
Experienced as LEGAL STAFF least one year.
Computer literate and master Office programs and Windows.
Ability to work under pressure and the team.
Able to ensure disbursement of credit facilities to customers is to meet the legal requirements for credit.
Ability to solve problems related to the law that occurred in the Branch and Branch / cash office under both associated with the internal (employee) as well as with external parties (clients, Ministry of Labour, etc.).
Age maximum 35 years.
For placement in Bojonegoro, East Java.
Male / Female.
Education at least D3 or equivalent
Experienced as ACCOUNT OFFICER / MARKETING in Financial Institutions at least one year.
Mastering the Bojonegoro regional market potential.
Willing to work with the target.
Computer literate and master Office programs and Windows.
Age maximum 35 years.
For placement in Bojonegoro, East Java.
If you meet the above qualifications, please send a complete job application documents and a recent photograph no later than May 30, 2010 to:
HRD Bank Mega Kantor Cabang Bojonegoro
Jl. Untung Suropati 18 Bojonegoro Jawa Timur
Lowongan Kerja Kirin-Miwon Foods
Lowongan Kerja Kirin-Miwon Foods
In 2006, Kirin Kyowa Foods Company Limited jointly established PT. Kirin-Miwon Foods in Jakarta, Indonesia, with South Korea’s Daesang Corp. to produce nucleotide umami seasonings, and in 2008 a new plant began production in Lampung, Indonesia. The plant boasts a world-class manufacturing scale and productivity for the nucleotide umami seasoning, Ribotide.
Male max. 45 years old
Hold min. S1 Degree in Law, with GPA of 3,00
Having min 5 years working experience in Law matters in Industry as follows :
Business Law
Corporate Law
Legal & Document administration
Experience in preparing and participating BOD meeting and stockholder meeting
Well exposed to Indonesia Laws and Up date
Good at writing reports, internal policies and procedure
Possess high sense of risk awareness, compliance and integrity
Having strong leadership, communication skill, strong initiative, well organized, adaptive, analyze skill, problem solver, able to work under pressure
Fluent in English
Wiling to stay in Lampung Timur
All recruitment process include interview will be held in Lampung
Please send your application letter with detailed CV and a Photograph to: not more than 10 May 2010
In 2006, Kirin Kyowa Foods Company Limited jointly established PT. Kirin-Miwon Foods in Jakarta, Indonesia, with South Korea’s Daesang Corp. to produce nucleotide umami seasonings, and in 2008 a new plant began production in Lampung, Indonesia. The plant boasts a world-class manufacturing scale and productivity for the nucleotide umami seasoning, Ribotide.
Male max. 45 years old
Hold min. S1 Degree in Law, with GPA of 3,00
Having min 5 years working experience in Law matters in Industry as follows :
Business Law
Corporate Law
Legal & Document administration
Experience in preparing and participating BOD meeting and stockholder meeting
Well exposed to Indonesia Laws and Up date
Good at writing reports, internal policies and procedure
Possess high sense of risk awareness, compliance and integrity
Having strong leadership, communication skill, strong initiative, well organized, adaptive, analyze skill, problem solver, able to work under pressure
Fluent in English
Wiling to stay in Lampung Timur
All recruitment process include interview will be held in Lampung
Please send your application letter with detailed CV and a Photograph to: not more than 10 May 2010
Lowongan Kerja Sampoerna
PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.
Willing to be relocated to all around Indonesia is a must;
Having strong analytical thinking, initiative and communication capability;
Capability of working either in a team or individually;
Strong capability to lead, self competitiveness and achievement orientation;
Fluent in English is an advantage.
Specific Qualifications:
For Fresh Graduates Candidate:
Hold D4/S1 degree from all education background maximum 2 years ago with min. GPA 2.75;
Have not joined the written test for Supervisor Field Marketing (SFM) and Sales Executive (SE) within one year from the last test taken
For Experienced Candidate:
Hold D4/S1 degree from all education background maximum 5 years ago with min. GPA 2.75;
Having 1 - 3 years experience as supervisor in Sales/Marketing area, preferably from Distribution/FMGC Companies;
Willing to be relocated to all around Indonesia is a must;
Having strong analytical thinking, initiative and communication capability;
Capability of working either in a team or individually;
Strong capability to lead, self competitiveness and achievement orientation;
Fluent in English is an advantage.
Specific Qualifications:
For Fresh Graduates Candidate:
Hold D4/S1 degree from all education background maximum 2 years ago with min. GPA 2.75;
Have not joined the written test for Supervisor Field Marketing (SFM) and Sales Executive (SE) within one year from the last test taken
For Experienced Candidate:
Hold D4/S1 degree from all education background maximum 5 years ago with min. GPA 2.75;
Having 1 - 3 years experience as supervisor in Sales/Marketing area, preferably from Distribution/FMGC Companies;
Kamis, 29 April 2010
A four star hotel with location at Kuta, Bali invites professionals people to fill in the following positions:
-Male, min 5 years exp as an executive Housekeeper in 4 *or 5 *hotels
-Min S1 degree majoring in Tourism and Hotel Management
-Have strong managerial and leadership skill
-Have a firm communicative and computer literate
-Well understanding English, both verbal and written.
-Male, min S1 degree from reputable university majoring in Psychology or Law
-Min 5 years exp in similar position in reputable 4 * or 5 * hotels
-Familiar with Hotel Standards Operation Procedure and Indonesia Labor Law
-Able to conduct a qualified training in human resources
-Possess strong managerial and leadership skill, assertive and having good interpersonal skill.
Qualified applicants can send the CV , latest photograph, transcript and diploma to our email address:
-Male, min 5 years exp as an executive Housekeeper in 4 *or 5 *hotels
-Min S1 degree majoring in Tourism and Hotel Management
-Have strong managerial and leadership skill
-Have a firm communicative and computer literate
-Well understanding English, both verbal and written.
-Male, min S1 degree from reputable university majoring in Psychology or Law
-Min 5 years exp in similar position in reputable 4 * or 5 * hotels
-Familiar with Hotel Standards Operation Procedure and Indonesia Labor Law
-Able to conduct a qualified training in human resources
-Possess strong managerial and leadership skill, assertive and having good interpersonal skill.
Qualified applicants can send the CV , latest photograph, transcript and diploma to our email address:
Lowongan Kerja Time International
Time International a leading retail and wholesale group of luxury watches and jewellery products is currently offering a promising carrer opportunity to a dynamic individual who can impact our growing operation.
Female, max.25 years old.
Bachelor degree, from Accounting or Computer Accounting.
Fresh graduate with min. GPA 3.00 or minimum 1 -2 years experience in same position, exposure in banking, collection, reconciliation, preferably from medium size company.
A team player, result oriented, proactive, self-motivated, dynamic and multi tasking person.
Possessing positive work attitudes, initiatives and maturity in dealing with people.
Able to work under pressure condition, diligent & can keep confidential.
Minimum passive English communication skill, can speak Mandarin is preferable.
Computer literate.
If you meet the requirement, send your detail resume & photograph by the latest 7 days after this advertisement to Kode : FINANCE
Or Please send your CV with kode FINANCE to :
Menara Sudirman 12A Floor.
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 60.
Jakarta Selatan 12190
Female, max.25 years old.
Bachelor degree, from Accounting or Computer Accounting.
Fresh graduate with min. GPA 3.00 or minimum 1 -2 years experience in same position, exposure in banking, collection, reconciliation, preferably from medium size company.
A team player, result oriented, proactive, self-motivated, dynamic and multi tasking person.
Possessing positive work attitudes, initiatives and maturity in dealing with people.
Able to work under pressure condition, diligent & can keep confidential.
Minimum passive English communication skill, can speak Mandarin is preferable.
Computer literate.
If you meet the requirement, send your detail resume & photograph by the latest 7 days after this advertisement to Kode : FINANCE
Or Please send your CV with kode FINANCE to :
Menara Sudirman 12A Floor.
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 60.
Jakarta Selatan 12190
Rabu, 28 April 2010
Lowongan Kerja McDonalds Indonesia
McDonald's Corporation (NYSE: MCD) is one of the world's largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants, serving nearly 47 million customers daily.[4] At one time it was the largest global restaurant chain, but it has since been surpassed by multi-brand operator Yum! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell and others) and sandwich chain Subway.
University degree of any discipline
Maximum 26 years old
Hard worker and able to work at different shift including holidays
Be able to work at any McDonald’s restaurant at East Java
Good communication and good interpersonal skill
Self confidence and good appearance
Patient, highly initiative, motivated, energetic and cooperative
Fluent in English and good computer skill
Crew (Code : Crew)
With the qualifications are
High School degree or equal
Young, vibrant and energetic single female/male with max 22 years old.
Able to work hard with shift schedule including holiday
Self confidence, good appearance and well orgenized
Make McDonald’s your address for success and join McDonald’s Management Development Program by sending your resume and photograph to Human Resources Department, McDonald’s Raya Darmo at Please indicate the position applied on the email subject. Only shortlist candidates will be contacted and application will be closed on May 11, 2010.
University degree of any discipline
Maximum 26 years old
Hard worker and able to work at different shift including holidays
Be able to work at any McDonald’s restaurant at East Java
Good communication and good interpersonal skill
Self confidence and good appearance
Patient, highly initiative, motivated, energetic and cooperative
Fluent in English and good computer skill
Crew (Code : Crew)
With the qualifications are
High School degree or equal
Young, vibrant and energetic single female/male with max 22 years old.
Able to work hard with shift schedule including holiday
Self confidence, good appearance and well orgenized
Make McDonald’s your address for success and join McDonald’s Management Development Program by sending your resume and photograph to Human Resources Department, McDonald’s Raya Darmo at Please indicate the position applied on the email subject. Only shortlist candidates will be contacted and application will be closed on May 11, 2010.
SPV Deputy Environmental & Power Plant Manager
outh Pacific Viscose (SPV) Vacancies, For our rapid expanding company, we are looking for professionals, dynamic, self-motivated
and dedicated person to fill the following positions:
Deputy Environmental Manager (Code: DEM).
- Bachelor degree from environmental or chemical engineering
- Experienced in chemical plant on environmental process more than 7
- Familiar with government regulation in environmental aspect
Deputy Power Plant Manager (DPPM)
- Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering
- More than 7 years in Power plant (turbine and boiler) operation
Please send comprehensive resume along with and recent photo to:
Human Resources Department-People Development
PT. South Pacific Viscose
Please put position code in your subject e-mail. All applicants will be treated in strict
confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
and dedicated person to fill the following positions:
Deputy Environmental Manager (Code: DEM).
- Bachelor degree from environmental or chemical engineering
- Experienced in chemical plant on environmental process more than 7
- Familiar with government regulation in environmental aspect
Deputy Power Plant Manager (DPPM)
- Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering
- More than 7 years in Power plant (turbine and boiler) operation
Please send comprehensive resume along with and recent photo to:
Human Resources Department-People Development
PT. South Pacific Viscose
Please put position code in your subject e-mail. All applicants will be treated in strict
confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Dalam rangka mempersiapkan calon karyawan guna mendukung Operation & Maintenance Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Proyek Percepatan Diversifikasi Energi 10.000 MW dan proyek lainnya, PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services (PT PJB Services) membuka kesempatan bagi putra terbaik Indonesia berpendidikan terakhir Diploma III (Non kependidikan) untuk bergabung dalam program Management Trainee Angkatan III PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services sesuai dengan ketentuan dan syarat yang berlaku.
Program Studi yang dibutuhkan :
No Jurusan Kode
1 Teknik Mesin DTM
2 Teknik Elektro/ Listrik/ Elektronika DLS
3 Teknik Kontrol/ Instrumentasi DTI
Nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 2,70 dari Perguruan Tinggi/Swasta berakreditasi minimal B
Nilai TOEFL minimal 400
Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office dan Internet
Usia maksimum 26 tahun per 1 Mei 2010.
Sehat jasmani dan mental, tinggi badan minimal 160 cm dan berat badan proporsional (dikuatkan dengan surat keterangan sehat dari dokter).
Tidak bertato dan tidak bertindik.
Bebas Narkoba
Bagi yang berkaca mata, toleransi maksimal 4 dioptri
Mengirimkan berkas lamaran yang terdiri atas :
Pasfoto berwarna 4x6 sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar
Fotokopi KTP/SIM
Surat lamaran menjadi Peserta Program Management Trainee Angkatan III PT PJB Services
Daftar Riwayat Hidup (download di
Fotokopi Akta Kelahiran
Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga
Fotokopi Ijazah Terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
Fotokopi Transkrip Nilai terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
Fotokopi Sertifikat TOEFL
Surat Keterangaan Sehat dari Dokter
Surat Pernyataan bermaterai (download di ) berisi antara lain :
Kesanggupan untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT PJB Services dan mematuhi semua aturan yang berlaku di PT PJB Services
Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya.
Bagi yang mempunyai ijazah lebih tinggi dari tingkat pendidikan yang dilamar, tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya
Tidak mempunyai ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa pendidikan dari instansi lain yang bersifat mengikat/ikatan dinas.
Fotokopi Sertifikat Pengalaman Kerja (bila ada)
Pada amplop lamaran c antumkan :
Kode Jurusan pojok kiri atas amplop surat lamaran.
Alamat lengkap disertai kode pos.
Berkas lamaran yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses.
Berkas lamaran dikirimkan paling lambat tanggal 3 Mei 2010 (cap pos)
Berkas lamaran yang telah dikirimkan tidak dapat diambil kembali
Berkas lamaran disusun sesuai dengan urutan diatas (point 7A sampai dengan 7L), dimasukkan dalam Amplop warna coklat dan dikirimkan ke alamat :
POBOX 4120/SBS/60400
Seleksi Peserta Program Management Trainee PT PJB Services dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap dan berlaku Sistem gugur. Tahapan seleksi sebagai berikut :
Seleksi Administrasi
Tes Potensial Akademik
Tes Kesehatan
Seleksi TPA dan psikotes akan dilakukan akhir bulan Mei 2010.
Pada saat Tes wawancara, peserta diwajibkan membawa :
Surat Keterangan Catatan kepolisisan yang berlaku
Menunjukkan Ijasah dan Transkrip asli
Semua info rmasi resmi yang terkait dengan Rekrutmen Peserta Program Management Trainee PT PJB Services akan diumumkan melalui website PT PJB Services .
Biaya pribadi yang muncul selama rekrutment menjadi tanggung jawab masing-masing peserta
Setiap peserta hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan satu dokumen lamaran
Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi berhak mengikuti Program Management Trainee PT PJB Services selama 1 (satu) tahun.
Status peserta adalah Peserta Program Management Trainee PT PJB Services.
Selama mengikuti Program Management Trainee PT PJB Services diberi uang saku/imbalan.
Peserta yang telah mengikuti training tetapi mengundurkan diri diwajibkan membayar ganti rugi biaya rekrutmen dan biaya training.
Peserta yang lulus evaluasi Program Management Trainee berhak untuk diangkat menjadi karyawan tetap PT PJB Services.
Semua hasil keputusan Panitia Rekrutmen tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Panitia Rekrutmen PT PJB Services
Program Studi yang dibutuhkan :
No Jurusan Kode
1 Teknik Mesin DTM
2 Teknik Elektro/ Listrik/ Elektronika DLS
3 Teknik Kontrol/ Instrumentasi DTI
Nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 2,70 dari Perguruan Tinggi/Swasta berakreditasi minimal B
Nilai TOEFL minimal 400
Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office dan Internet
Usia maksimum 26 tahun per 1 Mei 2010.
Sehat jasmani dan mental, tinggi badan minimal 160 cm dan berat badan proporsional (dikuatkan dengan surat keterangan sehat dari dokter).
Tidak bertato dan tidak bertindik.
Bebas Narkoba
Bagi yang berkaca mata, toleransi maksimal 4 dioptri
Mengirimkan berkas lamaran yang terdiri atas :
Pasfoto berwarna 4x6 sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar
Fotokopi KTP/SIM
Surat lamaran menjadi Peserta Program Management Trainee Angkatan III PT PJB Services
Daftar Riwayat Hidup (download di
Fotokopi Akta Kelahiran
Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga
Fotokopi Ijazah Terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
Fotokopi Transkrip Nilai terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
Fotokopi Sertifikat TOEFL
Surat Keterangaan Sehat dari Dokter
Surat Pernyataan bermaterai (download di ) berisi antara lain :
Kesanggupan untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT PJB Services dan mematuhi semua aturan yang berlaku di PT PJB Services
Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya.
Bagi yang mempunyai ijazah lebih tinggi dari tingkat pendidikan yang dilamar, tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya
Tidak mempunyai ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa pendidikan dari instansi lain yang bersifat mengikat/ikatan dinas.
Fotokopi Sertifikat Pengalaman Kerja (bila ada)
Pada amplop lamaran c antumkan :
Kode Jurusan pojok kiri atas amplop surat lamaran.
Alamat lengkap disertai kode pos.
Berkas lamaran yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses.
Berkas lamaran dikirimkan paling lambat tanggal 3 Mei 2010 (cap pos)
Berkas lamaran yang telah dikirimkan tidak dapat diambil kembali
Berkas lamaran disusun sesuai dengan urutan diatas (point 7A sampai dengan 7L), dimasukkan dalam Amplop warna coklat dan dikirimkan ke alamat :
POBOX 4120/SBS/60400
Seleksi Peserta Program Management Trainee PT PJB Services dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap dan berlaku Sistem gugur. Tahapan seleksi sebagai berikut :
Seleksi Administrasi
Tes Potensial Akademik
Tes Kesehatan
Seleksi TPA dan psikotes akan dilakukan akhir bulan Mei 2010.
Pada saat Tes wawancara, peserta diwajibkan membawa :
Surat Keterangan Catatan kepolisisan yang berlaku
Menunjukkan Ijasah dan Transkrip asli
Semua info rmasi resmi yang terkait dengan Rekrutmen Peserta Program Management Trainee PT PJB Services akan diumumkan melalui website PT PJB Services .
Biaya pribadi yang muncul selama rekrutment menjadi tanggung jawab masing-masing peserta
Setiap peserta hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan satu dokumen lamaran
Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi berhak mengikuti Program Management Trainee PT PJB Services selama 1 (satu) tahun.
Status peserta adalah Peserta Program Management Trainee PT PJB Services.
Selama mengikuti Program Management Trainee PT PJB Services diberi uang saku/imbalan.
Peserta yang telah mengikuti training tetapi mengundurkan diri diwajibkan membayar ganti rugi biaya rekrutmen dan biaya training.
Peserta yang lulus evaluasi Program Management Trainee berhak untuk diangkat menjadi karyawan tetap PT PJB Services.
Semua hasil keputusan Panitia Rekrutmen tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Panitia Rekrutmen PT PJB Services
Selasa, 27 April 2010
Yahoo! Southeast Asia Pte Ltd, Think about impacting 1 out of every 2 people online- in innovative and imaginative ways that are uniquely Yahoo!. We do that each and every day, and you could too. After all, it’s big thinkers like you who will create the next generation of Internet experiences for consumers and advertisers across the globe. Put your ideas to work for over half a billion people.
Community Manager, Answers & Groups
Summary of Role
The Community Manager (Indonesia) will be reporting to the Senior Community Manager of Yahoo! Southeast Asia and will be tasked with building and nurturing strong and healthy Communities for Yahoo! Community Products in Indonesia.
He or she will work with relevant team members to manage the community, ensuring that it is healthy, engaged, and feels connected to Yahoo!. He or she will cultivate a relationship with power users and Groups moderators through relevant initiatives.
He or she will foster strong relationships with key product teams and with the Customer Care team. He or she will be an advocate of Yahoo! Answers and Groups within the Yahoo! Network, ensuring that cross-promotional opportunities are optimized.
In this role, the Community Manager will also work closely with the Global Product Operations Manager based in London to make sure that community feedback is being heard and reflected in our product roadmaps and in our user communications.
We are looking for an individual passionate about online Communities with outstanding inter-personal skills, a customer-focused and results-driven approach. An individual who can achieve tangible results in that role, namely to continuously grow ourCommunity, nurture its health and engagement and generally maximize Yahoo! Answers and Groups opportunity in Indonesia.
Be an advocate for the Community within Yahoo! making sure that community feedback is heard, and that product roadmaps and user communications reflect our users’ needs. Represent Yahoo! to the Community.
Foster community health and engagement through community moderation and other relevant short and long term initiatives to ensure that our community is healthy, satisfied and feels connected to Yahoo!. Enforce abuse policies where required.
Set and maintain the overall tone of voice and guidelines for Yahoo! Answers Community Management
Cultivate relationships with key “power” users and Groups moderators and respond to inquiries from our top users on a timely basis, addressing any concerns that are raised by these users.
Customer care
Foster strong relations with Customer Care representatives, ensuring that they meet service levels, and make accurate decisions (via calibration sessions).
Be the go-to expert for any product-related questions Customer Care representatives may have.
Own a number of in-product editorial positions in your market, including the Yahoo! Answers blog, the Best of Answers and Best of Groups modules.
Own, edit and write the Answers newsletter for your market if relevant.
Product Maintenance & Development
Provide user feedback to the product team and be the voice of the community during product development.
Provide local QA support and translations during product launches.
Network Integration
Ensure strong and optimized relationships with key Yahoo! Business Units like Editorial, Marketing and PR to maximize exposure of Yahoo! Answers and Groups on thenetwork.
Manage the Knowledge Partnership program for Yahoo! Answers in your market, providing support to existing partners, surfacing their content through editorial position and assisting in the set up and training of new partners where relevant.
Provide expert advice to Sales where relevant to ensure Sales partnerships are optimized.
Assist Sales in setting up sponsorships for Yahoo! Answers and Groups in your market
Contribute to and sign-off Answers PR communications where relevant.
Proactively reach out to PR to drive possible opportunities (users spotlight, Answers contextual support, etc.).
Strong communication and presentation skills, this includes a strong command of written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia,
Strong grasp of general knowledge, current affairs and pop culture, and in-depth knowledge of Indonesia.
Experience with Internet-based community services and applications as such as social networking, blog communities, forums, and message boards.
Experience with customer acquisition strategies and consumer marketing and competitive analysis.
Strong interest in fostering relationships and getting people together.
Able to work with diverse teams of people from different cultures
2-5 years of product management/community administration experience.
Bachelor’s degree.
Yahoo! Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
If you’re keen to explore this very special opportunity with Yahoo!, please submit your resume as a Word document to:
Community Manager, Answers & Groups
Summary of Role
The Community Manager (Indonesia) will be reporting to the Senior Community Manager of Yahoo! Southeast Asia and will be tasked with building and nurturing strong and healthy Communities for Yahoo! Community Products in Indonesia.
He or she will work with relevant team members to manage the community, ensuring that it is healthy, engaged, and feels connected to Yahoo!. He or she will cultivate a relationship with power users and Groups moderators through relevant initiatives.
He or she will foster strong relationships with key product teams and with the Customer Care team. He or she will be an advocate of Yahoo! Answers and Groups within the Yahoo! Network, ensuring that cross-promotional opportunities are optimized.
In this role, the Community Manager will also work closely with the Global Product Operations Manager based in London to make sure that community feedback is being heard and reflected in our product roadmaps and in our user communications.
We are looking for an individual passionate about online Communities with outstanding inter-personal skills, a customer-focused and results-driven approach. An individual who can achieve tangible results in that role, namely to continuously grow ourCommunity, nurture its health and engagement and generally maximize Yahoo! Answers and Groups opportunity in Indonesia.
Be an advocate for the Community within Yahoo! making sure that community feedback is heard, and that product roadmaps and user communications reflect our users’ needs. Represent Yahoo! to the Community.
Foster community health and engagement through community moderation and other relevant short and long term initiatives to ensure that our community is healthy, satisfied and feels connected to Yahoo!. Enforce abuse policies where required.
Set and maintain the overall tone of voice and guidelines for Yahoo! Answers Community Management
Cultivate relationships with key “power” users and Groups moderators and respond to inquiries from our top users on a timely basis, addressing any concerns that are raised by these users.
Customer care
Foster strong relations with Customer Care representatives, ensuring that they meet service levels, and make accurate decisions (via calibration sessions).
Be the go-to expert for any product-related questions Customer Care representatives may have.
Own a number of in-product editorial positions in your market, including the Yahoo! Answers blog, the Best of Answers and Best of Groups modules.
Own, edit and write the Answers newsletter for your market if relevant.
Product Maintenance & Development
Provide user feedback to the product team and be the voice of the community during product development.
Provide local QA support and translations during product launches.
Network Integration
Ensure strong and optimized relationships with key Yahoo! Business Units like Editorial, Marketing and PR to maximize exposure of Yahoo! Answers and Groups on thenetwork.
Manage the Knowledge Partnership program for Yahoo! Answers in your market, providing support to existing partners, surfacing their content through editorial position and assisting in the set up and training of new partners where relevant.
Provide expert advice to Sales where relevant to ensure Sales partnerships are optimized.
Assist Sales in setting up sponsorships for Yahoo! Answers and Groups in your market
Contribute to and sign-off Answers PR communications where relevant.
Proactively reach out to PR to drive possible opportunities (users spotlight, Answers contextual support, etc.).
Strong communication and presentation skills, this includes a strong command of written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia,
Strong grasp of general knowledge, current affairs and pop culture, and in-depth knowledge of Indonesia.
Experience with Internet-based community services and applications as such as social networking, blog communities, forums, and message boards.
Experience with customer acquisition strategies and consumer marketing and competitive analysis.
Strong interest in fostering relationships and getting people together.
Able to work with diverse teams of people from different cultures
2-5 years of product management/community administration experience.
Bachelor’s degree.
Yahoo! Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
If you’re keen to explore this very special opportunity with Yahoo!, please submit your resume as a Word document to:
Senin, 26 April 2010
Lowongan Kerja Kurir di Jakarta Barat 2010
Perusahaan INDENTOR SAMBUNGAN PIPA IMPOR. Dibutuhkan SEGERA Kurrier untuk mengantar barang pesanan customer,dll.
Lokasi : Jakarta Barat
Dengan Kriteria sbb :
1. Pria
2. Usia Min 18 Tahun
4. Memiliki SIM C
5. Megerti wilayah Jakarta
6. Domisili Jakarta Barat
7. Jujur,Rajin & Cekatan.
Bagi yang berminat segera kirim CV & Lamarannya Ke:
Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Kurir di Jakarta Barat 2010 : 06 Mei 2010
Perusahaan INDENTOR SAMBUNGAN PIPA IMPOR. Dibutuhkan SEGERA Kurrier untuk mengantar barang pesanan customer,dll.
Lokasi : Jakarta Barat
Dengan Kriteria sbb :
1. Pria
2. Usia Min 18 Tahun
4. Memiliki SIM C
5. Megerti wilayah Jakarta
6. Domisili Jakarta Barat
7. Jujur,Rajin & Cekatan.
Bagi yang berminat segera kirim CV & Lamarannya Ke:
Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Kurir di Jakarta Barat 2010 : 06 Mei 2010
Lowongan PT Buana Cikarang
Lowongan Kerja Human Resource Officer Cikarang 2010 PT Buana Cikarang
We are a dynamic and fast growing PMA automotive spare part company invite a hand on professional, anthusiastic, and highly motivated to join with our strategic team as :
Lokasi : Cikarang – Jawa Barat
Requirements :
1. Female max 25 years old
2. S1 graduate in law from reputable university
3. Fluent in english both speaking and writing
4. Computer literate : word, exel and PowerPoint
Located work in Cikarang If you meet the above requirements, please submit your complete resume to :
Email :
PT Buana Cikarang
Jl. Industri Cikarang 17550
Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Human Resource Officer Cikarang 2010 : 30 April 2010
We are a dynamic and fast growing PMA automotive spare part company invite a hand on professional, anthusiastic, and highly motivated to join with our strategic team as :
Lokasi : Cikarang – Jawa Barat
Requirements :
1. Female max 25 years old
2. S1 graduate in law from reputable university
3. Fluent in english both speaking and writing
4. Computer literate : word, exel and PowerPoint
Located work in Cikarang If you meet the above requirements, please submit your complete resume to :
Email :
PT Buana Cikarang
Jl. Industri Cikarang 17550
Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Human Resource Officer Cikarang 2010 : 30 April 2010
Lowongan PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)
PT Bank Syariah BRI opened the opportunity for young professionals to join and career placement in the area and Tegal, Purwokerto as:
Perform data processing and financial reporting for internal and external needs as determined / standards.
Age max max. 30 years
Experience min. 2 the same year in diposisi Banking
Pendidikan min. S1 all the majors
Please send your application to
Please to write code in the Subject position and email resume in PDF format expected maximum 2 MB
Perform data processing and financial reporting for internal and external needs as determined / standards.
Age max max. 30 years
Experience min. 2 the same year in diposisi Banking
Pendidikan min. S1 all the majors
Please send your application to
Please to write code in the Subject position and email resume in PDF format expected maximum 2 MB
Lowongan PT. Metrodata Electronics Tbk
Lowongan kerja terbaru April 2010, PT. Metrodata Electronics Tbk. adalah salah satu perusahaan teknologi informasi terbesar di Indonesia dan bermitra dengan perusahaan-perusahaan teknologi informasi berskala global, diantaranya adalah Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Lotus, Sun Microsystem, IBM, Epson, Hewlett Packard, Dell dll.
Berkenaan dengan perkembangan Perusahaan yang sangat cepat saat ini, kami mengundang para lulusan muda universitas untuk bergabung pada program:
Business Trainee
(Kode: BT )
Fresh graduate lulus tahun 2009 atau sebelumnya (diutamakan yang belum berpengalaman kerja).
IPK = 3 (skala 4).
Terbuka untuk semua jurusan.
Bersedia mengikuti proses seleksi dan pendidikan di Jakarta (bagi yang berasal dari luar Jakarta).
Bersedia mengikuti pelatihan selama 6 (enam) bulan.
Bersedia mengikuti ikatan dinas apabila telah lulus seleksi dan pelatihan.
Bersedia ditempatkan di Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia
Pelamar yang berminat dan memenuhi syarat tsb diatas, silakan mengirimkan lamaran lengkap, CV, dan foto terakhir ke alamat email serta cantumkan kode posisi ( BT ) sebagai subject email selambat-lambatnya tanggal 31 Mei 2010.
Berkenaan dengan perkembangan Perusahaan yang sangat cepat saat ini, kami mengundang para lulusan muda universitas untuk bergabung pada program:
Business Trainee
(Kode: BT )
Fresh graduate lulus tahun 2009 atau sebelumnya (diutamakan yang belum berpengalaman kerja).
IPK = 3 (skala 4).
Terbuka untuk semua jurusan.
Bersedia mengikuti proses seleksi dan pendidikan di Jakarta (bagi yang berasal dari luar Jakarta).
Bersedia mengikuti pelatihan selama 6 (enam) bulan.
Bersedia mengikuti ikatan dinas apabila telah lulus seleksi dan pelatihan.
Bersedia ditempatkan di Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia
Pelamar yang berminat dan memenuhi syarat tsb diatas, silakan mengirimkan lamaran lengkap, CV, dan foto terakhir ke alamat email serta cantumkan kode posisi ( BT ) sebagai subject email selambat-lambatnya tanggal 31 Mei 2010.
lowongan PT. Kirin Miwon-Foods
Kami PT. Kirin Miwon-Foods adalah Perusahaan PMA Korea, Jepang dan Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Industri bumbu masak dan berlokasi di Lampung Timur. Seiring dengan ekspansi perusahaan yang terus berjalan maka kami mengajak SDM yang potensial untuk mengisi lowongan sebagai :
GA & Legal Section Head
Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Mengkoordinasikan, mengendalikan dan mengaplikasikan peraturan perundang – undangan yang terkait dengan kegiatan bisnis perusahaan
Menyusun rencana kerja dan budget tahunan khususnya bagian GA & Legal.
Merencanakan, Mengkoordinasikan, Mengendalikan dan mengembangkan system administrasi dan system informasi internal PT. KMF
Kualifikasi :
Laki – laki Max. 40 tahun
Min S1 Hukum jurusan Pidana, Perdata dan Bisnis
Pengalaman min. 5 tahun di perusahaan Industri
Berpengalaman mempersiapkan dan mengikuti BOD dan meeting RUPS
Lancar berbahasa Inggris
Bersedia ditempatkan di Lampung Timur
Lamaran dikirim via email dengan format word atau Pdf ke :
Paling Lambat 10 Mei 2010
GA & Legal Section Head
Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Mengkoordinasikan, mengendalikan dan mengaplikasikan peraturan perundang – undangan yang terkait dengan kegiatan bisnis perusahaan
Menyusun rencana kerja dan budget tahunan khususnya bagian GA & Legal.
Merencanakan, Mengkoordinasikan, Mengendalikan dan mengembangkan system administrasi dan system informasi internal PT. KMF
Kualifikasi :
Laki – laki Max. 40 tahun
Min S1 Hukum jurusan Pidana, Perdata dan Bisnis
Pengalaman min. 5 tahun di perusahaan Industri
Berpengalaman mempersiapkan dan mengikuti BOD dan meeting RUPS
Lancar berbahasa Inggris
Bersedia ditempatkan di Lampung Timur
Lamaran dikirim via email dengan format word atau Pdf ke :
Paling Lambat 10 Mei 2010
Lowongan kerja di PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia
Lowongan kerja di PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia - Jakarta Plant, membutuhkan banyak tenaga muda yang memiliki motivasi dan semangat tinggi untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut:
Mengoperasikan mesin sesuai prosedur serta target yang ditentukan baik kualitas maupun kuantitas
Melaksananakan GMP di area kerja
Mengimplementasi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di area kerja
Memastikan jalannya prosedur QMS, EMS, SJH dan SMK3 telah sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan.
Memastikan kualitas produk dan semua parameter sesuai dengan standard yang ditetapkan The Coca-Cola Company.
Melakukan controlling dan monitoring selama proses cleaning dan sanitizing
Mengimplementasi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di area kerja.
Memastikan jalannya prosedur QMS, EMS, SJH dan SMK3 telah sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan.
Bertanggungjawab melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan mesin produksi dan mesin pendukung lainnya yang bersifat teknis, agar kegiatan produksi dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Menjaga dan memastikan peralatan kerja selalu tersedia untuk menjamin kelancaran perawatan mesin produksi serta peralatan pendukung
Melaksanakan kegiatan GMP mesin dan sekitarnya
Memastikan jalannya prosedur QMS, EMS, SJH dan SMK3 telah sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan
Bertanggungjawab melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan instrument listrik, panel-panel dan powersource agar kegiatan produksi dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Menjaga dan memastikan peralatan kerja selalu tersedia untuk menjamin kelancaran perawatan mesin produksi serta peralatan pendukung
Melaksanakan kegiatan GMP mesin dan sekitarnya
Memastikan jalannya prosedur QMS, EMS, SJH dan SMK3 telah sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan
Usia minimal 18 tahun
A. SMAK-Kimia (nilai rata-rata 7) dan pengalaman max 2 tahun; atau fresh graduate D3 Teknik Kimia/Teknologi Pangan (IPK 2.75)
B-C-D. SMK T.Mesin/T.Elektro atau SMU-IPA (nilai rata-rata 7) dan pengalaman max 2 tahun; atau fresh graduate D3 Teknik Elektro/Mekanik/ Mekatronika/Kimia (min. IPK 2.50)
Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi, hubungan interpersonal yang baik dan mampu bekerjasama dalam team
Tanggungjawab, jujur, disiplin, teliti dan mau bekerja keras
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
Menguasai bahasa Inggris suatu nilai tambah
Bersedia bekerja dalam sistem roster ( 3 shift )
Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani. Tidak buta warna.
Lokasi kerja: Cikarang Barat, Bekasi
Lamaran lengkap dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di sebelah kiri atas amplop ditujukan ke:
HR Department
PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia – Jakarta Plant
Jl. Teuku Umar km 46. Cikarang Barat. Bekasi 17520
atau e-mail:
Selambat-lambatnya Tanggal 14 Mei 2010.
Mengoperasikan mesin sesuai prosedur serta target yang ditentukan baik kualitas maupun kuantitas
Melaksananakan GMP di area kerja
Mengimplementasi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di area kerja
Memastikan jalannya prosedur QMS, EMS, SJH dan SMK3 telah sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan.
Memastikan kualitas produk dan semua parameter sesuai dengan standard yang ditetapkan The Coca-Cola Company.
Melakukan controlling dan monitoring selama proses cleaning dan sanitizing
Mengimplementasi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di area kerja.
Memastikan jalannya prosedur QMS, EMS, SJH dan SMK3 telah sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan.
Bertanggungjawab melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan mesin produksi dan mesin pendukung lainnya yang bersifat teknis, agar kegiatan produksi dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Menjaga dan memastikan peralatan kerja selalu tersedia untuk menjamin kelancaran perawatan mesin produksi serta peralatan pendukung
Melaksanakan kegiatan GMP mesin dan sekitarnya
Memastikan jalannya prosedur QMS, EMS, SJH dan SMK3 telah sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan
Bertanggungjawab melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan instrument listrik, panel-panel dan powersource agar kegiatan produksi dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Menjaga dan memastikan peralatan kerja selalu tersedia untuk menjamin kelancaran perawatan mesin produksi serta peralatan pendukung
Melaksanakan kegiatan GMP mesin dan sekitarnya
Memastikan jalannya prosedur QMS, EMS, SJH dan SMK3 telah sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan
Usia minimal 18 tahun
A. SMAK-Kimia (nilai rata-rata 7) dan pengalaman max 2 tahun; atau fresh graduate D3 Teknik Kimia/Teknologi Pangan (IPK 2.75)
B-C-D. SMK T.Mesin/T.Elektro atau SMU-IPA (nilai rata-rata 7) dan pengalaman max 2 tahun; atau fresh graduate D3 Teknik Elektro/Mekanik/ Mekatronika/Kimia (min. IPK 2.50)
Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi, hubungan interpersonal yang baik dan mampu bekerjasama dalam team
Tanggungjawab, jujur, disiplin, teliti dan mau bekerja keras
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
Menguasai bahasa Inggris suatu nilai tambah
Bersedia bekerja dalam sistem roster ( 3 shift )
Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani. Tidak buta warna.
Lokasi kerja: Cikarang Barat, Bekasi
Lamaran lengkap dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di sebelah kiri atas amplop ditujukan ke:
HR Department
PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia – Jakarta Plant
Jl. Teuku Umar km 46. Cikarang Barat. Bekasi 17520
atau e-mail:
Selambat-lambatnya Tanggal 14 Mei 2010.
lowongan PT Sea World Indonesia
PT Sea World Indonesia
Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang rekreasi, konservasi, dan pendidikan dibidang kelautan membutuhkan karyawan/ti seperti berikut ini.
Jl. Lodan Timur No. 7
Jakarta Utara 14430
1. Maintenance (MA)
2. Ticket Sales (TS)
3. Librarian Staff (LBR)
Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta Utara
Persyaratan Lowongan PT Sea World Indonesia 2010:
1. Maintenance
* Pria, sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Usia min 25 tahun, max 35 tahun
* Pengalaman min. 2 tahun
* Tinggi min. 160 cm (berat proporsional)
* Pendidikan STM jurusan mesin
* Dapat memperbaiki AC/freezer, listrik dll
2. Ticketing Sales (TS)
* Wanita, belum menikah
* Usia max 24 tahun
* Tinggi min. 160 cm (berat proporsional)
* Pendidikan SMA, Fresh Graduate
* Penampilan menarik, energik
* Bahasa inggris (passive)
* Komunikatif dan cekatan
3. Librarian Staff (LBR)
* Wanita, belum menikah
* Usia max 24 tahun
* Tinggi min. 160 cm (berat proporsional)
* Pendidikan SMA atau D3
* Penampilan menarik, energik[
* Bahasa inggris (passive)
* Komunikatif dan cekatan
Lamaran lengkap kirimkan ke:
PT Sea World Indonesia
Jl. Lodan Timur No. 7
Jakarta Utara 14430
Telp/Fax: 021-6410080/021-6410079
atau via e-mail:
atau :
Attn: Human Capital Department
Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Utara Terbaru 2010 : 01 Mei 2010
Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang rekreasi, konservasi, dan pendidikan dibidang kelautan membutuhkan karyawan/ti seperti berikut ini.
Jl. Lodan Timur No. 7
Jakarta Utara 14430
1. Maintenance (MA)
2. Ticket Sales (TS)
3. Librarian Staff (LBR)
Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta Utara
Persyaratan Lowongan PT Sea World Indonesia 2010:
1. Maintenance
* Pria, sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Usia min 25 tahun, max 35 tahun
* Pengalaman min. 2 tahun
* Tinggi min. 160 cm (berat proporsional)
* Pendidikan STM jurusan mesin
* Dapat memperbaiki AC/freezer, listrik dll
2. Ticketing Sales (TS)
* Wanita, belum menikah
* Usia max 24 tahun
* Tinggi min. 160 cm (berat proporsional)
* Pendidikan SMA, Fresh Graduate
* Penampilan menarik, energik
* Bahasa inggris (passive)
* Komunikatif dan cekatan
3. Librarian Staff (LBR)
* Wanita, belum menikah
* Usia max 24 tahun
* Tinggi min. 160 cm (berat proporsional)
* Pendidikan SMA atau D3
* Penampilan menarik, energik[
* Bahasa inggris (passive)
* Komunikatif dan cekatan
Lamaran lengkap kirimkan ke:
PT Sea World Indonesia
Jl. Lodan Timur No. 7
Jakarta Utara 14430
Telp/Fax: 021-6410080/021-6410079
atau via e-mail:
atau :
Attn: Human Capital Department
Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Utara Terbaru 2010 : 01 Mei 2010
lowongan PT Sanggar Sarana Baja
PT Sanggar Sarana Baja, a wholly owned Indonesian design and fabrication contracting company based in Jakarta has an immediate requirement of :
Junior Admin
a.. Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, any field.
b.. Required skill(s): Clerical Administration, Filing & Communication, MS Office.
c.. Preffered skill(s) : Corel Draw, Computer Based Presentation.
d.. Required language(s): English (oral & written), Bahasa Indonesia
e.. Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
f.. Willing to work in Tangerang.
g.. 3 Full-Time positions available.
Please submit your application and put POSITION TITLE as SUBJECT on your envelope/email to :
PO Box 1086/JAT or e-mail to :
Junior Admin
a.. Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, any field.
b.. Required skill(s): Clerical Administration, Filing & Communication, MS Office.
c.. Preffered skill(s) : Corel Draw, Computer Based Presentation.
d.. Required language(s): English (oral & written), Bahasa Indonesia
e.. Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
f.. Willing to work in Tangerang.
g.. 3 Full-Time positions available.
Please submit your application and put POSITION TITLE as SUBJECT on your envelope/email to :
PO Box 1086/JAT or e-mail to :
TAHUN 2010
Nilai Akademis :
Harus mempunyai ijazah minimal D3 dan S1 sesuai dengan formasi yang dibutuhkan yang berasal dari “Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) terakreditasi atau Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri Bonafide” dengan nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal adalah:
2,75 (Dua koma Tujuh Puluh Lima) untuk jurusan eksakta
3,00 (Tiga koma Nol) untuk jurusan non eksakta
Pada tanggal 1 Juli 2010 berusia setinggi-tingginya:
32 tahun (untuk formasi Staf)
27 tahun (untuk formasi Pelaksana)
Persyaratan lainnya yang berlaku bagi Peserta Seleksi, adalah:
Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris secara aktif
Mempunyai pengalaman kerja yang relevan di bidangnya.
Bersedia mengikuti seluruh program yang diwajibkan perusahaan untuk menjadi calon pekerja termasuk mengikuti Program Pendidikan Seleksi Pra Calon Pekerja (PPSPCP) selama 3 bulan
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Operasional PGN apabila diterima bekerja.
Seleksi Pekerja Baru PGN tahun 2010 dilakukan dengan sistem gugur, hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat dengan kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dinyatakan lulus.
Pelamar hanya boleh melamar satu posisi yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang dimiliki dan apabila secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja melamar lebih dari posisi maka akan dinyatakan gugur.
Pelamar yang memiliki Ijazah S1 atau lebih tinggi diperbolehkan untuk melamar posisi dengan kualifikasi pendidikan D3 asalkan memiliki jurusan yang sesuai. Apabila pelamar tersebut lulus seleksi, maka yang bersangkutan akan diakui sesuai kualifikasi posisi yang dilamar.
Perusahaan hanya menanggung biaya tes seleksi sedangkan yang menyangkut biaya transportasi dan akomodasi menjadi tanggungan peserta.
Pelamar harus melengkapi form aplikasi lamaran kerja online.
Form aplikasi lamaran kerja online akan ditutup tepat pada 1 Mei 2010 pukul 24.00 WIB.
Hanya pelamar yang telah melengkapi form aplikasi lamaran kerja online dengan benar yang akan mendapat nomor tiket. Harap catat nomor tiket tersebut, jangan sampai salah karena nomor tersebut akan digunakan dalam proses seleksi.
Pelamar yang telah melengkapi form aplikasi lamaran online dan telah mendapat nomor tiket selanjutnya wajib mengirimkan soft-copy dokumen melalui email ke salah satu mail address berikut:, atau, atau, atau, atau, berupa:
hasil scan ijazah asli atau surat keterangan lulus asli, bolak-balik (lengkap)
hasil scan transkrip nilai asli yang lengkap.
Ukuran 1 (satu) file hasil scan tidak boleh lebih besar dari 75 Kb.
File disimpan dalam format JPEG atau JPG.
Subject pada email harus diberi judul, dalam format sebagai berikut:
Nomor tiket – nama pelamar
pelamar bernama Abdul Hakim memperoleh nomor tiket 00065, maka subject pada email yang dikirim harus diberi judul :
00065 – Abdul Hakim
File yang dikirimkan sebagai attachment (lampiran) harus diberi nama dalam format sebagai berikut:
nomor tiket – nama pelamar (file1)
nomor tiket – nama pelamar (file2)
pelamar bernama Abdul Hakim memperoleh nomor tiket 00065 dan akan melampirkan soft-copy dokumen berupa 4 file hasil scan ijazah dan transkripnya, maka yang bersangkutan harus memberi nama file-file lampirannya sebagai berikut:
00065-Abdul Hakim (file1) 00065-Abdul Hakim (file2) 00065-Abdul Hakim (file3) 00065-Abdul Hakim (file4)
Peserta dilarang melampirkan dokumen lain selain yang diminta, atau memberikan lampiran file yang tidak sesuai dengan format yang diminta. Pengiriman email beserta lampirannya yang tidak sesuai dengan format yang diminta akan mengakibatkan panitia tidak dapat memproses lamaran kerja tersebut.
Panitia hanya memproses aplikasi lamaran online yang diisi lengkap dan disertai dengan soft-copy dokumen yang dikirim melalui email sebelum tgl 2 Mei 2010.
TAHUN 2010
Nilai Akademis :
Harus mempunyai ijazah minimal D3 dan S1 sesuai dengan formasi yang dibutuhkan yang berasal dari “Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) terakreditasi atau Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri Bonafide” dengan nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal adalah:
2,75 (Dua koma Tujuh Puluh Lima) untuk jurusan eksakta
3,00 (Tiga koma Nol) untuk jurusan non eksakta
Pada tanggal 1 Juli 2010 berusia setinggi-tingginya:
32 tahun (untuk formasi Staf)
27 tahun (untuk formasi Pelaksana)
Persyaratan lainnya yang berlaku bagi Peserta Seleksi, adalah:
Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris secara aktif
Mempunyai pengalaman kerja yang relevan di bidangnya.
Bersedia mengikuti seluruh program yang diwajibkan perusahaan untuk menjadi calon pekerja termasuk mengikuti Program Pendidikan Seleksi Pra Calon Pekerja (PPSPCP) selama 3 bulan
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Operasional PGN apabila diterima bekerja.
Seleksi Pekerja Baru PGN tahun 2010 dilakukan dengan sistem gugur, hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat dengan kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dinyatakan lulus.
Pelamar hanya boleh melamar satu posisi yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang dimiliki dan apabila secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja melamar lebih dari posisi maka akan dinyatakan gugur.
Pelamar yang memiliki Ijazah S1 atau lebih tinggi diperbolehkan untuk melamar posisi dengan kualifikasi pendidikan D3 asalkan memiliki jurusan yang sesuai. Apabila pelamar tersebut lulus seleksi, maka yang bersangkutan akan diakui sesuai kualifikasi posisi yang dilamar.
Perusahaan hanya menanggung biaya tes seleksi sedangkan yang menyangkut biaya transportasi dan akomodasi menjadi tanggungan peserta.
Pelamar harus melengkapi form aplikasi lamaran kerja online.
Form aplikasi lamaran kerja online akan ditutup tepat pada 1 Mei 2010 pukul 24.00 WIB.
Hanya pelamar yang telah melengkapi form aplikasi lamaran kerja online dengan benar yang akan mendapat nomor tiket. Harap catat nomor tiket tersebut, jangan sampai salah karena nomor tersebut akan digunakan dalam proses seleksi.
Pelamar yang telah melengkapi form aplikasi lamaran online dan telah mendapat nomor tiket selanjutnya wajib mengirimkan soft-copy dokumen melalui email ke salah satu mail address berikut:, atau, atau, atau, atau, berupa:
hasil scan ijazah asli atau surat keterangan lulus asli, bolak-balik (lengkap)
hasil scan transkrip nilai asli yang lengkap.
Ukuran 1 (satu) file hasil scan tidak boleh lebih besar dari 75 Kb.
File disimpan dalam format JPEG atau JPG.
Subject pada email harus diberi judul, dalam format sebagai berikut:
Nomor tiket – nama pelamar
pelamar bernama Abdul Hakim memperoleh nomor tiket 00065, maka subject pada email yang dikirim harus diberi judul :
00065 – Abdul Hakim
File yang dikirimkan sebagai attachment (lampiran) harus diberi nama dalam format sebagai berikut:
nomor tiket – nama pelamar (file1)
nomor tiket – nama pelamar (file2)
pelamar bernama Abdul Hakim memperoleh nomor tiket 00065 dan akan melampirkan soft-copy dokumen berupa 4 file hasil scan ijazah dan transkripnya, maka yang bersangkutan harus memberi nama file-file lampirannya sebagai berikut:
00065-Abdul Hakim (file1) 00065-Abdul Hakim (file2) 00065-Abdul Hakim (file3) 00065-Abdul Hakim (file4)
Peserta dilarang melampirkan dokumen lain selain yang diminta, atau memberikan lampiran file yang tidak sesuai dengan format yang diminta. Pengiriman email beserta lampirannya yang tidak sesuai dengan format yang diminta akan mengakibatkan panitia tidak dapat memproses lamaran kerja tersebut.
Panitia hanya memproses aplikasi lamaran online yang diisi lengkap dan disertai dengan soft-copy dokumen yang dikirim melalui email sebelum tgl 2 Mei 2010.
Lowongan Kerja Programmer PHP
PT Quantum Business International
Programmer PHP
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Jakarta
Kualifikasi :
* Pria / Wanita, pendidikan minimal D3.
* Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun.
* Menguasai PHP.
* Dapat bekerja sendiri dan mendukung kesuksesan tim.
* Dapat bekerja keras dan bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan.
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap ( CV, Pas Photo berwarna 4 x 6, Foto copy KTP) “SEGERA” ke
Penutupan “Lowongan Kerja Programmer PHP Terbaru 2010″ : 30 April 2010
Programmer PHP
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Jakarta
Kualifikasi :
* Pria / Wanita, pendidikan minimal D3.
* Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun.
* Menguasai PHP.
* Dapat bekerja sendiri dan mendukung kesuksesan tim.
* Dapat bekerja keras dan bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan.
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap ( CV, Pas Photo berwarna 4 x 6, Foto copy KTP) “SEGERA” ke
Penutupan “Lowongan Kerja Programmer PHP Terbaru 2010″ : 30 April 2010
Lowongan Kerja Harco Mangga Dua Jakarta
PT Alfa Artha Andhaya
Perusahaan Nasional yang bergerak dalam di bidang Distributor Komponen Komputer di Ruko Harco Mangga Dua Blok G No 16 Jakarta Utara
1. Graphic Designer (GD)
2. Marketing Communication (MC)
3. Technical Support (TS)
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Jakarta
Persyaratan :
1. Graphic Designer (GD)
* Pria/Wanita, berusia maks 30 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3
* Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di posisi yang sama
* Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan mencoba
* Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif
* Rajin, pekerja keras, banyak ide, kreatif dan inovatif
* Bisa mengoperasikan Adobe Illustrator
2. Marketing Communication (MC)
* Pria/Wanita, berusia maks 30 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3
* Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di posisi yang sama
* Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan mencoba
* Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif
* Rajin, pekerja keras, banyak ide, kreatif dan inovatif
* Bisa mengoperasikan Komputer
3. Technical Support (TS)
* Pria/Wanita, berusia maks 25 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMK/STM Jurusan Teknik Elektro
* Diutamakan yang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai perakitan komputer
* Mampu bekerja dengan baik, teliti dan bertanggung jawab dibawah tekanan baik dengan maupun tanpa supervisi
* Mampu bekerja dengan tim maupun individu dan berinteraksi dengan lingkungan kerja
Cantumkan kode pekerjaan dan gaji yang diharapkan. Kirimkan Lamaran beserta CV lengkap dengan foto terbaru via POS ke
Ruko Harco Mangga Dua Blok G No 16
Jakarta Utara 10730
No. Telp. : 021- 6220 1111
atau Via Email ke :
(Hanya calon kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk Interview.)
Penutupan “Lowongan Kerja Harco Mangga Dua Jakarta 2010“ : 30 April 2010
Perusahaan Nasional yang bergerak dalam di bidang Distributor Komponen Komputer di Ruko Harco Mangga Dua Blok G No 16 Jakarta Utara
1. Graphic Designer (GD)
2. Marketing Communication (MC)
3. Technical Support (TS)
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Jakarta
Persyaratan :
1. Graphic Designer (GD)
* Pria/Wanita, berusia maks 30 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3
* Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di posisi yang sama
* Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan mencoba
* Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif
* Rajin, pekerja keras, banyak ide, kreatif dan inovatif
* Bisa mengoperasikan Adobe Illustrator
2. Marketing Communication (MC)
* Pria/Wanita, berusia maks 30 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3
* Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di posisi yang sama
* Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan mencoba
* Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif
* Rajin, pekerja keras, banyak ide, kreatif dan inovatif
* Bisa mengoperasikan Komputer
3. Technical Support (TS)
* Pria/Wanita, berusia maks 25 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMK/STM Jurusan Teknik Elektro
* Diutamakan yang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai perakitan komputer
* Mampu bekerja dengan baik, teliti dan bertanggung jawab dibawah tekanan baik dengan maupun tanpa supervisi
* Mampu bekerja dengan tim maupun individu dan berinteraksi dengan lingkungan kerja
Cantumkan kode pekerjaan dan gaji yang diharapkan. Kirimkan Lamaran beserta CV lengkap dengan foto terbaru via POS ke
Ruko Harco Mangga Dua Blok G No 16
Jakarta Utara 10730
No. Telp. : 021- 6220 1111
atau Via Email ke :
(Hanya calon kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk Interview.)
Penutupan “Lowongan Kerja Harco Mangga Dua Jakarta 2010“ : 30 April 2010
Heavy Equipment Center, yg mengageni produk2x alat berat dan spare parts dari luar negeri. Berkantor Pusat di Jakarta dan memiliki cabang2 yg tersebar di Indonesia
Logistic Staff
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Jakarta
* Pria / Wanita
* Pendidikan Diploma
* Memiliki pengalaman dan pengetahuan mengenai prosedur tender di Oil and Gas Company
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris Aktif
* Berpengalaman dibidang Purchasing dan Admin Support min 2 thn
* Mampu bekerja dalam team
Jika anda memenuhi syarat tsb diatas, mohon kirimkan lamaran dan CV anda ke email :
Penutupan “Lowongan Kerja Logistic Staff Jakarta 2010 Terbaru“ : 10 Mei 2010
Logistic Staff
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Jakarta
* Pria / Wanita
* Pendidikan Diploma
* Memiliki pengalaman dan pengetahuan mengenai prosedur tender di Oil and Gas Company
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris Aktif
* Berpengalaman dibidang Purchasing dan Admin Support min 2 thn
* Mampu bekerja dalam team
Jika anda memenuhi syarat tsb diatas, mohon kirimkan lamaran dan CV anda ke email :
Penutupan “Lowongan Kerja Logistic Staff Jakarta 2010 Terbaru“ : 10 Mei 2010
A growing company, is urgently seeking for a highly motivated individual to
fill the following positions :
Administration Staff
Qualifications :
- Diploma Administration/Secretary/
- 2 years applicable experience in the same filed
- Ability in Oral & Written English
- Good interpersonal & communications skills
- Computer Literate (MS Office)Computer Literate (MS Office)****
If you meet the Qualifications, please send your comprehensive resume with
recent photograph to :
Only qualified candidates will be invited for interview
A growing company, is urgently seeking for a highly motivated individual to
fill the following positions :
Administration Staff
Qualifications :
- Diploma Administration/Secretary/
- 2 years applicable experience in the same filed
- Ability in Oral & Written English
- Good interpersonal & communications skills
- Computer Literate (MS Office)Computer Literate (MS Office)****
If you meet the Qualifications, please send your comprehensive resume with
recent photograph to :
Only qualified candidates will be invited for interview
Our Client urgently requires the following personnel, if you are ready
to go far in a career and filled with exciting opportunity, we invite
you to join us as:
• Undergraduate degree in law
• Approx 5 years of corporate secretary experience, which ideally
· Experience in high technology sector/ telecom/ media
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Ability to communicate appropriately with all levels of management
and staff
• Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills;
able to manage priorities, workflow and
• Good judgment with the ability to make timely and sound decisions
• Working knowledge of data collection, data analysis and evaluation
• Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within
constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
• Actions reflect a high degree of integrity and ethics
• Bachelor degree in any discipline.
• 2 – 4 years GA experience
• Strong people and communications skills; possess the ability to
report and communicate at all levels
within the organization
• Possess a working understanding of general administration concepts
• Strong attention to detail
• Bachelor degree in Law, Psychology, Business Administration, or
Human Resources Management
• A Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) would be an asset
• 5-7 years HR in the business experience, which ideally includes:
• HR Generalist experience working within a startup companies
• Strong people and communications skills; possess the ability to
report and communicate at all levels
within the organization
• Have knowledge in Training Need Analysis, Balance Scorecard and
Six Sigma would be an
• Essential would be a background in recruitment and compensation,
with a proven track record in
managing recruitment and reward; including socializing changes in
company and reward policies to
be accepted by the whole organization
• Possess a working understanding of general administration concepts
• A high level of initiative is essential, along with the ability to
manage a team of managers and coordinate
internally during an HR development/ implementation initiative
(essentially project
management skills)
• Strong attention to detail
* Bachelor Degree
* Understand Manufacturing Industries (Engineering, PPIC, QC,
Project Implementation)
* Understand Kaizen, ISO, 5R / 5S, Six Sigma
* 2 years experience
* Understand Basic Project Management Concept
* Able to work under preasure, High Initiative, Fast Leaner
* Undergraduate degree in accounting, GPA min. 2.75
* Male, min. 35 years old
* 4 years experience as Asst. Manager finance & accounting
* Familiar with Ms Office
* Able to communicate in English, preferably in Japanese
* Finance report
* Budgeting (Finance report, Tax planning, Bussiness plan)
* Standard cost eachb strategic business unit
* Tax comnpliance
* Undergraduate degree in accounting, GPA min. 2.75
* Male min. 28 years old
* 4 years experience as Asst. Manager finance & accounting
* Familiar with Ms Office
* Able to communicate in English, preferably in Japanese
* Finance report
* Budgeting (Finance report, Tax planning, Bussiness plan)
* Standard cost eachb strategic business unit
* Tax comnpliance
Please apply if you meet the criteria above. Accordingly, we offer
generous compensation scheme,career development opportunities, and
importantly challenging opportunity to grow and learn new things in a
flexible and supportive working environment. Prefer work experience min
2 years.
Send your resume to:
Write subject with code :
Corporate Secretary + Legal Executive = LEG
GA Officer = GA
Human Resources & GA Manager = HRM
Improvement Project Officer = IPO
Finance & Accounting Assistant Manager = FAM
Accounting Supervisor = AS
Forward your resume with other relevant document and recent photographs
(4×6, color) indicating position code on subject
Resume not more than 1 MB can be sent to
with the position title in the
subject line
Menara Hijau – Lt. 7
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 33, Jakarta 12770
Telp. (021) 7919 2523 / 0878 8060 7039
to go far in a career and filled with exciting opportunity, we invite
you to join us as:
• Undergraduate degree in law
• Approx 5 years of corporate secretary experience, which ideally
· Experience in high technology sector/ telecom/ media
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Ability to communicate appropriately with all levels of management
and staff
• Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills;
able to manage priorities, workflow and
• Good judgment with the ability to make timely and sound decisions
• Working knowledge of data collection, data analysis and evaluation
• Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within
constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
• Actions reflect a high degree of integrity and ethics
• Bachelor degree in any discipline.
• 2 – 4 years GA experience
• Strong people and communications skills; possess the ability to
report and communicate at all levels
within the organization
• Possess a working understanding of general administration concepts
• Strong attention to detail
• Bachelor degree in Law, Psychology, Business Administration, or
Human Resources Management
• A Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) would be an asset
• 5-7 years HR in the business experience, which ideally includes:
• HR Generalist experience working within a startup companies
• Strong people and communications skills; possess the ability to
report and communicate at all levels
within the organization
• Have knowledge in Training Need Analysis, Balance Scorecard and
Six Sigma would be an
• Essential would be a background in recruitment and compensation,
with a proven track record in
managing recruitment and reward; including socializing changes in
company and reward policies to
be accepted by the whole organization
• Possess a working understanding of general administration concepts
• A high level of initiative is essential, along with the ability to
manage a team of managers and coordinate
internally during an HR development/ implementation initiative
(essentially project
management skills)
• Strong attention to detail
* Bachelor Degree
* Understand Manufacturing Industries (Engineering, PPIC, QC,
Project Implementation)
* Understand Kaizen, ISO, 5R / 5S, Six Sigma
* 2 years experience
* Understand Basic Project Management Concept
* Able to work under preasure, High Initiative, Fast Leaner
* Undergraduate degree in accounting, GPA min. 2.75
* Male, min. 35 years old
* 4 years experience as Asst. Manager finance & accounting
* Familiar with Ms Office
* Able to communicate in English, preferably in Japanese
* Finance report
* Budgeting (Finance report, Tax planning, Bussiness plan)
* Standard cost eachb strategic business unit
* Tax comnpliance
* Undergraduate degree in accounting, GPA min. 2.75
* Male min. 28 years old
* 4 years experience as Asst. Manager finance & accounting
* Familiar with Ms Office
* Able to communicate in English, preferably in Japanese
* Finance report
* Budgeting (Finance report, Tax planning, Bussiness plan)
* Standard cost eachb strategic business unit
* Tax comnpliance
Please apply if you meet the criteria above. Accordingly, we offer
generous compensation scheme,career development opportunities, and
importantly challenging opportunity to grow and learn new things in a
flexible and supportive working environment. Prefer work experience min
2 years.
Send your resume to:
Write subject with code :
Corporate Secretary + Legal Executive = LEG
GA Officer = GA
Human Resources & GA Manager = HRM
Improvement Project Officer = IPO
Finance & Accounting Assistant Manager = FAM
Accounting Supervisor = AS
Forward your resume with other relevant document and recent photographs
(4×6, color) indicating position code on subject
Resume not more than 1 MB can be sent to
with the position title in the
subject line
Menara Hijau – Lt. 7
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 33, Jakarta 12770
Telp. (021) 7919 2523 / 0878 8060 7039
Lowongan Kerja Personalia di Bank Artha Graha Internasional
PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional, Tbk
Sebagai salah satu bank devisa di Indonesia dengan motto ‘Great Team, Great Service, Great Results’ berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik membuka peluang dan kesempatan seluas-luasnya bagi Anda untuk bergabung sebagai:
Personalia (PS)
Lokasi : PekanBaru dan Aceh
Requirements :
* Pendidikan S1 Psikologi, IPK minimal 2,75
* Mau berkembang di bidang personalia
* Dapat dipercaya / memiliki integritas tinggi
* Memiliki ketrampilan interpersonal yang baik
* Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan, tegas
* Sanggup bekerja keras, Jujur, loyalitas tinggi
* Bersedia ditempatkan di kota Pekan Baru dan Aceh
Kirimkan lamaran berikut CV lengkap, referensi dan photo terbaru ditujukan ke:
Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Personalia di Bank Artha Graha Internasional 2010 : 30 April 2010
Sebagai salah satu bank devisa di Indonesia dengan motto ‘Great Team, Great Service, Great Results’ berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik membuka peluang dan kesempatan seluas-luasnya bagi Anda untuk bergabung sebagai:
Personalia (PS)
Lokasi : PekanBaru dan Aceh
Requirements :
* Pendidikan S1 Psikologi, IPK minimal 2,75
* Mau berkembang di bidang personalia
* Dapat dipercaya / memiliki integritas tinggi
* Memiliki ketrampilan interpersonal yang baik
* Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan, tegas
* Sanggup bekerja keras, Jujur, loyalitas tinggi
* Bersedia ditempatkan di kota Pekan Baru dan Aceh
Kirimkan lamaran berikut CV lengkap, referensi dan photo terbaru ditujukan ke:
Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Personalia di Bank Artha Graha Internasional 2010 : 30 April 2010
We need an analyst of data to process sales data & control budgeting with conditions as follows: 1. Male / Female age min. 22 years max. 28 years Experience as an EDP 2 min. 1 year or fresh graduate from the university computer science departments 3. Used primarily operates microsoft office excel, power point & can operate the pivot table & graph 4. Having recalled the power of reason & high & able to think quickly 5. Able to work in a team Application addressed to: PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Nutrition & Special Food Division Jl. Ancol Barat 1 No. 4-5 Lodan Jakarta Utara Up : Ibu Yeany For more information, please send an email to:
PT Sinar Niaga Sejahtera
As a member of Tudung Group, SNS distributes Garudafood’s products who proficient to serve customers rapidly and precisely throughout Indonesia which supported wide distribution and logistic coverage area, updated and applied information technology process, also high competent and dedicated human capital.
Champion Trainee is a program for fresh graduated to make a future leader in our company.
Requirement :
S1 Degree from any major with min GPA 2,75 (scale: 4)
Fresh Graduate
Having a good leadership and communication skill
Having strong motivation, fighting spirit and eiger to learn
Willing to be located all over Indonesia
If you think you are the one, please submit and complete your application including :
Application letter
Colour photograph 3X4 (2)
Fotocopy ID card
Fotocopy certificate and academic transcript
To :
As a member of Tudung Group, SNS distributes Garudafood’s products who proficient to serve customers rapidly and precisely throughout Indonesia which supported wide distribution and logistic coverage area, updated and applied information technology process, also high competent and dedicated human capital.
Champion Trainee is a program for fresh graduated to make a future leader in our company.
Requirement :
S1 Degree from any major with min GPA 2,75 (scale: 4)
Fresh Graduate
Having a good leadership and communication skill
Having strong motivation, fighting spirit and eiger to learn
Willing to be located all over Indonesia
If you think you are the one, please submit and complete your application including :
Application letter
Colour photograph 3X4 (2)
Fotocopy ID card
Fotocopy certificate and academic transcript
To :
Lowongan Kerja Tehnisi Elektrik Serpong Tangerang
Lowongan Kerja Tehnisi Elektrik Serpong Tangerang 2010 di PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Serpong Tangerang Banten
* Pria, usia maksimal 25 tahun
* Pendidikan Min STM
* Pengalaman min 3 tahun memperbaiki listrik atau AC (Pendingin)
* Bersedia ditempatkan di serpong
Kirimkan lamaran lengakap berserta photo terbaru ke :
Penutupan “Lowongan Kerja Tehnisi Elektrik Serpong Tangerang 2010“ : 08 Mei 2010
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Serpong Tangerang Banten
* Pria, usia maksimal 25 tahun
* Pendidikan Min STM
* Pengalaman min 3 tahun memperbaiki listrik atau AC (Pendingin)
* Bersedia ditempatkan di serpong
Kirimkan lamaran lengakap berserta photo terbaru ke :
Penutupan “Lowongan Kerja Tehnisi Elektrik Serpong Tangerang 2010“ : 08 Mei 2010
Astra Group companies engaged in vehicle sales and
After Sales Service Daihatsu services with a network of 72 branches / outlets
throughout Indonesia.
Currently, we provide career opportunities as permanent employees as:
General Affair (GA)
Receive PART (PR)
~ Male, age max. 28 years
Education ~ min. Diploma III
~ Precedence Technical Graduates (GA)
~ Precedence Accounting / Administration (U.S.)
~ Diploma in Public III (PR)
~ Advanced Computer literate
~ Familiar with computer programs, especially MS Office 2
~ Having Filling ability and a good Administration
~ Willing to be placed in Samarinda
For those interested, please send immediately
~ Letter + Resume + Resume + Photocopy of the last diploma
Latest Photos ~ (4×6) 2 pieces
To Address: Jl Juanda No.88, Samarinda.
Or to Email: dedy.eko @
Applications received later than 7 * days * after the ad appeared,
Only candidates who meet the qualifications to be processed further
After Sales Service Daihatsu services with a network of 72 branches / outlets
throughout Indonesia.
Currently, we provide career opportunities as permanent employees as:
General Affair (GA)
Receive PART (PR)
~ Male, age max. 28 years
Education ~ min. Diploma III
~ Precedence Technical Graduates (GA)
~ Precedence Accounting / Administration (U.S.)
~ Diploma in Public III (PR)
~ Advanced Computer literate
~ Familiar with computer programs, especially MS Office 2
~ Having Filling ability and a good Administration
~ Willing to be placed in Samarinda
For those interested, please send immediately
~ Letter + Resume + Resume + Photocopy of the last diploma
Latest Photos ~ (4×6) 2 pieces
To Address: Jl Juanda No.88, Samarinda.
Or to Email: dedy.eko @
Applications received later than 7 * days * after the ad appeared,
Only candidates who meet the qualifications to be processed further
PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) is the first and largest national airline in
Indonesia. Flying to more than 43 domestic and international destinations,
Garuda Indonesia provides more than 93,000 departures and serves more than 9
million customers every year.
parallel with our effort to increase our service quality and also maintain our
sustainability as the national airline, Garuda Indonesia is seeking support
from highly qualified and dedicated professional to be part of our
winning team, as:
position will be responsible for the sales performance and achieve sales target
of the area and make (daily, weekly, and monthly) report to Sales Supervisor
after each task is done/in progress.
In charge for such crucial functions, ideally the successful candidate would have
the following qualifications:
· Male/Female
· maximum age 30 years old
· Holding minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in
Economics or Marketing Management
· Having minimum of 2 years experience in Sales
& Marketing areas (preferably in airline business)
· Have strong strategic planning and organizing
skill, good business acumen, good interpersonal skill, communication skill,
initiative and self motivated
· Excellent command in English (written and
· Proficiency in the use of computer (Microsoft
Office, Internet)
· Willing to be placed in any Branch Office in Indonesia
We offer competitive compensation packaged and excellent career opportunities for
successful applicant.
Please submit your application letter, a comprehensive resume, and recent photograph
to (max. size 200Kb) within two weeks after this advertisement is posted. Put the
code (SR) on the email subject. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
Indonesia. Flying to more than 43 domestic and international destinations,
Garuda Indonesia provides more than 93,000 departures and serves more than 9
million customers every year.
parallel with our effort to increase our service quality and also maintain our
sustainability as the national airline, Garuda Indonesia is seeking support
from highly qualified and dedicated professional to be part of our
winning team, as:
position will be responsible for the sales performance and achieve sales target
of the area and make (daily, weekly, and monthly) report to Sales Supervisor
after each task is done/in progress.
In charge for such crucial functions, ideally the successful candidate would have
the following qualifications:
· Male/Female
· maximum age 30 years old
· Holding minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in
Economics or Marketing Management
· Having minimum of 2 years experience in Sales
& Marketing areas (preferably in airline business)
· Have strong strategic planning and organizing
skill, good business acumen, good interpersonal skill, communication skill,
initiative and self motivated
· Excellent command in English (written and
· Proficiency in the use of computer (Microsoft
Office, Internet)
· Willing to be placed in any Branch Office in Indonesia
We offer competitive compensation packaged and excellent career opportunities for
successful applicant.
Please submit your application letter, a comprehensive resume, and recent photograph
to (max. size 200Kb) within two weeks after this advertisement is posted. Put the
code (SR) on the email subject. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
lowongan PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia
Currently, PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia is looking for dynamic professionals who are challenged to fill the following position:
Staff Quality
- Pend. D3 Mechanical Engineering / Automotive Engineering (Fresh Graduate)
- Maximum age 22 years
- Understand About General Automotive Process, Process Welding & Automotive Part
- Strong Drawing
- Able to speak English
Vehicle Quality PDC
- Pend. D1 – D3 Mechanical Engineering / Automotive Engineering (Fresh Graduate)
- Maximum age 22 years
- Understanding Concerning the Production Process Automotive & Automotive
- Strong Drawing
Submit an application file, a complete CV and recent photograph by stating the name of your position on the envelope or e-mail subject line, not later than one week after the vacancy is shown to:
HR Department
PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia
Jl Danau Sunter Utara Blok O-3, Kav 30, Lantai 6, Sunter
Jakarta Utara 14330
Staff Quality
- Pend. D3 Mechanical Engineering / Automotive Engineering (Fresh Graduate)
- Maximum age 22 years
- Understand About General Automotive Process, Process Welding & Automotive Part
- Strong Drawing
- Able to speak English
Vehicle Quality PDC
- Pend. D1 – D3 Mechanical Engineering / Automotive Engineering (Fresh Graduate)
- Maximum age 22 years
- Understanding Concerning the Production Process Automotive & Automotive
- Strong Drawing
Submit an application file, a complete CV and recent photograph by stating the name of your position on the envelope or e-mail subject line, not later than one week after the vacancy is shown to:
HR Department
PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia
Jl Danau Sunter Utara Blok O-3, Kav 30, Lantai 6, Sunter
Jakarta Utara 14330
lowongan PT Advanced Career Indonesia
Perusahaan: PT Advanced Career Indonesia
Nama Pekerjaan: Marketing KPR (MORTGAGE OFFICER)
Kategori Pekerjaan: Sales/Marketing/Public Relatio
Job Description:
* Melaksanakan penjualan produk perbankan yaitu kredit perumahan, real estate atau jenis property yang lain.
* Membangun kerjasama yang baik dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait seperti; pihak leasing, developer, nasabah dan lain-lain (stakeholder).
1. Pendidikan Minimal Lulusan dari Diploma
2. Usia Maksimal 37 Tahun
3. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan Sim C
4. Menyukai pekerjaan Marketing
5. Dinamis, Kreatif dan menyukai pekerjaan yang berorientasi pada target
Jenis Pekerjaan:Contract
Degree: Diploma / D-1 / D-2 / D-3\
Address: PT Advanced Career Indonesia (ACI) Sourcing & Placement Dept. Jl. Kemang Raya No. 11 Gedung Arthas Lantai. 3 Jakarta Selatan – 12730
Contact Instructions: Bila anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, segera kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, pas photo terakhir dan foto copy KTP (dengan mencantumkan kode posisi dalam surat lamaran / email subject) ke alamat :Atau datang langsung setiap hari kerja jam 09.00 - 14.00.
atau Email dengan subjek : "Marketing KPR"
Nama Pekerjaan: Marketing KPR (MORTGAGE OFFICER)
Kategori Pekerjaan: Sales/Marketing/Public Relatio
Job Description:
* Melaksanakan penjualan produk perbankan yaitu kredit perumahan, real estate atau jenis property yang lain.
* Membangun kerjasama yang baik dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait seperti; pihak leasing, developer, nasabah dan lain-lain (stakeholder).
1. Pendidikan Minimal Lulusan dari Diploma
2. Usia Maksimal 37 Tahun
3. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan Sim C
4. Menyukai pekerjaan Marketing
5. Dinamis, Kreatif dan menyukai pekerjaan yang berorientasi pada target
Jenis Pekerjaan:Contract
Degree: Diploma / D-1 / D-2 / D-3\
Address: PT Advanced Career Indonesia (ACI) Sourcing & Placement Dept. Jl. Kemang Raya No. 11 Gedung Arthas Lantai. 3 Jakarta Selatan – 12730
Contact Instructions: Bila anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, segera kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, pas photo terakhir dan foto copy KTP (dengan mencantumkan kode posisi dalam surat lamaran / email subject) ke alamat :Atau datang langsung setiap hari kerja jam 09.00 - 14.00.
atau Email dengan subjek : "Marketing KPR"
Nama Pekerjaan: Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS) (Seluruh Indonesia)
Kategori Pekerjaan:Other
Job Description:
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab
* Saudara akan mengikuti program pendidikan yang komprehensif di dalam program Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana, dimana akan terdapat kombinasi pendidikan dalam kelas dan OJT (Program Magang). Program BPS dibentuk untuk menyediakan para kandidat yang potensial untuk menjadi pimpinan di masa depan dengan mempersiapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan pelatihan langsung terkait dengan proses bisnis utama perusahaan.
* Mempelajari dinamika kegiatan proses bisnis perusahaan secara menyeluruh, melakukan observasi dan analisa terhadap kondisi lapangan.
* Melakukan improvement terhadap proses dan pengembangan tools yang dapat mempercepat dan mengefektifkan proses bisnis.
Kemampuan: Persyaratan
* Pendidikan Strata 1 (S1) dari Perguruan Tinggi Terakreditasi, dengan jurusan Teknik Kimia, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri, Teknik Perminyakan, Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat), Teknik Fisika, Akuntansi, Teknik Metalurgi, Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen Pemasaran, dan Hukum.
* IPK min. 3.00 (skala 4)
* Usia maks. 27 tahun
* Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris secara aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan
* Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi
* Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit usaha Pertamina
Syarat Kemampuan Bahasa:
Degree: Sarjana / S-1
Address:Jl Medan Merdeka Timur No 1-A Gedung Annex Lt. 9 Jakarta 10110
Contact Instructions: Scan Nilai Transkrip adalah dokumen yang wajib diberikan pada saat anda melamar ke posisi ini. Bagi CV yang tidak terdapat scan nilai transkrip, tidak dapat mengikuti proses selanjutnya.
PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) hanya mengundang pelamar terbaik untuk mengikuti seleksi. Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan hasil seleksi merupakan hak dari PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO), serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Dalam proses seleksi, PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) tidak melayani surat menyurat dan tidak memungut biaya apapun (hati-hati dengan penipuan!)
Salah satu persyaratan yang wajib diikuti setelah anda melakukan Registrasi CV anda adalah mengisi Test Bahasa Inggris secara Online, mohon agar Anda dapat mempersiapkan diri anda sebaik mungkin
untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang pekerjaan ini, buka situs
Nama Pekerjaan: Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS) (Seluruh Indonesia)
Kategori Pekerjaan:Other
Job Description:
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab
* Saudara akan mengikuti program pendidikan yang komprehensif di dalam program Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana, dimana akan terdapat kombinasi pendidikan dalam kelas dan OJT (Program Magang). Program BPS dibentuk untuk menyediakan para kandidat yang potensial untuk menjadi pimpinan di masa depan dengan mempersiapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan pelatihan langsung terkait dengan proses bisnis utama perusahaan.
* Mempelajari dinamika kegiatan proses bisnis perusahaan secara menyeluruh, melakukan observasi dan analisa terhadap kondisi lapangan.
* Melakukan improvement terhadap proses dan pengembangan tools yang dapat mempercepat dan mengefektifkan proses bisnis.
Kemampuan: Persyaratan
* Pendidikan Strata 1 (S1) dari Perguruan Tinggi Terakreditasi, dengan jurusan Teknik Kimia, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri, Teknik Perminyakan, Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat), Teknik Fisika, Akuntansi, Teknik Metalurgi, Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen Pemasaran, dan Hukum.
* IPK min. 3.00 (skala 4)
* Usia maks. 27 tahun
* Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris secara aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan
* Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi
* Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit usaha Pertamina
Syarat Kemampuan Bahasa:
Degree: Sarjana / S-1
Address:Jl Medan Merdeka Timur No 1-A Gedung Annex Lt. 9 Jakarta 10110
Contact Instructions: Scan Nilai Transkrip adalah dokumen yang wajib diberikan pada saat anda melamar ke posisi ini. Bagi CV yang tidak terdapat scan nilai transkrip, tidak dapat mengikuti proses selanjutnya.
PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) hanya mengundang pelamar terbaik untuk mengikuti seleksi. Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan hasil seleksi merupakan hak dari PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO), serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Dalam proses seleksi, PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) tidak melayani surat menyurat dan tidak memungut biaya apapun (hati-hati dengan penipuan!)
Salah satu persyaratan yang wajib diikuti setelah anda melakukan Registrasi CV anda adalah mengisi Test Bahasa Inggris secara Online, mohon agar Anda dapat mempersiapkan diri anda sebaik mungkin
untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang pekerjaan ini, buka situs
lowongan Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya
Perusahaan: Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya
Nama Pekerjaan: Lecturers
Kategori Pekerjaan: Education/Training [ Lihat Semjua Pekerjaan Education/Training ]
Job Description:
UNIVERSITAS PELITA HARAPAN Surabaya is looking for Lecturers
* Holding min. master degree, major in English
* GPA min. 3.00
* Have relevant working experiences
Syarat Kemampuan Bahasa:English-baik
Degree: Master / S-2
Pengalaman Kerja (Tahun):1 tahun
Address:Human Resource Department
Superblock City of Tomorrow
Jl. Jend. A. Yani no.288
Contact Instructions: Send your application letter accompanied with a CV, a passport-sized photograph, copies of certificates & transcripts, and a copy of ID card (KTP)
Nama Pekerjaan: Lecturers
Kategori Pekerjaan: Education/Training [ Lihat Semjua Pekerjaan Education/Training ]
Job Description:
UNIVERSITAS PELITA HARAPAN Surabaya is looking for Lecturers
* Holding min. master degree, major in English
* GPA min. 3.00
* Have relevant working experiences
Syarat Kemampuan Bahasa:English-baik
Degree: Master / S-2
Pengalaman Kerja (Tahun):1 tahun
Address:Human Resource Department
Superblock City of Tomorrow
Jl. Jend. A. Yani no.288
Contact Instructions: Send your application letter accompanied with a CV, a passport-sized photograph, copies of certificates & transcripts, and a copy of ID card (KTP)
lowongan PT HM Sampoerna Tbk
Perusahaan: PT HM Sampoerna Tbk
Nama Pekerjaan: Sales Executive
Kategori Pekerjaan: Sales/Marketing/Public Relation
Job Description:
The incumbent must ensure effective and efficient distribution activities by monitoring product availability, freshness, visibility, price, and selling out of company products as well as competitors’ within his area / district in order to maintain product competitiveness at Routine Retail Outlet (RRO) level
* Hold Bachelor Degree (S1) from all education background with min. GPA 2.75
* Year of graduation not less than 2007
* Willing to be relocated to other cities all around Indonesia
* Willing to work in field and in challenging situation
Informasi Lain
Degree: Sarjana / S-1
Pengalaman Kerja (Tahun):Tidak Ditentukan
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja: Indonesia
Address:Jl. Rungkut Industri Raya 18 Surabaya 60293
Nama Pekerjaan: Sales Executive
Kategori Pekerjaan: Sales/Marketing/Public Relation
Job Description:
The incumbent must ensure effective and efficient distribution activities by monitoring product availability, freshness, visibility, price, and selling out of company products as well as competitors’ within his area / district in order to maintain product competitiveness at Routine Retail Outlet (RRO) level
* Hold Bachelor Degree (S1) from all education background with min. GPA 2.75
* Year of graduation not less than 2007
* Willing to be relocated to other cities all around Indonesia
* Willing to work in field and in challenging situation
Informasi Lain
Degree: Sarjana / S-1
Pengalaman Kerja (Tahun):Tidak Ditentukan
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja: Indonesia
Address:Jl. Rungkut Industri Raya 18 Surabaya 60293
Lowongan Kerja PT. Meratusline
Nama Perusahaan : PT. Meratusline
Posisi : Karyawan
Batas Pengiriman : 12 Mei 2010
Pria, 30 – 40 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, dengan pengalaman sebagai Branch Manager / Branch Coordinator minimal 3 (tiga) tahun, bersedia ditempatkan di luar pulau dan sesuai dengan policy penempatan perusahaan yaitu rolling
Pria, 25 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 segala jurusan, dengan pengalaman Sales minimal 3 tahun. Memiliki kendaraan untuk sales call, bersedia ditempatkan di luar pulau untuk pengembangan karir di masa yang akan datang
Pria, 23 – 27 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 segala jurusan, dengan pengalaman sebagai Customer Service/ Teller/ Guest Relation Officer/ Telemarketer minimal 2 tahun
Juga dibuka kesempatan tenaga CS local hire : Bali, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Ambon, Indonesia Timur
Pria/ Wanita, 23 – 27 tahun, pendidikan minimal D3 Tata Laksana/ S1 segala jurusan dengan pengalaman sebagai Staff Dokumen/ exim minimal 2 tahun
Pria, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, pengalaman sebagai Kepala Operasi forwarding/ logistics/ pelayaran minimal 3 tahun
Pria, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, pengalaman sebagai Kepala Gudang / Warehouse Supervisor minimal 3 tahun
Pria, 23 – 27 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, pengalaman dokumen export import
Pria, 25 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal D3 Tata Laksana/ S1, pengalaman sebagai operation forwarding / shipping minimal 2 tahun
Program :
1 (satu) bulan mengikuti pelatihan dasar dan magang, diberikan imbalan berupa uang saku yang menarik
Jika dinyatakan lulus akan menjalani perjanjian kerja selama 6 (enam) bulan untuk dididik dan dilatih menjadi tenaga operation di cabang-cabang. Bagi yang lulus uji kompetensi dan mencapai performance yang diharapkan akan diangkat sebagai organic employee.
Jurusan : D4 Tata Laksana, S1 Manajemen Transportasi, ANT III/ IV.
Karir awal : Foreman PBM (Bongkar Muat), Operation Bongkar Muat / Marine Operation
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, dengan pengalaman sebagai supervisor keuangan (AP, AR, Cost Control) minimal 2 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, dengan pengalaman sebagai supervisor akuntansi minimal 3 tahun
Pria, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, dengan pengalaman sebagai tax supervisor dan menangani perpajakan minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Finance, dengan pengalaman sebagai corporate finance minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi, dengan pengalaman sebagai Internal Audit minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Ekonomi (Perpajakan/ Akuntansi), dengan pengalaman sebagai Tax Staff minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi, dengan pengalaman sebagai Accounting Staff minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 22 – 30 tahun, pendidikan minimal D3 Ekonomi, dengan pengalaman sebagai Staff Keuangan / Kasir minimal 1 tahun
Pria, 35 – 50 tahun, pendidikan minimal ATT I, dengan pengalaman sebagai Fleet Engineer / Chief Engineer, pengalaman berlayar sebagai crew kapal (Masinis I/ KKM) minimal 5 tahun
Pria, 27 – 40 tahun, pendidikan minimal ATT II/ S1 Naval Engineering/ S1 Mesin Kapal, dengan pengalaman bekerja di docking atau sejenis minimal 3 tahun
20. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT (Surabaya, Jakarta, Banjarmasin, Samarinda)
Pria, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Mesin Kapal atau ATT II/ III, dengan pengalaman menangani maintenance kapal minimal 3 tahun
Pria, 28– 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Elektro (arus kuat atau microcontroller) dengan pengalaman minimal 5 tahun
Pria, 23– 30 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Elektro (arus kuat atau microcontroller) dengan pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Psikologi, dengan pengalaman sebagai Recruitment Supervisor minimal 2 tahun
Pria, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, dengan pengalaman ke HRD an dalam hal industrial relationship dan personalia minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 23 – 30 tahun, pendidikan ANT IV, dengan pengalaman mualim III, berminat dan mampu bekerja administrasi, bisa komputer
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, pengalaman sebagai Purchasing Supervisor minimal 3 tahun
27. PURCHASING OFFICER (Banjarmasin, Surabaya)
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 segala jurusan, dengan pengalaman sebagai Purchasing Staff minimal 2 tahun
Male/ Female, 35 – 40 years old,
Securities law compliance and filings, Investor Relations, Finance (Credit, Tax, Risk Management, Security, Administration, Procurement and Facilities).You will also work closely with the General Counsel and senior management and coordinate related outside counsel and budget areas.
You must have at least 4 years of in-house or outside counsel experience with strong general corporate practice skills. Must have hands-on experience in securities law. State bar admission required
29. MARKET ANALYTS (Surabaya, Jakarta, Samarinda)
Pria, 25 – 35 tahun, S1 Statistika/ Matematika/ Fisika/ Tehnik Industri, memiliki kemampuan dalam menggunakan analytical tools, pengalaman kerja yang sesuai minimal 2 tahun
30. QMR (Surabaya, Jakarta)
Pria, 25 – 35 tahun, S1 Tehnik atau Science menguasai implementasi Quality System (ISO dan sejenisnya)
31. QSHE (Surabaya, Banjarmasin)
Pria, 25 – 35 tahun, pengalaman dalam penerapan quality & safety system minimal 3 tahun. diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman di bidang armada kapal, dan lebih disukai pendidikan ANT II
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi minimum akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi (test dan interview)
Proses seleksi akan dilakukan bulan April s.d. Juli 2010 secara bertahap sesuai dengan prioritas kebutuhan
HRD Meratus Group
Jl. Aloon-Aloon Priok 27, Surabaya
Posisi : Karyawan
Batas Pengiriman : 12 Mei 2010
Pria, 30 – 40 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, dengan pengalaman sebagai Branch Manager / Branch Coordinator minimal 3 (tiga) tahun, bersedia ditempatkan di luar pulau dan sesuai dengan policy penempatan perusahaan yaitu rolling
Pria, 25 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 segala jurusan, dengan pengalaman Sales minimal 3 tahun. Memiliki kendaraan untuk sales call, bersedia ditempatkan di luar pulau untuk pengembangan karir di masa yang akan datang
Pria, 23 – 27 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 segala jurusan, dengan pengalaman sebagai Customer Service/ Teller/ Guest Relation Officer/ Telemarketer minimal 2 tahun
Juga dibuka kesempatan tenaga CS local hire : Bali, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Ambon, Indonesia Timur
Pria/ Wanita, 23 – 27 tahun, pendidikan minimal D3 Tata Laksana/ S1 segala jurusan dengan pengalaman sebagai Staff Dokumen/ exim minimal 2 tahun
Pria, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, pengalaman sebagai Kepala Operasi forwarding/ logistics/ pelayaran minimal 3 tahun
Pria, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, pengalaman sebagai Kepala Gudang / Warehouse Supervisor minimal 3 tahun
Pria, 23 – 27 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, pengalaman dokumen export import
Pria, 25 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal D3 Tata Laksana/ S1, pengalaman sebagai operation forwarding / shipping minimal 2 tahun
Program :
1 (satu) bulan mengikuti pelatihan dasar dan magang, diberikan imbalan berupa uang saku yang menarik
Jika dinyatakan lulus akan menjalani perjanjian kerja selama 6 (enam) bulan untuk dididik dan dilatih menjadi tenaga operation di cabang-cabang. Bagi yang lulus uji kompetensi dan mencapai performance yang diharapkan akan diangkat sebagai organic employee.
Jurusan : D4 Tata Laksana, S1 Manajemen Transportasi, ANT III/ IV.
Karir awal : Foreman PBM (Bongkar Muat), Operation Bongkar Muat / Marine Operation
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, dengan pengalaman sebagai supervisor keuangan (AP, AR, Cost Control) minimal 2 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, dengan pengalaman sebagai supervisor akuntansi minimal 3 tahun
Pria, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, dengan pengalaman sebagai tax supervisor dan menangani perpajakan minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Finance, dengan pengalaman sebagai corporate finance minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi, dengan pengalaman sebagai Internal Audit minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Ekonomi (Perpajakan/ Akuntansi), dengan pengalaman sebagai Tax Staff minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi, dengan pengalaman sebagai Accounting Staff minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 22 – 30 tahun, pendidikan minimal D3 Ekonomi, dengan pengalaman sebagai Staff Keuangan / Kasir minimal 1 tahun
Pria, 35 – 50 tahun, pendidikan minimal ATT I, dengan pengalaman sebagai Fleet Engineer / Chief Engineer, pengalaman berlayar sebagai crew kapal (Masinis I/ KKM) minimal 5 tahun
Pria, 27 – 40 tahun, pendidikan minimal ATT II/ S1 Naval Engineering/ S1 Mesin Kapal, dengan pengalaman bekerja di docking atau sejenis minimal 3 tahun
20. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT (Surabaya, Jakarta, Banjarmasin, Samarinda)
Pria, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Mesin Kapal atau ATT II/ III, dengan pengalaman menangani maintenance kapal minimal 3 tahun
Pria, 28– 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Elektro (arus kuat atau microcontroller) dengan pengalaman minimal 5 tahun
Pria, 23– 30 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Elektro (arus kuat atau microcontroller) dengan pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 Psikologi, dengan pengalaman sebagai Recruitment Supervisor minimal 2 tahun
Pria, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, dengan pengalaman ke HRD an dalam hal industrial relationship dan personalia minimal 3 tahun
Pria/ Wanita, 23 – 30 tahun, pendidikan ANT IV, dengan pengalaman mualim III, berminat dan mampu bekerja administrasi, bisa komputer
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1, pengalaman sebagai Purchasing Supervisor minimal 3 tahun
27. PURCHASING OFFICER (Banjarmasin, Surabaya)
Pria/ Wanita, 27 – 35 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1 segala jurusan, dengan pengalaman sebagai Purchasing Staff minimal 2 tahun
Male/ Female, 35 – 40 years old,
Securities law compliance and filings, Investor Relations, Finance (Credit, Tax, Risk Management, Security, Administration, Procurement and Facilities).You will also work closely with the General Counsel and senior management and coordinate related outside counsel and budget areas.
You must have at least 4 years of in-house or outside counsel experience with strong general corporate practice skills. Must have hands-on experience in securities law. State bar admission required
29. MARKET ANALYTS (Surabaya, Jakarta, Samarinda)
Pria, 25 – 35 tahun, S1 Statistika/ Matematika/ Fisika/ Tehnik Industri, memiliki kemampuan dalam menggunakan analytical tools, pengalaman kerja yang sesuai minimal 2 tahun
30. QMR (Surabaya, Jakarta)
Pria, 25 – 35 tahun, S1 Tehnik atau Science menguasai implementasi Quality System (ISO dan sejenisnya)
31. QSHE (Surabaya, Banjarmasin)
Pria, 25 – 35 tahun, pengalaman dalam penerapan quality & safety system minimal 3 tahun. diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman di bidang armada kapal, dan lebih disukai pendidikan ANT II
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi minimum akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi (test dan interview)
Proses seleksi akan dilakukan bulan April s.d. Juli 2010 secara bertahap sesuai dengan prioritas kebutuhan
HRD Meratus Group
Jl. Aloon-Aloon Priok 27, Surabaya
LOWONGAN Matahari Dept Store
Perusahaan: Matahari Dept Store
Nama Pekerjaan: STORE SUPERVISOR (code: SS)
Kategori Pekerjaan:Retail [ Lihat Semua Pekerjaan Retail ]
Job Description:
You will be responsible for sales achievement, stock inventory, shrinkage, and other matters related to the store operation area.
* Male / Female, max. 28 years old
* Height: Male min. 168 cm, Female min. 158 cm, with proportional weight
* Min. Bachelor Degree in any discipline from reputable University (GPA ≥ 2,75)
* Experience in the same position would be an advantage. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
* Good appearance, strong analytical, leadership skill & exceptional interpersonal skill
* Willing to work in shift and to be placed at big cities all over Indonesia (Batam, Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, Makassar, Bandung, Jabodetabek)
Syarat Kemampuan Bahasa:English-baik
Jenis Pekerjaan:Full Time
Rentang Gaji: Tidak Ditentukan
Informasi Lain
Degree: Sarjana / S-1
Pengalaman Kerja (Tahun):Tidak Ditentukan
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja: Indonesia
Address:HR & GA Division
Lippo Cyberpark, Jl. Boulevard Gajah Mada #2138
Lippo Karawaci – Tangerang 15811
Nama Pekerjaan: STORE SUPERVISOR (code: SS)
Kategori Pekerjaan:Retail [ Lihat Semua Pekerjaan Retail ]
Job Description:
You will be responsible for sales achievement, stock inventory, shrinkage, and other matters related to the store operation area.
* Male / Female, max. 28 years old
* Height: Male min. 168 cm, Female min. 158 cm, with proportional weight
* Min. Bachelor Degree in any discipline from reputable University (GPA ≥ 2,75)
* Experience in the same position would be an advantage. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
* Good appearance, strong analytical, leadership skill & exceptional interpersonal skill
* Willing to work in shift and to be placed at big cities all over Indonesia (Batam, Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, Makassar, Bandung, Jabodetabek)
Syarat Kemampuan Bahasa:English-baik
Jenis Pekerjaan:Full Time
Rentang Gaji: Tidak Ditentukan
Informasi Lain
Degree: Sarjana / S-1
Pengalaman Kerja (Tahun):Tidak Ditentukan
Lokasi Lowongan Kerja: Indonesia
Address:HR & GA Division
Lippo Cyberpark, Jl. Boulevard Gajah Mada #2138
Lippo Karawaci – Tangerang 15811
Lowongan Kerja Trans7
Trans7, a fast growing broadcast company in Indonesia, offers you challenging posts as :
1. Presenter / Reporter (REP)
2. Creative (CR)
3. Associate Producer (ASPROD)
4. Program Director (PD)
5. Camera Person (CP)
1. Presenter / Reporter (REP)
Qualifications :
- Holding min. diploma degree (D3), preferably Journalistic from a reputable university with min. GPA 2.75
- Age max. 27 years old
- Good looking and camera face
- Good communication skill and energetic
- Willing to be located in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya
2. Creative (CR)
Qualifications :
- Holding min. diploma degree (D3) in any discipline from a reputable university
- Age max. 28 years old
- Creative, good communication skill, energetic, and able to work under pressure
3. Associate Producer (ASPROD)
Qualifications :
- Holding min. diploma degree (D3) in any discipline from a reputable university
- Having experience at least 3 years in TV program production
- Talented individual who has a strong drive to be the best and energetic
- Having a good team leadership
4. Program Director (PD)
Qualifications :
- Holding min. diploma degree (D3) in any discipline from a reputable university
- Having experience at least 2 years in TV program production
- Talented individual who has a strong drive to be the best and energetic
- Having a though personality, good communication skill, and able to work under pressure
5. Camera Person (CP)
Qualifications :
- Holding min. diploma degree (D3), preferably in the discipline of Communication/Broadcasting/Journalistic from a reputable university
- Age max. 28 years old
- Having a good knowledge and skill in camera standard operating procedure
- Having a though personality with high motivation, able to work independently as well as a part of a team
1. Presenter / Reporter (REP)
2. Creative (CR)
3. Associate Producer (ASPROD)
4. Program Director (PD)
5. Camera Person (CP)
1. Presenter / Reporter (REP)
Qualifications :
- Holding min. diploma degree (D3), preferably Journalistic from a reputable university with min. GPA 2.75
- Age max. 27 years old
- Good looking and camera face
- Good communication skill and energetic
- Willing to be located in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya
2. Creative (CR)
Qualifications :
- Holding min. diploma degree (D3) in any discipline from a reputable university
- Age max. 28 years old
- Creative, good communication skill, energetic, and able to work under pressure
3. Associate Producer (ASPROD)
Qualifications :
- Holding min. diploma degree (D3) in any discipline from a reputable university
- Having experience at least 3 years in TV program production
- Talented individual who has a strong drive to be the best and energetic
- Having a good team leadership
4. Program Director (PD)
Qualifications :
- Holding min. diploma degree (D3) in any discipline from a reputable university
- Having experience at least 2 years in TV program production
- Talented individual who has a strong drive to be the best and energetic
- Having a though personality, good communication skill, and able to work under pressure
5. Camera Person (CP)
Qualifications :
- Holding min. diploma degree (D3), preferably in the discipline of Communication/Broadcasting/Journalistic from a reputable university
- Age max. 28 years old
- Having a good knowledge and skill in camera standard operating procedure
- Having a though personality with high motivation, able to work independently as well as a part of a team
Lowongan Kerja Hotel Somerset Surabaya
Somerset Surabaya, managed by Ascott International Management which is the largest global serviced residence operator in over 66 cities across 22 countries in Asia Pacific, Europe and Gulf Region, invites suitably qualified persons to apply for :
1. Guest Service Manager
2. Duty Manager
3. Senior Guest Service Officer
4. Chef De Partie - Main Kitchen
5. Chef De Partie - Garde Manger
6. Pastry & Bakery Cook
7. Housekeeping Attendant
8. Waiter / Waitress
Basic requirements are :
1. Strong leadership skills
2. Highly self-motivated and good team player
3. Proven track record in similar position in an International star rated hotel
4. Excellent command of written and spoken English.
5. Excellent hospitality and interpersonal skills
If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to :
Human Resources Department
Somerset Surabaya Hotel & Serviced Residence
Jl. Raya Kupang Indah
Surabaya 60189
Email :
Or facsimile : 031 - 731 4566
Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview.
1. Guest Service Manager
2. Duty Manager
3. Senior Guest Service Officer
4. Chef De Partie - Main Kitchen
5. Chef De Partie - Garde Manger
6. Pastry & Bakery Cook
7. Housekeeping Attendant
8. Waiter / Waitress
Basic requirements are :
1. Strong leadership skills
2. Highly self-motivated and good team player
3. Proven track record in similar position in an International star rated hotel
4. Excellent command of written and spoken English.
5. Excellent hospitality and interpersonal skills
If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to :
Human Resources Department
Somerset Surabaya Hotel & Serviced Residence
Jl. Raya Kupang Indah
Surabaya 60189
Email :
Or facsimile : 031 - 731 4566
Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview.
Lowongan Kerja PT Energi Kaltim Persada
Energi Kaltim Persada, the growing fast coal mining company in Indonesia, which have operate and explore locations in me key commercial coal area (East Kalimantan, South Sumatra and Papua).
A. Operation Manager / KTT
B. Mine Manager / Mine Superintendent
C. CPP Superintendent
D. Sr. Mine Engineer
E. Sr. Mine Supervisor
F. Sr. Mine Surveyor
G. Mechanical Supervisor
H. Electrical Supervisor
I. Admin Manager
J. External Relation Supervisor
Graduate from a reputable University with GPA min 2.75,
Have significant experience in the same position,
Having POU Certificate (A) ; POP Certificate (B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H),
Having knowledge in K3,
Willing to be based at East Kalimantan / South Sumatera area.
Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your detail CV & recent photograph and put the position code as your email subject to :
A. Operation Manager / KTT
B. Mine Manager / Mine Superintendent
C. CPP Superintendent
D. Sr. Mine Engineer
E. Sr. Mine Supervisor
F. Sr. Mine Surveyor
G. Mechanical Supervisor
H. Electrical Supervisor
I. Admin Manager
J. External Relation Supervisor
Graduate from a reputable University with GPA min 2.75,
Have significant experience in the same position,
Having POU Certificate (A) ; POP Certificate (B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H),
Having knowledge in K3,
Willing to be based at East Kalimantan / South Sumatera area.
Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your detail CV & recent photograph and put the position code as your email subject to :
Lowongan Kerja Project Manager
Metamorphz Technology Solutions is established in 2000, and it is now headquartered in Jakarta with presence in Semarang, Surabaya and Singapore. Since its beginning, Metamorphz Technology Solutions has been delivering critical business applications that transforms the way the company conduct their business, and propel their financial position to a new level.
To support its expansion, Metamorphz Technology Solution is now looking for a strong candidate to fill in its vacancy as:
Project Manager (Jakarta)
The job main purposes are:
Manage the delivery of project to successful completion, meeting its objective, on-time, on-budget – this include managing changing needs and requirements
Reviews deliverables by the team before passing it to the clients
Manage the project budget and managing risks associated to the budget
Identify resources needed and assign individual responsibilities
Ensure project documents are complete, current and stored appropriately
Follow up with clients when necessary, regarding unpaid invoices
Analyses project profitability as and when the project is changing in shape
We would like to invite strong candidate with the following skills and/or experiences to apply:
Financial Management, Business Development, Communication, Technical Understanding, Project Management
Good understanding of SQL Language, and Windows Technology is a must
Strong understanding of business process and ERP projects are preferred
Minimum 5 years of working experience in similar position
Multilingual in Indonesia and English is preferable
Good in communication and management skills especially with people on remote locations (via phone, email)
Good skill in using MS Excel, Visio, Word and Power Point.
Ability to self-motivate and motivate others is a must.
Please send your resume (CV) and cover letter, highlighting your relevant skills and experience and why do you think you fit into this role, no later than April 22th, 2010 to:
To support its expansion, Metamorphz Technology Solution is now looking for a strong candidate to fill in its vacancy as:
Project Manager (Jakarta)
The job main purposes are:
Manage the delivery of project to successful completion, meeting its objective, on-time, on-budget – this include managing changing needs and requirements
Reviews deliverables by the team before passing it to the clients
Manage the project budget and managing risks associated to the budget
Identify resources needed and assign individual responsibilities
Ensure project documents are complete, current and stored appropriately
Follow up with clients when necessary, regarding unpaid invoices
Analyses project profitability as and when the project is changing in shape
We would like to invite strong candidate with the following skills and/or experiences to apply:
Financial Management, Business Development, Communication, Technical Understanding, Project Management
Good understanding of SQL Language, and Windows Technology is a must
Strong understanding of business process and ERP projects are preferred
Minimum 5 years of working experience in similar position
Multilingual in Indonesia and English is preferable
Good in communication and management skills especially with people on remote locations (via phone, email)
Good skill in using MS Excel, Visio, Word and Power Point.
Ability to self-motivate and motivate others is a must.
Please send your resume (CV) and cover letter, highlighting your relevant skills and experience and why do you think you fit into this role, no later than April 22th, 2010 to:
Lowongan Kerja United Bike
United Bike (PT Terang Dunia Internusa) is the only bicycle products that have been achieved an ISO 9001 certificate in Indonesia. In addition, We are one of the largest bicycle manufacturers in Asia and fully-equipped to export our products globally, we are a privately-held, family-owned and operated enterprise with a proud tradition and nearly 50 years of experience in the bicycle industry.
Male, max 40 years old. Min S1 preferably in mechanical / industrial engineering
Min experience in the same position for 5 years
Good knowledge of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), QCC (Quality Control Circle), 5R, ISO 9001:2008, warehouse management and PPIC
Fluency in English, Mandarin is preferable
Production Manager
Male, max 40 years old. Min S1, preferably in Industrial Engineering
Having 5 years experience in manufacturing company with min 3 years experience as Production Manager
Excellent knowledge in production management & process control
Good knowledge in ISO 9001 Quality Systems would be advantageous
PPIC Manager
Male, max 35 years old. Min S1 preferably in industrial Engineering
Minimum 3 years experience in production planning, scheduling material delivery order and inventory control
Please send your application letter attached with photo and CV to:
United Bike
PT Terang Dunia Internusa
Jl Anggrek Neli Murni No 114 Slipi, Jakarta Barat 11480
or email to:
Male, max 40 years old. Min S1 preferably in mechanical / industrial engineering
Min experience in the same position for 5 years
Good knowledge of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), QCC (Quality Control Circle), 5R, ISO 9001:2008, warehouse management and PPIC
Fluency in English, Mandarin is preferable
Production Manager
Male, max 40 years old. Min S1, preferably in Industrial Engineering
Having 5 years experience in manufacturing company with min 3 years experience as Production Manager
Excellent knowledge in production management & process control
Good knowledge in ISO 9001 Quality Systems would be advantageous
PPIC Manager
Male, max 35 years old. Min S1 preferably in industrial Engineering
Minimum 3 years experience in production planning, scheduling material delivery order and inventory control
Please send your application letter attached with photo and CV to:
United Bike
PT Terang Dunia Internusa
Jl Anggrek Neli Murni No 114 Slipi, Jakarta Barat 11480
or email to:
Lowongan Kerja Bank Panin
Panin Bank was established in 1971 as a merger of three private national banks, subsequently increasing its capital structure through the acquisition of a further four private national banks. Panin Bank's business strategy is to further grow its market shares in the consumer and commercial segments.
Male / Female maximum age 24 years.
Minimum Education Diploma III.
Have own vehicle and SIM C.
Work experience is not preferred.
Male / Female, max age 28 years.
Educational minimal D III.
Have own vehicle and SIM C.
Have experience as Marketing Kredit Mobil.
bove position to be placed in Bali (DPS), Bandung (BDG), Batam (BTM), Balikpapan (BLP), Banjarmasin (BJM), Bogor (BGR), Jakarta (JKT), Lampung (BDL), Malang (MLG), Padang (DWE), Palembang (PLB), Pekanbaru (PBR), Pontianak (PTK), Semarang (SMG), Solo (SLO), Surabaya (SBY), and Yogyakarta (YGY).
Complete application letter and telephone numbers / mobile phones can be contacted, sent no later than May 3rd, 2010, to address:
Panin Bank
PO BOX 3517
JKP 10035
Male / Female maximum age 24 years.
Minimum Education Diploma III.
Have own vehicle and SIM C.
Work experience is not preferred.
Male / Female, max age 28 years.
Educational minimal D III.
Have own vehicle and SIM C.
Have experience as Marketing Kredit Mobil.
bove position to be placed in Bali (DPS), Bandung (BDG), Batam (BTM), Balikpapan (BLP), Banjarmasin (BJM), Bogor (BGR), Jakarta (JKT), Lampung (BDL), Malang (MLG), Padang (DWE), Palembang (PLB), Pekanbaru (PBR), Pontianak (PTK), Semarang (SMG), Solo (SLO), Surabaya (SBY), and Yogyakarta (YGY).
Complete application letter and telephone numbers / mobile phones can be contacted, sent no later than May 3rd, 2010, to address:
Panin Bank
PO BOX 3517
JKP 10035
Customer Support
Posted by: PT Nusantara Electronic
Posted date: 24-Apr-2010
Location: Denpasar
Urgently needed,
Customer Support
- Male max 30 years old
- Education min. Senior High School (SMA)
- Familiar with Microsoft Operating system, hardware, network
- Have own motorbike
- Energic and able to work with team.
Bring your CV to ;
Jl. Badak Agung No. 6B Renon
or sent by email to :
Posted date: 24-Apr-2010
Location: Denpasar
Urgently needed,
Customer Support
- Male max 30 years old
- Education min. Senior High School (SMA)
- Familiar with Microsoft Operating system, hardware, network
- Have own motorbike
- Energic and able to work with team.
Bring your CV to ;
Jl. Badak Agung No. 6B Renon
or sent by email to :
Lowongan Kerja KFC
PT Fastfood Indonesia Tbk (KFC) is a modern & innovative Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) brand in Indonesia by providing new image, improve dining experience, better quality product and service and store assets to suit the changing need of customers.
Area Manager (AM)
Responsibilities: Support Regional Operation Manager to develop and grow the business performance in term of costumer service and profitability and people development
Male or Female, age around 35 years old
Min S1 degree in any major
Having minimum of 5 years experience in Managerial Level especially in business such as food and beverage / hospitality industry
Will be accountable for the operational performance of the restaurant business and provide strategic input into the organization’s short and medium term business plans, budgets and forecasts
Capable to develop, maintain and implement operational policies, principles and procedures
Strong self-development attitude combined with ability to lead and mentor team members
Strong leadership, decision making, interpersonal skill, strategic thinker and target oriented
Able to work with flexible working hours
Fluent in English both written and verbal
Have experience running multi outlets / stores (5-8 stores)
Willing to be relocated around Indonesia
Public Relation Manager (PRM)
Represent the company
Writing and editing in-house media, case studies, speeches, articles and making public presentation
Organize special events such as open days, visits, exhibitions, functions and involvement in community initiatives
Promote & overseeing new product features or product launches to appropriate media
Male or Female, age around 35 years old
Bachelor degree in communications or a related field with minimum 8 years experiences
Strong interpersonal skills, ability to develop relationships and communicate with all levels of management
Demonstrated success in implementing media strategies including proactive program targeting audiences through a variety of media
Demonstrated track record of developing successful working relationships with press
High mobility
Project Manager (PM)
Male or Female age around 35 years old
Degree in Civil Engineering
Having minimum 5 years experience in management work at developer / consultant / construction company in infrastructure
Proven track record and experience in resolving design and site issues with consultants, builders and clients
Target oriented and able to set priorities under challenging and demanding circumstances with a sense of urgency
Strong leadership, decision making, interpersonal skill, strategic thinker
Regional Administration Manager (RAM)
Provides support to Administration Managers in running their routine financial management and accounting activities
Ensures financial and accounting policies are adhered to at the regional level
Conducts analysis and evaluation of regional financial operation based on monthly financial report and highlights/discusses issues with ROM or AM that need to be addressed to improve regional business performance
Qualification Requirements:
Male or Female, age about 35 years old
S1 degree in Accounting
With at least 5 years experience in Managerial capacity and exposure in food and beverage business is an added advantage
Strong-willed, aggressive, innovative and highly responsible with positive mindset and good interpersonal skills
Good leadership skills, highly analytical with good problem solving & decision making skills and results-oriented
No travel restrictions and willing to accept short assignment in regional offices
Willing and able to work under pressure over and above normal working hours
Capable of developing and implementing recommendations to upgrade and improve financial management performance in the regional office
Fluency in English language, both oral and written
Willing to be relocated around Indonesia
Submit your resume to:
Recruitment and Selection Centre
Jl. Daan Mogot No. 163 Lt Dasar
Jakarta Barat 11510
Please indicate the position on the upper left corner of your envelope. Only shortlist candidate will be contacted and application will be closed on 8 May 2010
Area Manager (AM)
Responsibilities: Support Regional Operation Manager to develop and grow the business performance in term of costumer service and profitability and people development
Male or Female, age around 35 years old
Min S1 degree in any major
Having minimum of 5 years experience in Managerial Level especially in business such as food and beverage / hospitality industry
Will be accountable for the operational performance of the restaurant business and provide strategic input into the organization’s short and medium term business plans, budgets and forecasts
Capable to develop, maintain and implement operational policies, principles and procedures
Strong self-development attitude combined with ability to lead and mentor team members
Strong leadership, decision making, interpersonal skill, strategic thinker and target oriented
Able to work with flexible working hours
Fluent in English both written and verbal
Have experience running multi outlets / stores (5-8 stores)
Willing to be relocated around Indonesia
Public Relation Manager (PRM)
Represent the company
Writing and editing in-house media, case studies, speeches, articles and making public presentation
Organize special events such as open days, visits, exhibitions, functions and involvement in community initiatives
Promote & overseeing new product features or product launches to appropriate media
Male or Female, age around 35 years old
Bachelor degree in communications or a related field with minimum 8 years experiences
Strong interpersonal skills, ability to develop relationships and communicate with all levels of management
Demonstrated success in implementing media strategies including proactive program targeting audiences through a variety of media
Demonstrated track record of developing successful working relationships with press
High mobility
Project Manager (PM)
Male or Female age around 35 years old
Degree in Civil Engineering
Having minimum 5 years experience in management work at developer / consultant / construction company in infrastructure
Proven track record and experience in resolving design and site issues with consultants, builders and clients
Target oriented and able to set priorities under challenging and demanding circumstances with a sense of urgency
Strong leadership, decision making, interpersonal skill, strategic thinker
Regional Administration Manager (RAM)
Provides support to Administration Managers in running their routine financial management and accounting activities
Ensures financial and accounting policies are adhered to at the regional level
Conducts analysis and evaluation of regional financial operation based on monthly financial report and highlights/discusses issues with ROM or AM that need to be addressed to improve regional business performance
Qualification Requirements:
Male or Female, age about 35 years old
S1 degree in Accounting
With at least 5 years experience in Managerial capacity and exposure in food and beverage business is an added advantage
Strong-willed, aggressive, innovative and highly responsible with positive mindset and good interpersonal skills
Good leadership skills, highly analytical with good problem solving & decision making skills and results-oriented
No travel restrictions and willing to accept short assignment in regional offices
Willing and able to work under pressure over and above normal working hours
Capable of developing and implementing recommendations to upgrade and improve financial management performance in the regional office
Fluency in English language, both oral and written
Willing to be relocated around Indonesia
Submit your resume to:
Recruitment and Selection Centre
Jl. Daan Mogot No. 163 Lt Dasar
Jakarta Barat 11510
Please indicate the position on the upper left corner of your envelope. Only shortlist candidate will be contacted and application will be closed on 8 May 2010
Lowongan Accounting
An established exports oriented furniture company is seeking a highly motivated and professional candidates to fill the challenge position of:
Accounting Manager
(Jawa Timur - Pasuruan)
Hold S1 degree in Accounting & related major
Strong knowledge of function of costing, tax, etc
Minimum 5 yrs experiences in related field (woodworking based industry or public accounting would be advantage)
Posses good comprehension in Accounting system
Strong leadership and managerial skill
Please submit your application letter, CV and current photograph to:
HRD Department
Tromol Pos No 8 Gempol
An established exports oriented furniture company is seeking a highly motivated and professional candidates to fill the challenge position of:
Accounting Manager
(Jawa Timur - Pasuruan)
Hold S1 degree in Accounting & related major
Strong knowledge of function of costing, tax, etc
Minimum 5 yrs experiences in related field (woodworking based industry or public accounting would be advantage)
Posses good comprehension in Accounting system
Strong leadership and managerial skill
Please submit your application letter, CV and current photograph to:
HRD Department
Tromol Pos No 8 Gempol
Lowongan Kerja Pulau Umang Resort Hotel
1. GRO (Guest Relation Officer)
2. House Keeping
Requirement :
Highly responsible, realiable and honest
Min.D3 Tourism/Hospitality
Experience preferred
Placed in Pulau Umang – Banten
Good appearance, max 25 years old (1)
Email :
1. GRO (Guest Relation Officer)
2. House Keeping
Requirement :
Highly responsible, realiable and honest
Min.D3 Tourism/Hospitality
Experience preferred
Placed in Pulau Umang – Banten
Good appearance, max 25 years old (1)
Email :
Lowongan HRD
An established exports oriented furniture company is seeking a highly motivated professional for the position of:
Head of HRD
(Jawa Timur - Pasuruan)
Reporting to HR Manager, Responsible for the human resources management function, including recruitment, training, organization development, compensation, administration, employee relations. Ensure communication with all departments and compliance with procedures. Fully responsible for that aspects of HR function, recommended changes to ensure policies and procedures in line with organization needs.
Hold S1 Psychology, age between 25-35 years old
Previous experience (min 3 years) in handling recruitment, selection, training, payroll system, Jamsostek and others HRD system/regulation
Computer literate & have knowledge
Understanding ISO Quality Management System 9001 : 2008
English proficiency.
Good interpersonal skill, effective teamworker, and warm personality
Please submit your application letter, CV and current photograph prior to :
HRD Department
Tromol Pos No 8 Gempol
Pasuruan 67155
E-mail :
An established exports oriented furniture company is seeking a highly motivated professional for the position of:
Head of HRD
(Jawa Timur - Pasuruan)
Reporting to HR Manager, Responsible for the human resources management function, including recruitment, training, organization development, compensation, administration, employee relations. Ensure communication with all departments and compliance with procedures. Fully responsible for that aspects of HR function, recommended changes to ensure policies and procedures in line with organization needs.
Hold S1 Psychology, age between 25-35 years old
Previous experience (min 3 years) in handling recruitment, selection, training, payroll system, Jamsostek and others HRD system/regulation
Computer literate & have knowledge
Understanding ISO Quality Management System 9001 : 2008
English proficiency.
Good interpersonal skill, effective teamworker, and warm personality
Please submit your application letter, CV and current photograph prior to :
HRD Department
Tromol Pos No 8 Gempol
Pasuruan 67155
E-mail :
Lowongan Kerja Factory Manager - PT Bella Prima Perkasa
We are a well Flexible Packaging Plastics manufacture, inviting qualified individuals to join our team for the following available position:
Factory Manager
Max. age 40 years old
Experience in related field min. 5 years
Good leadership
Please send your application letter, CV and photo to:
HRD Department
email :
PT Bella Prima Perkasa
Jl. Semanan Raya No. 28
Daan Mogot Km. 16
Jakarta 11850
Factory Manager
Max. age 40 years old
Experience in related field min. 5 years
Good leadership
Please send your application letter, CV and photo to:
HRD Department
email :
PT Bella Prima Perkasa
Jl. Semanan Raya No. 28
Daan Mogot Km. 16
Jakarta 11850
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