Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Lowongan Kerja Customer Support, Administrasi, Kepala Gudang Tama Group Sidoarjo


Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang “Refrigeration Industrial Specialist” yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun mengundang anda para generasi muda yang energik, kreatif dan berambisi untuk bergabung dan maju bersama kami sebagai:

Customer Support ( kode CS)
- Wanita
- Min D3 segala jurusan
- Usia max. 28 th
- Single
- Pengalaman min. 2 th dibidanganya
- Memahami / menguasai Public Relation dan leadership
- Bisa Computer (min. MS. Office)
- Filling document
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

Administrasi (Kode AC)
- Wanita
- Min. SMK ACC
- Usia max. 24 th
- Single
- Pengalaman min. 1 th
- Bisa Computer (min. MS. Office)
- Filling document
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

Administrasi gudang (kode AG)
- Wanita
- Min. SMK segala jurusan
- Usia max. 24 th
- Single
- Pengalaman gudang min. 1 th
- Filling document
- Bisa computer (min. MS. Office)
- Jujur, teliti, bertanggungjawab

Kepala gudang (kode KG)
- Pria / Wanita
- Min D3/SI segala jurusan
- Pengalaman min. 3 th
- Memiliki jiwa leadership tinggi
- Bisa Computer (min. MS.Office)
- Filling Document
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Bertanggung jawab pada proses dan managemet gudang

Purchasing (Kode PCH)
- Wanita
- D3/S1 segala jurusan
- Usia max. 24 th
- Pengalaman min. 1 th dibidangnya
- Bisa Computer (min. MS.Office)
- Komunikatif
- Dapat bernegosiasi dan
- Filling document
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

Manager marketing (kode MM)
- Pria
- S1 (diutamakan ekonomi/management/ilmu administrasi)
- Usia max. 30 th
- Pengalaman min 5 th
- Memiliki Human relation dan leadership yang baik
- Memahami pangsa pasar yang baik
- Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun team
- Bisa Computer (min. MS.Office)
- Filling Document
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Aktif /pasif Inggris baik verbal maupun non verbal
- Pantang menyerah

Marketing (kode SM)
- Pria/wanita
- D3/S1 segala jurusan
- Pengalaman min.2 th dibidangnya
- Single
- Usia max. 24 th
- Bisa computer (min.MS. Office)
- Filling Document
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Diutamakan berpengalaman pada produk inovatif ( bank/asuransi/mobil
- Memahami pangsa pasar yang baik
- Komunikatif
- Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun team
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

Sekretaris (kode SK)
- Wanita
- D3/S1 segala jurusan (diutamakan S1 jurusan hukum)
- Pengalaman min. 2 th
- Usia max. 24 th
- Menguasai korespondensi
- Memahami dan menguasai tugas serta tanggungjawab sekretaris
- Bisa computer
- Memahami dan menguasai finance (cash flow keuangan)
- Bisa sedikit mandarin
- Filling document
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

Keuangan (kode SA)
- Wanita
- S1 Accounting
- Pengalaman min. 2 th dibidangnya
- Usia max. 28 th
- Bisa Computer
- Diutamakan pernah mengoperasikan sistem accurate
- Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun team
- Sedikit mandarin
- Filling document
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

Kirim lamaran dan CV secara lengkap & tulis kode lamaran di sudut kanan atas amplop ke:
CV.Tama cool (Up. Dessy)
Pergudangan Central Square Blok F No.32
Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 41 – 43 Gedangan – Sidoarjo 61254
Telp. 031 – 8554979
Atau via email ke :

Lowongan Kerja English Teacher for Playgroup Tumble Tots

English Teacher for Playgroup

Tumble Tots is a preschool for children ages 6 months-5 years old. Tumble Tots is a programme that is focusing on children motoric skills.
Tumble Tots is now looking for an english teacher with the requirements :
1. Male/Female max 3o years old
2. Minimun Diploma Degree with any major (High School graduated with terms and conditions applied)
3. Love to be around children
4. Energetic, humorous, and good looking
5. Able to work full time Mon – Sat from 7:30 – 16:30

If interested, please email your complete cv and photo to tumbletotssby@yahoo.com or can mail it to Tumble Tots Center at
Jl. Raya Bukit Darmo Gold R 19-20 Surabaya 60228.

Please do send your application before November 20th’2010

Please email if you are only able to meet those requirements on the top.
Thank you and Good Luck !!

Exel Macro Expertise n Web Developer Skill

We need additional resources (2 resources) with Exel Macro Expertise and Web Develover skills. So You could apply application form for us at:
PT. Tunas Graha Servindo, Gedung Graha Tunas
Jl. Warung Jati Barat No. 63 Jakarta Selatan 12740.
Or you could send email to: eko_wiranto@tgs-indo.com

Dibutuhkan Programmer PHP

Kami membutuhkan programmer untuk pengembangan usaha kami dengan syarat

mengerti program

- Apache

- Mau belajar untuk berkembang
- Pendidikan SMA/D1-3

Fasilitas Gaji, Assuransi Kesehatan, bonus (tergantung perusahaan dan project)

Lamaran/CV beserta Foto dan copy KTP kirim ke Surjandy@gmail.com (hanya yang mengirimkan lamaran/CV) yang akan diproses


dicari Operator Warnet
dengan kualifikasi
* Pria/Wanita
* minimal SMU
* Mengerti Komputer dan Printer
* Bersedia bekerja shift
* Jujur dan rajin
bagi yang berminat silahkan datang lengsung ke
Jl. Karang Menjangan II No.39 Surabaya
atau Email ke au2al_lya@yahoo.com

Urgently needed graphic designer

We are Professional Conference, Corporate Event & Exhibition Organizer Company in Indonesia, looking for the best and the brightest candidates to join and grow with us as :

Design Graphic Staff
(Jakarta Barat)


Design all promotional items for exhibition & conference (Saleskit, brochure, poster, print ad for tabloid/magazine/Newspaper, Vertical & Horizontal Banner, Backdrop, Directory book, Invitation, etc)


* Male or Female, max. 26 years old
* Bachelor Degree (fresh graduate or experience) from Graphic Design
* Software : CorelDraw, Illustrator, Photoshop (other will be advantage) or Creative Design from reputable university with min. GPA 3,00
* Can work under pressure
* Good integrity, good attitude, responsible to self and company, strong personality, and detail
* Willing to learn something new
* Good in communication and creative

Please send your application to :
email : oding@panorama-convex.co.id

lowongan karyawan perbankan

Posisi : Staff Marketing .
PT Bank UOB Buana,Tbk.

Bidang perbankan.
Min.SLTA Sederajat.(Ijazah lengkap)

Dengan gaji 1jt dan komisi besar serta bonus berkisar 2jt s/d 7jt.
Jl.Wedana No.66B , Sawah Besar,JakBar .

Info : Lukman 08989107882
Please Forward

Bussines Development Manager

Persyaratan :
* Pria/wanita
* Pendidikan min. S-1
*Pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun, dibidang keuangan
* Dapat berbahasa Inggris

Kirimkan CV terakhir beserta foto dan no telpon yang dapat dihubungi ke :hrdarthamulia@gmail.com

Senior business manager

* Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 45 tahun
* Pendidikan minimum S1 semua jurusan
* Memiliki pengalaman minimum 2 tahun
* Mampu bekerja Team
* Memiliki penampilan yang representatif
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik

Bagi Anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut di atas, segera kirimkan cv beserta foto terbaru ke:


lowongan Financial Advisor

* Pria / Wanita, Usia max 50 tahun
* D3 – S1 semua jurusan
* Smart, bertanggungjawab, jujur, percaya diri, disiplin, sabar
* Terampil untuk melakukan presentasi, dealing dan negosiasi
* Memiliki komunikasi yang baik
* Efektif bilingual (lebih diutamakan)
pribadi & kebersihan

Jika anda memiliki persyaratan di atas, Kirim cv, surat lamaran, foto melalui email:

lowongan Business analyst

Kualifikasi :

* Usia maksimum 45 tahun
* Minimum S1 diutamakan Sarjana Ekonomi
* Fresh Graduate atau pengalaman sebagai Analyst di perusahaan pembiayaan atau bank
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap, CV, photo terbaru dan dokumen pendukung ke :

lowongan design

Dicari Pria / Wanita max. 25 tahun

domisili : Bekasi Timur

Bisa design banner dan yang berhubungan dengan percetakan. Menggunakan corel dan photoshop.

kirimkan foto dan lamaran ke : handany@lycos

Urgently Required

** HR & GA Representative **

Klien kami, sebuah perusahaan nasional bergerak di bidang integrated container & warehouse membutuhkan segera Human Resources & General Affair Representative untuk salah satu cabang mereka di Jakarta
• Menjalankan fungsi HR & GA Operations, meliputi rekrutmen, Personnel Administration, Payroll Administration, fungsi General Affair, mengelola pelaksanaan dan kontrol HR & GA Standard Operating Procedures.
• Koordinasi dan laporan rutin kepada HRD kantor pusat
• Koordinasi dengan instansi terkait
• Evaluate and improves effectivity of training programs implemented.

• Usia Max 30 tahun
• Pend. S1 Hukum / Psikologi
• Pengalaman min. 2 tahun pada level HR & GA Section Head/Supervisor terutama di expedisi/transportasi/logistik/manufaktur
• Menguasai manajemen HR.
• Menguasai peraturan ketenagakerjaan
• Kemampuan leadership dan persuasif skill yang tinggi
Full time employee & permanent position dengan paket kompensasi & benefit yang menarik.
CV, lamaran lengkap dengan foto dikirimkan paling lambat tanggal 07 Nopember 2010 via email : amerishr@gmail.com

Visit our official www.facebook.com/Ameris.Consultant
Follow: www.twitter.com/Amerishr
LinkedIn: http://id.linkedin.com/pub/ameris-consultant-development/24/570/b9b

Our consultant & training have established since 2000 (was Talents Consulting), provides a wide variety of Human Resources Management services (cover over-all Human Resources area, transformation from: Personnel Administration/Human Resources Development into Human Capital, including Corporate Training: in-house & outbound, Assessment, HR Coaching, Organization & System Development, Employees Surveys, Compensation Benefit & Remuneration improvement and many more).
Our consulting & training services can be provided on-site or off-site of a combination that best suits our client's need.

Lowongan Partimer dan Fulltier Guru

Special Program National, National Plus, and International

Membutuhkan Segera Tenaga Pengajar SD-SMA
Dengan Persyaratan

1. Mahasiswa atau Sarjana Dari Berbagai Jurusan
2. Dengan IPK atau IP semester terakhir Minimal
3. Kreatif dan Inovatif khususnya dalam pengajaran
4. Mimiliki tanggung jawab dan kasih terhadap
siswa didik
5. Diutamakan Mahasiswa atau Sarjana Jurusan
Sastra Inggris
6. Memiliki raport SMA dengan rata2 pelajaran
Matematika > 8.00
7. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris
8. Dapat Memahami Subject Mathemathic dalam
bahasa Inggris
9. Siap dalam menyesuaikan diri dari berbagai
8. Mandiri dan Berdedikasi tinggi

Partime :
Hanya Selasa dan Jumat Jam 14.00-20.000 atau 15.00-21.00
Salary : 800.000-1.000.000 Perbulan

Senin sampai dengan Jumat : Jam kerja (40 jam seminggu)Dengan 8 Jam Kerja/hari: 12.00-21.00 (1 jam istirahat)
Salary : awal : 1.500.000-2.500.000. sesuai dengan kapasitas mengajar.

Kirimkan lamaran dengan persyaratan diatas Ke
Jl. Kelapa Dua. Ruko Vienna Blok A no 9 Gading Serpong
Telpon : 021-94361529

Atau Kirimkan Melalui Email ke chrissendy@ymail.com
dengan SUBJECT : READY TEACHER dan cantumkan no contact yag mudah dihubungi.

Lamaran kirimkan secepatya dan Paling Lambat pada tanggal 5 November 2010. Lamaran yang dikirim lebih awal maka kandidat akan segera diinterview h+1 setelah aplikasi lamaran sampai

Butuh staf produksi distributor elektronik surabaya

Mitra kami, sebuah perusahaan distributor barang-barang elektronik yang sedang berkembang pesat, membutuhkan tenaga kerja sbb:

1. Staff Produksi - Surabaya

Syarat :
* Laki-laki, min STM/SMK/SMA
* Domisili dari Surabaya dan sekitarnya
* Jujur dan bertanggung jawab

Silahkan datang dan membawa surat lamaran langsung ke :
Jl. MANGGA 1E / 231 Pondok Tjandra Indah
Telp. 031-8666854 / 031-71155051
Hub : Bu Grace (jam kerja 08.00-17.00)

Butuh administrasi pabrik makanan surabaya

Mitra kami, sebuah perusahaan makanan (pabrik makanan) yang sedang berkembang pesat, membutuhkan tenaga kerja sbb:

1. Staff administrasi kantor - Surabaya

Syarat :
* Wanita , min SMA
* Bisa komputer
* Usia maksimal 38 tahun

Silahkan datang dan membawa surat lamaran langsung ke :
Jl. MANGGA 1E / 231 Pondok Tjandra Indah
Telp. 031-8666854 / 031-71155051
Hub : Bu Grace (jam kerja 08.00-17.00)

Butuh sopir perusahaan konstruksi surabaya

Mitra kami, sebuah perusahaan konstruksi yang sedang berkembang pesat, membutuhkan tenaga kerja sbb:

1. Sopir Pengiriman sim A/B1

Syarat :
* Laki-laki, min SMA
* Punya sim A / 1
* Mengerti wilayah Surabaya dan sekitarnya

Silahkan datang dan membawa surat lamaran langsung ke :
Jl. MANGGA 1E / 231 Pondok Tjandra Indah
Telp. 031-8666854 / 031-71155051
Hub : Bu Grace (jam kerja 08.00-17.00)

lowongan Umrah n Haji Plus

Anda Pensiunan Ex PHK,PNS Butuh cepat 29 P/W usia 30-605th kerja kantor Haji+Umrah inc 4,5jt/bln hub.Afian noor 02144353415/081905198048.

Tele marketing

BANK SWASTA NASIONAL terkemuka membutuhkan TELEMARKETING untuk cabang baru : SYARAT: - Pendidikkan SMA sederajat atau sedang Kuliah. - Pria dan wanita. - Umur minimal 18 sampai 40 tahun. - Berwawasan luas. - Bersedia kerja keras. BENEFIT : - Gaji pokok. - Komisi dan bonus. - Jenjang karier. - Ttaining produk. Lamaran ditujukan ke ALamat dibawah ini. JL.TANDEAN RAYA NO.22 C (samping GARDA OTO sebelah SNAAPY) jakarta selatan. Atau melalui email: wdsulaksono@gmail.com di PRIORITASKAN ; -BAGI 50 PELAMAR YANG datang PeRtama di hari SENIN tanggal 01 - 11- 2010 JAM 09 s/d 16 wib.URGENT...........

Lowongan staf kantor

Kami Perusahaan Nasional jakarta yang sudah mempunyai 27 kantor cabang yang tersebar di JABODETABEK, SOLO, SEMARANG, JOGJA, SURABAYA dan MALANG membutuhkan karyawan / ti untuk posisi Staff Kantor.

BENEFIT : Inc 1,7- 2,5 jt/bln, Insentif, Jamsostek, Askes, Jenjang Karier, Harian 50.000

HUB Ibu GREYSIA HRD MANAGER ( 085782000256 )

lowongan site engineer

Dibutuhkan segera site engineer min D3\S1 sipil\geologi diutamakan mempunyai pengalaman dibidang geoteknik dan aplikasinya, mampu bekerja keras dalam team work kirim lamaran lengkap ke :
Pt.Sanpala Inticon
Perum Buana Gardenia
(Ruko) JL.Buana Raya Blok A No 12
Pinang Tangerang Banten 15145.

Vacation in financial industry

"Career and Income Opportunity"

Our growing company in Indonesia and International linked scope in financial industry,providing advice and trade support to client's wealth and portfolio. Close relationship with client and review client's portfolio periodically ain wealth securing.

Requirements :
>Bachelor degree from local/overseas university,preferable in economics,management, mathematic, engineering.
>Interest in financial industry
>Possess good networking
>worksmart and high self confident
>Can be work as a team
>Excellent communication skill in Bahasa, English or Mandarin is preferable.

Benefit :
>Attractive remuneration to individual and achieve
more than US $ 3000.
>Career advancement to management level
>Intensif training program
>Location Jakarta.
Interested applicant in English send to e-mail
notlater than 4th Nopember 2010.

Di butuhkan Banyak Tenaga Freelance Pria wanita

Di butuhkan Banyak Tenaga Freelance Pria / Wanita 16 - 65 th
Membuat / Ngelem kantong teh merah / teh gemes dikerjakan dirumah (bahan disediakan perusahaan)
NGLEM 20 KOTAK KOMISI RP. 1.400.000,-
NGLEM 30 KOTAK KOMISI RP. 2.100.000,-
GEDUNG UNAS BLOK B LANTAI DASAR ( Sebelah Gedung Wayang Barata )
Jl. Pasar Senen Raya Jakarta Pusat
Tlp. 021 - 3802083, - 3802144
Buka Kantor Hari Senin - Sabtu Jam 8.00 - 16.00
( 50 Meter Dari Terminal Bus Senen Sebelah Gedung Wayang Barata )
Tidak Usah Pakai Lamaran Kerja Cukup Bawa KTP Mana Saja / Pakaian Bebas /
Ketemu Dgn : ADI PURWANTO NKA 900026889

Lowongan Commonwealth Steel Indonesia

Commonwealth Steel Company was an American steel company based in Granite City, Illinois and founded in 1901 "by some of the young men who had helped establish the American Steel Foundry." The company produced steel castings and railroad supplies at its 10-acre (4 ha) plant, employing about 1,500 people. Commonwealth Steel Company's plant in Granite City, Illinois in 1904

COMMONWEALTH STEEL INDONESIA, PT ( Kawasan Industri Krakatau Steel CILEGON BANTEN ), located in Cilegon area is looking for candidates to support its growing business.



1. Bachelor (S1) degree of Psychologies or Law
2. Male, 35 age max
3. 5 - 7 years of working experience in similar position
4. Excellent knowledge in HR Procedures & Processes, Performance Appraisal, Indonesian Labor Laws & Regulation, Industrial Relation, including Recruitment, Hiring & Counseling
5. Competent in Microsoft-Office and HR Applications
6. Dynamic, Result oriented, Mature and Committed finish the task
7. Possess strong leadership and capable of achieving goals set by higher Management
8. Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
9. Fluent in English & Computer Literate
10. Preferred domicile in Cilegon area


1. Bachelor (S1) degree of mechanical engineering
2. Male, 35 age max
3. 5 – 7 years of working experience in manufacturing
4. Familiar with mechanical
5. Understand with electrical
6. HSE Knowledge and experience is a must
7. Fluent in English & Computer Literate
8. Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
9. Good Leadership
10. Understanding AutoCAD is advantage
11. Preferred domicile in Cilegon area


1. Bachelor (S1) degree of Electrical engineering
2. Male, 35 years old max
3. 5 – 7 years working experiences in similar position
4. Familiar with PLC Allen Bradley, Driver or Inverter & panel view
5. Have good knowledge of PLC Programming
6. Familiar with electrical drawing of control
7. Have a good knowledge of AC Motor and Drives.
8. Willing to work on Field, Self Motivation, Initiative, Mature
9. All above expertise are able to plan, design, installation, commissioning and troubleshooting
10. Having experiences on steel industries is an advantage
11. HSE Knowledge and experience is a must
12. Fluent in English & Computer Literate
13. Preferred domicile in Cilegon area


1. Bachelor (S1) degree of Metallurgy engineering
2. Male, 35 age max
3. 5 - 7 years of working experience in Steel Industry
4. Familiar with mechanical & metallurgy process
5. Experience with Reliability Centre Maintenance (RCM)
6. HSE Knowledge and experience is a must
7. Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
8. Fluent in English & Computer Literate
9. Understanding machine testing & commissioning
10. Familiar with Metal Quality System
11. Preferred domicile in Cilegon area

If you meet the above requirement, please submit your application with detail resume & your recent photograph to:

HR Department
PT Commonwealth Steel Indonesia
Jl Australia II Kav I-1
Kawasan Industri Krakatau Steel
Cilegon-Banten 42443

Or by email to: comsteel.indonesia@gmail.com
Please put code e.g: "TOOLING & QUALITY SUPERVISOR (TQS) " as email subject

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Lowongan Kerja AvantChem

AvantChem is the preferred distributor of specialty chemicals to the manufacturing and process industry. Established in 2005, the Group has forged a reputation built on its hallmark traits of providing quality products and innovative solutions, with excellent customer service. With its headquarters in Singapore, the Group has established a strong presence in the Asean region and continues to make inroads into India and China.

Singapore remains a key market for the Group and it serve also as its Asia Regional distribution point for servicing the Asian region. We stock more than 200 products in Singapore. The Group has a subsidiary in Jakarta , Indonesia, a Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and an associate company in Shanghai. We are planning to expand further in Asean and India.

The company is looking for excellent candidate to fulfill the following position.

1. Technical Sales Executive – Personal Care.
2. Sales Executive — Inks, Plastics and Coating.

Applicant must have at least 2 years selling experience to related industry, must be able to speak and write English, Chemistry graduate preferred – for position 1

Interested applicants, please email your comprehensive resume with recent photo to diny@avantchem.co.id

Lowongan Kerja SHL

SHL is the global leader in talent assessment solutions in the workplace. With more than 30 years experienced and more than 15,500 customers worldwide. Operating in more than 50 countries, assessment available in more 30 languages translated and standardized, multi-lingual global shared service centre.

We support organizations with the selection, talent management and development of people at all levels, across all sectors, helping them to improve organizational success by improving people performance.

SHL is looking for the following positions;

Managing Consultant
As key essential member to SHL Consulting Team act as project manager in delivery, developing approach as well as client maintenance. The successful candidate shall hold a psychology degree from a reputable university; have at least 6 years experience.

Senior Consultant
To be responsible for the client project delivery as well as development and promotion of SHL activities. The successful candidate shall hold a psychology degree from a reputable university; have at least 4 years experience.

Managing Consultant and Senior Consultant qualifications:

* Strong competencies & skills in the use of psychometric tests & executive assessment
* Good analytical skills and high level of numeracy, good spoken and written English
* Highly professional approach, excellent interpersonal skills and confidence to liaise with Top Executives
* Has the ability to lead group of Consultants, Associates and/or Psychologists

Business Development Consultant
Handle marketing and sell of SHL assessment services. Prepare, & submit proposals and undertaking other marketing activities deemed suitable for the market. Researching the market sector, in line with agreed marketing policy. The successful candidate shall hold a relevant degree from a reputable university, have at least 2 years experience and have the following qualifications:

* Strong business sense and related competencies and skills to perform job in the consulting industry.
* Good analytical skills and high level of numeracy, good spoken and written English
* Highly professional approach, excellent interpersonal skills and confidence to liaise with Top Executives
* Has the ability to work together of Consultants

IT Executives
Administrate and operate LAN networks & clients, system management and hardware support. Administrate online assessment service. The successful candidate shall graduate from Information Technology related background from a reputable university, have at least 2 years experience, proven knowledge and understanding on the IT system (network, server, etc), good analytical skills, good spoken and written English.

Receptionist/Guest Administration
Receive customers; attend to phone calls and admin duties. Prepare test material, maintain office supplies. The successful candidate should have a minimum diploma degree, have at least 2 years experience, good spoken and written English.

Interest? If your background meets the above requirements and you would like to join the team, forward your resume and photograph to following e-mail address: recruitment@shl.co.id not later than November 6th 2010. Please quote in the subject of the e-mail to indicate the position applied for or submit to SHL Indonesia, The Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Tower 1, 26th Floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190, attention Recruitment.

Only short-listed candidates would be notified.

Lowongan Kerja Chemonics International

Chemonics International Inc., a leading international consulting firm, seeks to fill the following long-term, full-time positions for a project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Indonesia Changes for Justice (W). The primary objective of the G4.1 project is to improve the performance of Indonesia’s justice system, a prerequisite for good governance and sustained economic growth, through cooperation with the Supreme Court and Attorney General’s Office (AGO) of the Republic of Indonesia.

Technical Position #1: Prosecution and Training Specialist
The Prosecution and Training Specialist is responsible primarily for providing assistance to the AGO on training as well as to other AGO needs pursuant to the C4J work plan. Activities will include providing technical assistance for prosecutors and AGO staff on prosecution reforms and capacity-building, including bureaucratic reforms, human resources, communications, public information access, and training of the same, including training assessments, curriculum design, development of materials, train-the-trainers activities and implementation of training. The person selected for this position will be expected to take on a lead role and to collaborate closely with project staff and the AGO to enhance institutional management, integrity and efficiency of the AGO and improve AGO staff technical competency and accountability.

Technical Position #2: Human Resources Specialist
The Human Resources Specialist will contribute to all human resources activities undertaken in cooperation with the AGO, including meeting with justice sector leaders, organization restructuring, developing regulations and standard operating procedures (SOPS) for recruitment, career development, performance management, and implementing these activities. The person selected for this position will cooperate in mentoring AGO human resources professionals and in training and developing their respective staff.

Applicants for the Prosecution and Training Specialist must have a minimum of two (2) years of experience with legal education and training, and a minimum of five (5) years of experience working with or teaching on the Indonesian criminal justice system and/or criminal law and procedure. This would include NGO or civil society monitoring of AGO and the criminal justice system. A comprehensive understanding of criminal justice legal and practice issues is also required. Experience or intensive education of adult interactive learning and training methodology and prior experience with the Attorney General’s Office is strongly preferred. A minimum education of a law degree (SH or LL.B.) is required, and the degree of LL.M. is preferred. A degree of B.A. or Master’s degree in related subjects may be sufficient if the candidate has a minimum of five (5) years equivalent work with legal training.

Applicants for the Human Resources Specialist must have a minimum of five (5) years of professional experience in the technical subject area and with helping organizations manage and adjust to significant change. An advanced university degree in the relevant technical areas or comparable education or experience is required.

For both positions, prior experience with technical assistance projects and work with donor-funded projects is preferred; written and verbal fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia is a prerequisite; Indonesian citizenship is required; strong interpersonal and communication skills are required; and demonstrated skills with software packages such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint are required.

Full descriptions of each position may be requested by sending an email to us.chemonics@gmail.com. After reviewing the full description(s), interested applicants for these positions are requested to send a cover letter and resume (references will not be contacted prior to the interview) to us.chemonicsbqmall.com as soon as possible but no later than 3 November 2010. Please indicate the preferred position in the subject line. Only the strongest candidates will be contacted. No telephone inquiries, please. The successful candidates for these positions will be subject to USAID approval and USAID local salary scales for technical positions.

Chemonics International (www.chemonics.com) was founded in 1975 and is one of the largest U.S. consulting firms providing expertise in developing and emerging-market countries for initiatives financed by USAID.

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Eye Center

Jakarta Eye Center (JEC) was established in 1984 and within a period of 24 years of hard work the team of doctors, medical personnel and non-medical health care to succeed as the most modern and largest points in Jakarta. Jakarta Eye Center (JEC), the leading eye hospital in Indonesia is now experienced candidates in the following positions to support our vast expansion.



* Compile, review and give suggestion in planning and monitoring for all activities of all activities of division / department / business unit in accordance with business plans and company strategy
* Develop and manage system to resources, time frame and financial aspects, in achieving the company strategy
* Develop and manage system to measure the performance of each unit, and give advice to performance standard.


* Degree in Management/other relevant field, preferably Master in Hospital Administration or Management
* Excellent communication skill, coordination, consensus building and to become facilitator
* Good sense in business data/reports
* With 8 years in similar work experience



* Assist the Hospital Director in developing, implementing and evaluating goals, strategies and policies of the hospital
* Develop and implement annual work plans, budget and resources according to the company’s strategic plan
* Manage and control all activities related to the use of resources and financial aspect of the hospital


* General Practitioner with Master Degree in Hospital/Administration/ Management: or Degree in Engineering/ Management with Master Degree in Hospital Administration Management; or other relevant fields
* Good knowledge in eye care hospital
* Knowledge in JCI is an advantage
* Good skill in strategic planning and managing resources
* With 8 years of work experience as Head of Corporate Division, or Chief in Hospital



* Manage, operate and maintain all facilities in the building, including mechanical & electrical, medical equipment and IT infrastructure
* Coordinate all staff, vendor, and users to effectively operate, repair or maintain hospital’s equipment & facility, in accordance with standard and safety regulation
* Plan, review and monitor all inventories, materials and supplies to meet the hospital needs


* Degree in industrial/Electrical/Mechanical/Civil Engineering or Management, with Master Degree is an advantage
* Strong knowledge in Health, Safety and Environmental Regulation
* Knowledge in JCI is an advantage
* With 8 years of similar work experience, include 5 years in hospital & medical field



* Assist the Board of Directors as a liaison officer in communication to stakeholders, external party, government and public
* Manage all meetings and the result of the meeting, which related to the Board of Directors, Commissioner, Shareholders, Committee and Stakeholder
* Conducting risk identification, risk measurement and risk control, including its association with legal aspects


* Degree in Law, preferably with Master in management / Business
* Strong knowledge in Legal, Policy and government Regulation
* Good knowledge in Management Skill, Communication and Leadership
* With 8 years or work experience in Legal, Corporate planning or Public Relations



* Degree in Accounting
* Good knowledge in accounting system, audit and tax
* With 5 years of work experience in accounting



* Design, develop and evaluating system, database, infrastructure and procedure to meet business process requirement
* Review and monitor cost-benefit and ROI of IT investment for reporting to management and preparing for continuous improvement Coordinate with other IT specialist and users in developing and integrating system with multidiscipline background (medical, accounting, marketing, HR, etc)


* Degree in Information System
* Strong knowledge of Relational Database Management System
* Broad knowledge of hardware and software development
* Good interpersonal and communication skills
* With 5 years of, work experience in design devc1oping, and implementing system

Please send your detail resume with current photograph (4×6) and expected salary not later than November 8th 2010, to:

HR Department
Jl. Cik Ditiro 46 Menteng, Jakarta 10310
(Mark the position code on the left corner of the envelope) or email to: recruitment-2010@jakarta-eye-center.com (PDF format max 1MB and write the position code at the subject of the email)

*All applicants will be treated strictly confidential

Lowongan Kerja Mercedes-Benz Indonesia

Mercedes-Benz Indonesia consists of three companies: PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, PT Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia & PT Star Engine Indonesia (engine assembler). PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia is a 100% foreign investment company, owned by Daimler AG, Stuttgart and Daimler Project Consult, Germany. It is the sole agent, assembler and manufacturer of Mercedes-Benz products for Indonesia.

Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia is a joint ventured company, owned by Daimler AG, Stuttgart, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia and the Indonesian partner. It is the main distributor for Mercedes-Benz in Indonesia and responsible for marketing of Mercedes-Benz products in Indonesia.

Our corporate values are Passion, Respect, Integrity and Discipline to become Excellent.
We are inviting promising talent from reputable universities in Indonesia to apply for the positions of:

1. Engineer


* • To determine planning of assembly line and organize the production flow process.
* • To prepare and provide lay out of production assembly.
* • To prepare and plan working instruction for parts and process of assembly.
* • To define the supporting tools and consumption materials.


* • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering or Mechanical Engineer.
* • Excellent in English both oral and written; German will be an advantage.
* • Microsoft Office Literate: MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Visio.
* • Familiar with Windows Operating System: Windows NT and Windows XP.
* • Familiar with AutoCad 2D.
* • Familiar with SAP and MochaSoft Mainframe Program.
* • Good knowledge of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.


1. Junior Engineer: having 1-3 years experience in the automotive industry would be and advantage.
2. Senior Engineer: minimum 3 years experience in related/similar job, preferable in automotive industry.
3. Section Manager: minimum 3 years experience in leading people in engineer level, preferable in automotive industry.

Interest candidate who meets the qualifications above, please send your CV (max 250kb) with the appropriate “Category” to : Niena.Khotimah@daimler.com

2. Accounting - General Ledger Staff

* • To manage the bank reconciliation and clearing account.
* • To responsible of daily transaction: day to day maintenance of books account, preparation of standards reports and accumulation of cost.
* • To be responsible of remediation process to verify accuracy of computation and assuring all transaction properly supported according to policies, procedure and compliance standards.
* • To review ISP and Warranty Provision.


* • Bachelor Degree in Accounting.
* • Minimum 2 years working experience in similar position.
* • Familiar with SAP.
* • Advance knowledge in Microsoft Excel.
* • MS Office literate: Word, Power Point.
* • Good English communication skill, both oral and written.

Interest candidate who meets the qualifications above, please send your CV (max 250kb) with the position name in the subject of your email to : Niena.Khotimah@daimler.com

Lowongan Kerja TV One

TVOne progressive inspires Indonesian society to think ahead and make improvements for themselves and their community through its News and Sports program. Earlier this year, TVone have 26 stations and at the end of the year will be 37 stations in various regions with 162 million potential viewers. Through these developments, is expected to spread the spirit of TVOne to promote national development. Currently we are looking for qualified candidates to fill following positions:

Operator Transmisi Bandung
Job Requirements:

* Male, age max 30 years old
* Graduate min D3 Tehnik elektro
* Preferable have experience in related job or same position (Industry Media)
* Based in Jawa Barat – Bandung

Staf Broadcast Facility
Job Requirements:

* Female, age max 25 years old
* Graduate min Diploma D3 in Tehnik elektro, manajemen, Administrasi
* Fresh Graduate or 1 years experience in same position
* Prefered have basic administration
* Based in Jakarta Raya

Sales Administration Support (SAS)

* Male, graduate min D3
* Age max 28 years old
* Have experience in sales administration from Industry Media
* Good documentation / reporting skill
* Proactive, hardworking and able to work in a dynamic workplace and able to work in a team.
* Good Computer literate with Ms. Excel, Ms. Word
* Based in Jakarta Raya

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with good remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to:

PT Lativi Media Karya (tvOne)
Jl Rawa Terate II/2 Kawasan Industri Pulogadung Jakarta 13930
Website: http://www.tvone.co.id/
Deadline 27 November 2010

Lowongan BUMN Energy Management Indonesia

nergy management. From year to year, we had help the government, other government institutions, and private company in risk management activities, energy audits, commissioning testing, energy inspection and labeling, technical consultancy, energy and environmental studies.

Implementation of our business activities were conducted by trained and professional staffs in their field and supported by adequate equipment as needed. Our accumulated experience in various sectors in society and many industries added value in the implementation of our business conducted the study tasks, conservation, management and energy diversification.

Senior Engineering Staff
Job Requirements:

* Have 20 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Engineering - Others or equivalent.
* Graduate S1 in Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Industrial), Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/Gas), Geology/Geophysics, Engineering (Metallurgy), Engineering (Electrical), Engineering (Quality Control), Engineering (TKDN Assessor) or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.
* Having good communication skills in both English and Indonesia
* Proactive, hardworking and able to work in a dynamic workplace and able to work in a team.
* Have excellent interpersonal skill, energetic, mature, Honest, Discipline & dynamic
If you are confident that you can meet our requirement, please forward your application with complete curriculum vitae and most recent photograph to:

PT Energy Management Indonesia (Persero)
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 4-6 Melawai - Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12160
Website: http://www.energyservices.co.id
Deadline 20 November 2010

Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia

Garuda Indonesia (Persero)is the national airline of Indonesia. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda. It is headquartered at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. In Indian Vedic tradition, Garuda is the carrier of the Hindu god Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the coat of arms of Indonesia.

The airline is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.

Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax's Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)

We are seeking Rated Commercial Pilots for Boeing 737‐300/400/500 and Boeing 737‐800NG. Candidates must be Indonesian citizens who are fluent in English and of good character.

Operation Publication Analyst
Job Requirements:

* Male/ Female age max 28 years old
* Graduate S1 in Perpustakaan/Teknik Informatika from reputable university IPK min 3.00 scale 4
* Have 2 years experience in same position
* Having good communication skills in both English and Indonesia
* Good Computer literate with Ms. Excel, Ms. Word
* Strong analytical and strategic thinking
* Have excellent communication skill
* Based in Jakarta Raya - Cengkareng

Job Responsibilities:

* Gathering issue and about problem which gets bearing with changed and formative Operational Manual, one that covers External and Internal Manual
* Arranging solution and recommendation alternative suitably which gets bearing with Operation Publication's Manual
* Doing up date knowledge continually and systematics hits to process and methodology most now to things that gets bearing with Operation Manual

If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph (4x6) and application letter to :

PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)
Garuda City Center
Gedung Management Soekarno - Hatta International Airport
Jakarta 19120.
Closing dates 7 November 2010

Lowongan Kerja Quality Control, Document Control, Kepala Maintenance PT ALAM DIANRAYA

Perusahaan Swasta Nasional yang bergerak dalam bidang Packaging & Printing yang berlokasi di Kawasan Industri PT. SIER Surabaya membutuhkan tenaga profesional dengan syarat sebagai berikut :

– Diutamakan pria, usia 25 – 30 tahun
– Pengalaman di bidang QC manufaktur min 2 th
– Pendidikan min. D-3 Tehnik
– Menguasai program komputer (Ms.Word, Exel, Office)
– Menguasai alat ukur micrometer, jangka sorong
– Menguasai tehnik sampling dan QC seven tools
– Leadership baik, inisiatif, kreatif, teliti, komunikatif, analisa baik
– Mengetahui ISO 9001-2008
– Tidak buta warna

– Diutamakan pria, usia 20 – 25 th
– Tidak buta warna
– Pendidikan min. STM/Sederajat
– Menguasai program komputer ( Ms Word, Exel, Office)
– Menguasai penggunaan alat ukur micrometer dan jangka sorong
– Kreatif, inisiatif, komunikatif, teliti, analisa baik

– Wanita/Pria, diutamakan wanita usia 20 – 25 tahun
– Pendidikan min. D-3
– Menguasai komputer (Windows, Ms Office, Visio)
– Energik, cekatan, komunikatif
– Diutamakan pengalaman sebagai Document Control ISO (tidak mutlak)

– Pria usia 25 – 35 th
– pendidikan D-3 tehnik (mesin, listrik, elektro)
– Pengalaman min. 2 th
– menguasai komputer (Ms. word, exel, office)
– Bahasa Inggris Aktif
– Leardership baik

Jika anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, Email surat lamaran lengkap, CV, transkrip nilai, pas foto terbaru, beserta data-data pendukung lainnya kepada hrd@alam-dianraya.co.id


Lowongan staf kantor XL

Silahkan kirim CV terbaru anda ke alamat : PT.FAJAR SEJAHTERA MANDIRI (XL Authorized Dealer) Jl.Suria Sumantri No.99 Bandung atau email HRD : rlidrawinat@ayahoo.com

Lowongan Pekerjaan perkantoran

Kami adalah salah satu perusahan ternama di jakarta yang sedang berkembang dalam bidang management,dan kami sedang membutuhkan banyak karyawan/ti dalam berbagai posisi dan juga membuka untuk part time sebagai :

Part Time
Data Entry & Support Data
- Pria/Wanita
- Semua Umur
- Mampu bekerja dalam target
- Menguasai komputer (min Ms.Office)

Kirim CV dan Lamaran Lengkap Serta Foto Terbaru
ke email : wibisono.hrd@gmail.com

Lowongan Marketing Associate

Kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan tim konsultan asuransi PT Prudential Life Assurance yang dinamis dan profesional. Anda tidak terikat oleh waktu kerja yang monoton sebaliknya fleksibilitas dan skema income serta award yang menarik sedang menanti Anda.

Persyaratan:Kami mencari seseorang yang menyukai tantangan, suka mengerjakan sesuatu dengan cara yang berbeda, dan memiliki hasrat untuk selalu unggul. Sebagai seorang penasihat yang mandiri Anda akan menawarkan masukan-masukan finansial yang berguna dan memperkenalkan berbagai macam produk finansial, untuk memenuhi tujuan dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan nasabah Anda.

Anda akan mendapatkan pelatihan untuk melakukan analisa kebutuhan finansial agar dapat menentukan kebutuhan finansial nasabah Anda & berdasarkan hal tersebut, menyediakan solusi terbaik.

Anda juga diharapkan agresif mencari peluang memasarkan produk yang sesuai. Anda membantu nasabah Anda dalam rangka menanggapi segala hal yang berkaitan dengan polis mereka dan menjaga relasi yang baik.

Tidak terikat waktu,bekerja dimana saja,kapan saja, dan menikmati hidup dan kesukesan Anda bersama team sukses Prudential di indonesia.

Apabila Anda tertarik untuk bergabung sebagai Team Pemasaran Prudential, mohon untuk mengirimkan Riwayat Hidup Anda ke email:


Lowongan untuk Security

Di butuhkan Security, untuk di tempatkan di Jakarta Selatan.

Dengan Syarat :
1. Pendidikan Min. SLTA
2. Laki / Wanita
3. berbadan sehat, tidak bertato.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi.

Deni 021 986 05683
Tati 0813 893 96223

Lowongan kerja Personalia

Perusahaan multi nasional di bidang perdagangan umum,di daerah Bekasi butuh segera tenaga personalia yang handal utk mengisi ke kosongan.
syarat : Pria / Wanita
umur max 35 thn
Pendidikan. SLTA - D3
bagi anda yg berminat silahkan hubungi kami di
No.08992560467 dgn Bpk.SANTOSO Div HRD
Hanya yg memenuhi syarat akan kami panggil dan interview langsung kerja



lowongan Pabrik Australia

DICARI 15 ORANG ( 8 L, 7 P )
Pabrik Australia

Direct Company bukan Agen

Seleksi Bulan NOVEMBER 2010

Adapun kriteria :
- Perempuan, max 35 th
- Laki – laki, max 35 th
- Lulusan SMA/SMK

segera Hubungi :
Andrin Kuswardini,SE HP : 085728303606
Email : Andrin.kuswardini@yahoo.com

Lowongan kerja Pabrik Taiwan

Pabrik Taiwan

Direct Company bukan Agen

Seleksi Bulan NOVEMBER 2010

Adapun kriteria :
- Perempuan, max 35 th
- Laki – laki, max 35 th
- Lulusan SMP/SMA/SMK

segera Hubungi :
Andrin Kuswardini,SE HP : 085728303606
Email : Andrin.kuswardini@yahoo.com

Lowongan kerja Pabrik ELEKTRONIKA

DICARI 90 ORANG ( 30 L, 60 P )
EPSON PRECISION (JOHOR) SDN.BHD Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

Direct Company bukan Agen

Seleksi Bulan NOVEMBER 2010

Adapun kriteria :
- Perempuan, max 30 th
- Laki – laki, max 30 th
- Lulusan SMP/SMA/SMK

segera Hubungi :
Andrin Kuswardini,SE HP : 085728303606
Email : Andrin.kuswardini@yahoo.com

lowongan sales

dicari sales untuk penjualan sparepart motor berlokasi di bandung. Dengan kategori : pria usia max 30 thn,memiliki kendaraan sendiri,memiliki pengalaman kerja dibidangnya,minimal pendidikan D3 .

email : triacomsolutions@gmail.com


Lowongan Kerja

Membutuhkan Cepat karyawan/Ti untuk kantor baru sebagai staff Administrasi &
Accounting. Pria/Wanita, 17-45 thn, D III/S1, Pengalaman
tidak diutamakan, Langsung kerja tidak kontrak, Tanpa Test. langsung interview
ke Jl.jend.Sudirman Kav.79,jakarta 12910 dengan membawa surat lamaran lengkap atau kirim email:thealexpt.sander4712gmail.com

Data Researching

Data Researching
(Jakarta Raya)

* Pria / Wanita
* Bisa Komputer
* Bisa Bahasa Inggris
* Bisa kerja deadline
* Bisa menganalisis
* Gaji negosiable

Kirimkan CV lengkap anda ke Email : jab23.hrd@gmail.com

Penjaga Konter Minuman KOPI

Kami membutuhakan beberapa penjaga konter minuman (KOPI)
- SMP/SMA sederajat
- Wanita/Pria
- Tinggal di daerah Tangerang
- Jujur, Bertanggung Jawab
- Pengalaman tidak di utamakan karena akan di training

Kami memberikan gaji, insentif dan bonus lainnya

Peminat serius silahkan mengirimkan Surat lamarannya ke surjandy@gmail.com atau melalui pos ke jl. jaksa no. 7 d-e JakPus 10340

Sekertaris Manager

Sekertaris Manager
(Jakarta Raya)

Syarat :

* Wanita min 2thn
* Pendidikan min D3 Sekertaris
* Berpenampilan menarik
* Bisa komputer (Words, Exel & Power Point)
* Bisa berbahasa Inggris Aktif
* Siap bepergian untuk tugas

Kirimkan CV lengkap anda ke Email : jab23.hrd@gmail.com

Dibutuhkan Estetician atau beautician

Menard Cosmetic membutuhkan Estetician/Beautician dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

1. Wanita, Umur Maks 28 thn, tinggi wanita min 158cm.
2. Berpenampilan Menarik, kondisi wajah bersih dan terawat.
3. Pendidikan minimal tamatan SMU/SMK/Sederajat.
4. Menyukai kecantikan dan keindahan.
5. Ramah, Terampil, Rajin, Sopan, Bertanggung Jawab.
6. Bersedia bekerja di bawah tekanan (underpressure).
7. Bersedia kerja dengan sistem shift dan ditempatkan di daerah JABOTABEK.
8.Bersedia menyerahkan Ijazah Asli sebagai Jaminan (Jika Diterima).
9. bersedia ditraining Facial.

Job TYpe : contract
Salary : menadapat gaji pokok, uang transport, uanglembur.
jika anda memenuhi kriteria di atas silahkan mengirimkan CV anda ke kami via pos ke :
jl.MEtro KEncana VII no Q18, sunter
jak ut 14340
ataupun email ke :
jobs@indahmuliaabadi.com dengan subject : Beautician

Staff Administrasi

Staff Administrasi
(Jakarta Raya)

Perusahaan Membutuhkan Cepat karyawan/Ti untuk kantor baru sebagai staff Administrasi &
Accounting. Pria/Wanita, 17-45 thn, D III/S1, Pengalaman
tidak diutamakan, Langsung kerja tidak kontrak, Tanpa Test. langsung interview

kirim email:jab2305.hrdjab@gmail.com

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Business administrator

Kualifikasi :

1. Female/Male, Mi. 28 Years of Age
2. Candidate must possess at least a Diploma Degree, any field
3. At least 2 years of hands-on experience at the same position
4. Proficient in oral & written English is a must
5. Proficient in MS Office Applications
6. Have excellent communication, writing and interpersonal skills
7. Passionate, hardworking, and able to work in a dynamic workplace
8. Smart and have good initiative and creativity

Dicari tenaga administrasi

Perusahaan distributor textile di Pusat Grosir Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat Mencari karyawati Sbb
Staff Administrasi
Syarat , Wanita , umur maksimum 35 tahun pendidikan minimal SMU sederajat diutamakan dari D1
menguasai komputer dengan lancar.
Bagi yg berminat dapat menghubungi via email djokop7@gmail.com , atau via surat ke Ruko AA No. 42 Pasar Tanah Abang Blok E komplek Ex AURI , atau via SMS untuk jadual interview ke 08174913853 , Interview akan dilakukan minggu depan.

Lowongan kerja di bank bumn terkemuka


- Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA/SMK sederajat
- Wajib memiliki pengalaman sebagai Sales Agent Kartu Kredit
- Jujur dan bertanggung jawab
- Memiliki jiwa menjual yang baik
- Memiliki semangat kerja yang luar biasa dan pantang menyerah
- Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa yang baik dan benar
- Dapat bekerja mandiri dan bersama-sama dengan Team
- Dapat memenuhi target pemasaran yang telah ditentukan
- Bersedia bekerja dalam waktu kerja Shift
- Bersedia ditempatkan di BENGKULU dan sekitarnya
- Mematuhi aturan tertulis yang telah disepakati dalam perjanjian kerja

Kirimkan CV Lengkap Anda ke arief.alfaridzi@gmail.com atau untuk detail silahkan hubungi Bpk. Arief di 081398251973

Lowongan kerja di bank bumn


- wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA/SMK sederajat
- Wajib memiliki pengalaman di bagian administrasi perkantoran, mengurus arsip2, surat menyurat, dlsb
- Jujur dan bertanggung jawab
- Memiliki semangat kerja yang luar biasa dan pantang menyerah
- Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa yang baik dan benar
- Dapat bekerja mandiri dan bersama-sama dengan Team
- Bersedia ditempatkan di BENGKULU dan sekitarnya
- Mematuhi aturan tertulis yang telah disepakati dalam perjanjian kerja

Kirimkan CV Lengkap Anda ke arief.alfaridzi@gmail.com atau untuk detail silahkan hubungi Bpk. Arief di 081398251973

lowongan pabrik gulaku

Syarat-syarat :
1. Pria
2. Usia max.47th
3. Pendidikan STM/sederajat
4. Berpengalaman di Bidangnya min.2 thn
5. Mau ditempatkan di Daerah Lampung Tengah
6. Jujur & Pekerja keras.
7. CV / Surat Lamaran lengkap.

a. Gaji Pokok (Rp.2,5Jt s/d Rp.3,5Jt)
b. Over Time
c. Mess / Perumahan
d. Transportasi ke Lokasi kerja ditanggung Perusahaan
e. Asuransi / Kesehatan.

Bagi Calon tenaga kerja yang ingin bergabung dapat segera mengirimkan CV (Curicullum Vitae)/ Riwayat Hidup 1 lbr, ke alamat email:
(selambatnya November 2010)

Untuk informasi dan keterangan, hubungi:
Hp.: 081808796522 (Mr.BOY)
email: ubs_jkt@yahoo.com

Lowongan Kerja MB Century

MB Century is a market leader and foremost provider of oil, gas and geothermal drilling services, with one of the most comprehensive and "best in market" fleets of land drilling rigs in the Asia - Pacific. As a division of MB Group (MBPetroleum Services) headquartered in Oman, we strives to deliver “lowest total well cost: safer, smarter - together with our clients” in mutually respectful commercial frameworks.

To support our operation in Indonesia, We are seeking for experienced and qualified personnel to fill positions as below :


General Requirements:

a. At least + 15 years of working experience in a Multi National Energy Company or Oil & Gas Services Company with minimum + 5 years in the similar position.
b. Hands-on experience in Change Management initiatives and leading several Organizational development projects (e.g. SAP/Oracle Implementation, Reward Management, Organizational Restructuring, Merger & Acquisition, Corporate Alignment, Policy Establishment & implementation).
c. Proven track record in managing good Industrial Relations climate, Community Relations and Expatriate Management (work permit, formalities and expatriate general services).
d. A good network with respective Government offices and professional associations within the industry (Dir. Oil and Gas, Ministry of Manpower, Dir. of Immigration, APMI, etc).
e. A strong leadership, business driven minded and proven track record to dealing with a multicultural working environment.
f. An excellent English proficiency both written and spoken.

Candidates who do not meet the above requirements are not encouraged to apply.

Candidates should send their latest C.V to recruitmentindo@mbcentury.com / recruitmentindo[at]mbcentury.com within 14 days after this advertisement, complete with full work experience details (Specify Oil, Gas or Geothermal experience), training completed, minimum three references contact from Previous Employers and personal details. Only successful applicants will be invited for further interview.

Lowongan Kerja KAO Indonesia

Kao Indonesia subsidiary of Kao Corporation is one of the leading multinational companies in consumer goods. The company has various products to fulfill and satisfy consumer needs. In nowadays business the company has implemented integrated business system and quality management procedures to pursue consumer satisfaction. We are looking for qualified candidates for the position as:

Trade Marketing Executive
Execute promotional strategies for a specific channel of distribution. Ensure that trade and profitability objectives are met. Achieving specific sales objectives and Maintain daily records


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Industrial), Mathematics, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Good communication in English (oral and written)
* Full-Time positions available.

Training Executive

* Preparing and administering training need analysis
* Assist in developing training program from designing program, developing training plan, modules and curriculum which align with the required competencies
* Maximize training by providing a creative, fun and exciting environment in the delivery training sessions
* Track, input and maintain all individual colleague training records within company information system
* assist in developing monthly and annual training plans and calendars


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Industrial), Economics, Psychology or equivalent.
* A minimum of 1 Year experience in position within training including experience with skills training
* Excellent presentation and proactive communication skills as well as excellent command of spoken and written English and Indonesia
* Independent,energetic and highly self driven with distinctive team facilitation
* Computer literacy to include : Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point etc.
* Willing to travel
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Production Executive
Responsibilities :
To plan, execute, control and evaluate production activities in order to achieve the objectives based on safety, quality, quantity, environment, time and cost requirement

Requirements :

* Candidate must posses at least a Bachelor’s degree in engineering (Chemical)
* Minimal1 year experience in production (preferred)
* Good communication in English (oral and written)
* Good process analytical
* Good leadership and teamwork

Sales Supervisor
Develop sales plans, monitor and adapt sales activities so that these objectives are met. Establish annual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly sales plans and prioritize and schedule own activities so these targets are met. Lead, coach and mentor less experienced sales representatives/ subordinates to achieve their sales targets.


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Industrial), Economics, Commerce or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): Microsoft Excel, presentation skill.
* Preferred skill(s): Leadership.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position but fresh graduate are welcome to apply
* Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Sales - Retail/General or equivalent. Job role in Supervisor/Team Lead or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.

interested applicant please send your comprehensive CV to:

Lowongan kerja PT. ARTHA Corp

Membutuhkan karyawan/karyawati untuk diposisikan di bagian sekretaris manager,supervisor dan bisnis manager dengan kriteria sbb:
-pria/wanita usia minimal 25 tahun.
-mempunyai pengalaman di bidangnya.
-berdomisili di jabodetabek.
-pendidikan terakhir minimal D3.

Secretary Hrd

Secretary Hrd

Kualifikasi :

1. Pria / Wanita max. 28 tahun
2. Pendidikan S1 accounting / finance & administration.
3. Fresh graduate / diutamakan pengalaman 1 tahun
4. Teliti, tekun dan bertanggung jawab
6. Menguasai komputer (Ms. Office)

Kirimkan Lamaran, CV, Pas Foto terbaru, copy KTP, Ijazah dan Transkrip ke : jalatama.tio01@gmail.com

Operator Mesin Bubut Berpengalaman

Dicari operator mesin bubut/milling yang berpengalaman.
- pengalaman min 5 tahun
- pengalaman dalam pembuatan mesin-mesin industri, diutamakan pembuatan mesin roll forming.
- Domisili Surabaya

Lamaran kirim ke email : ptpancalogam@gmail.com
Terima kasih

Lowongan cook buat kapal pesiar


Lowongan telkomvision

2.Min. SLTA/SMEA(bisa sambil kuliah)

fasilitas sbb:
1.Bekerja di KANTOR
021-93806199 E-MAIL: al_reva@yahoo.com


DIBUTUHKAN SEGERA Marketing Executive untuk sebuah Resto di Jakarta timur yang sedang berkembang.

1. Gaji Pokok Rp. 800.000,-
2. Tunjangan Transport Rp. 300.000,-
3. Uang Makan Rp. 15.000,-/hari
4. Bonus Target
5. Komisi

Persyaratan Pelamar:
1. Lulusan min SMA/ D3 (setara)
2. Memiliki motor sendiri dan SIM C
3. Penampilan menarik, suka tantangan dan punya daya tahan, selalu berpikir positif dalam melakukan berbagai hal, dapat berkomunikasi dengan sangat baik kepada semua orang serta dapat bekerja sama dengan atasan
4. Wanita/Pria usia maksimal 30 tahun
5. Pengalaman Kerja minimal 6 bulan di bidang Sales/ Marketing diutamakan Sales Consumer Goods. Belum ada pengalaman, tapi kamu yakin dapat menghasilkan penjualan bisa diterima

1. CV & Foto ukuran 4x6 terbaru
2. Foto copy Ijazah Terakhir, KTP, dan SIM
3. Referensi dan Pengalaman Kerja (bagi yang sudah pengalaman)

Target Market: (JAKARTA)
Hotel, Katering, Kantor, Perumahan, dll.

Kirim lamaran ke: jakartaresto@gmail.com

Operator Desain Grafis

Kayana Digital Color Copy & Print Membutuhkan Operator Desain Grafis (ODG) Menguasai Software Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Freehand, Corel Draw, Pendidikan Minimal SMKUsia Maksimal 25 Tahun, Pria / Wanita
Sertakan CV lengkap + Foto diri, Diutamakan Bertempat tinggal di Jakarta Selatan
Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via POS ke :
HRD Kayana Digital Color Copy & Print
Jl. Kemang Selatan No.14D
Jakarta Selatan


Pendidikan: SMU/SMEA/STM - Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 31/12/2010

Freelance Marketing

Pt.Travelindo Pesona Wisata , bergerak dibidang Travel untuk penjualan Tiket Pesawat , Haji & Umroh , Voucher Hotel , Tour Domestik & Internasional , penyewaan mobil , pembuatan Passport & Visa.

Kami mencari marketing freelance Pria / Wanita dengan sistem komisi


Pendidikan: SMU/SMEA/STM - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Temporary Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: komisi
Tanggal Penutupan: 26/12/2010


1) Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun.
2) Pernah bekerja di perusahaan Konsultan Teknik.
3) Pernah menangani pekerjaan perencanaan dan perancangan.
4) Menguasai program AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3D Max, dsb.
5) Dapat bekerja sesuai jadwal, dalam team, lembur, dan dibawah tekanan.
6) energik, jujur, disiplin dan mempunyai motivasi untuk berkembang.
7) Apabila menguasai bahasa inggris mendapat nilai tambah.
8) Nilai IPK minimal 2,8 Kirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta port folio, pas foto, copy ijazah dan refernsi, ke alamat email : hrd_tac@ymail.com


Pendidikan: Associate Degree - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 09/11/2010


( +/- 1 S / D 3 juta )

Kami adalah Distributor CAMERA Digital dari JEPANG, KOREA dan CHINA, saat ini membutuhkan karyawan untuk ditempatkan di Modern Market / Mall.

Sebagai UJUNG TOMBAK penjualan SALES PROMOTION sangat penting karena keberhasilan perusahaan sangat ditentukan oleh kemampuan SPG / SPM-nya.

SEGERA kirimkan lamaran Anda melalui e-mail ke :



Pendidikan: SMU/SMEA/STM - Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: ALL IN > 2 JT
Tanggal Penutupan: 20/11/2010


Sebagai perusahaan financial dan asuransi terbesar di dunia yang saat ini tengah berkembang dan memperluas jaringannya membutuhkan tenaga – tenaga professional yang handal dan memenuhi kualifikasi untuk menempati posisi sebagai :


Kualifikasi :
- Pria / Wanita minimal usia 19 s/d 45 tahun
- Pendidikan Minimal D3 (AM), SMU (FC,CRO) atau sedang kuliah
- Mampu bekerja keras dan berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Memiliki jaringan / network yang luas
- Bisa part time (FC)

Surat Lamaran dapat dikirimkan melalui surat ke alamat :
PT. AXA Indonesia
Jl. Sudirman No. 31 A Medan
(cantumkan UP: Pynes – Falcon di sudut kanan atas amplop)

Lamaran kami tunggu paling lama 2 minggu setelah iklan lowongan ini terbit


Pendidikan: SMU/SMEA/STM - Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Sumatra Utara / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: 2000000
Tanggal Penutupan: 15/11/2010

Staff HR recruitment dan Public Relation


“Your Trust Is Our Satifaction”

Salah satu perusahaan pialang berjangka terbesar di Indonesia membuka peluang untuk para professional muda yang dinamis, aktif dan bermotivasi tinggi untuk bergabung sebagai :

Public Relation

Kualifikasi :

1. Wanita, maks. 25 tahun, min. D3 (fresh graduated) semua jurusan

2. Berpenampilan menarik dan proporsional

3. Dapat bekerja secara independen

4. Memiliki jaringan dan relasi luas dengan orientasi bisnis

5. Berpengalaman di bidang komunikasi massa, marketing dan Keuangan

6. Menguasai komputer dan bahasa Inggris min. pasif

7. Gaji pokok range min. Rp. 1,5 juta – 6 juta

Staff HR Recruitment

Kualifikasi :

1. wanita maks. 25 tahun, min D3. semua jurusan

2. Fresh graduated atau berpengalaman min. 1 tahun di bidang marketing

3. Kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik

4. Memiliki jaringan dan relasi untuk program-program recruitment

5. Memiliki keahlian presentasi dan negosiasi yang baik

6. Menguasai komputer dan bahasa Inggris min. pasif

Walk In Interview :

Gedung BEI Lt.25 Tower II Ruang 2502

Jln. Jend Sudirman kav. 52-52

Jakarta Selatan 12190

021. 5155 152



Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 10-12-2010

Surveyor (SUR)

Sebuah perusahaan pembiayaan kendaraan bermotor roda dua yang sedang berkembang, membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk ditempatkan pada posisi;Surveyor (SUR)
Kualifikasi: Pria, usia maks. 35 tahun, pendidikan min. D1/sederajat, memiliki HP sendiri, memiliki SIM C dan sepeda motor, penempatan di cabang

Cabang Penempatan Kerja :
JABODETABEK: Kedoya, Bekasi, Pamulang,Depok,Tangerang,Cibinong,Rawamangun.
JAWA BARAT: Bandung,Cimahi,Banjar,Cirebon,Karawang,Majalengka,Purwakarta,Subang,Sukabumi,Tasikmalaya,Garut,Cianjur,Pelabuhan Ratu,Cikarang,Sumedang,Patrol/Pamanukan,Jatibarang,Kuningan.

Gaji Pokok+Tunjangan kesehatan+Uang Makan+Uang Pulsa+JAMSOSTEK


Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: UMR
Tanggal Penutupan: 30/11/2010

Telemarketing Officer


Wanita,Usia maksimal 30 tahun
Pendidikan minimal SMA
Aktif dan komunikatif
Dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik.
Gaji yang ditawarkan : NEGOTIABLE

Deskripsi Umum

Melakukakan Sales Call kepada Klien

Bagi kandidat yang berminat harap segera mengirimkan CV lengkap disertai dengan kode lamaran disudut kanan atas amplop,ditujukan ke:
Bank Standard Chartered

Wisma 76 Lt.21 Jl.S.Parman Kav 76 Slipi Jakarta 11410

Atau via e mail ke: hrd.mpenata@gmail.com

Pendidikan: SMU/SMEA/STM - Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 30/11/2010


PT.JALATAMA ARTHA adalah salah satu perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dalam bidang Keuangan / Jasa perdagangan,saat ini sedang membutuhkan calon karyawan yang akan ditempatkan pada kantor cabang kami yang baru sebagai rencana pengembangan bisnis di Indonesia.


Deskripsi Kerja :

· Mempersiapkan surat keluar - masuk untuk jajaran management.
· Berkoordinasi dengan staff management untuk mempersiapkan data.
· Membuat laporan kerja bagi jajaran management.
· Merancang materi presentasi bagi jajaran management.
· Mengolah data bagi jajaran management.

Persyaratan :

· Pria/wanita umur minimal 23 tahun.
· Pendidikan terakhir minimal D3 dari semua jurusan.
· Menguasai aplikasi Ms.Office dan Internet
· Terbuka bagi pelamar yang berpengalaman atau fresh graduated.
· Memiliki skill komunikasi dan bersosialisasi yang baik.
· Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan/overtime.
· Berpenampilan menarik.

Kompensasi :

· Income :Rp.2.500.000 – Rp.4.000.000 [tergantung penilaian pada saat interview]
· Tunjangan uang makan dan transportasi
· Tunjangan asuransi kesehatan keluarga [untuk pegawai tetap]
· Promosi jabatan dan beasiswa belajar ke luar negri

Bagi kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang telah kami tentukan di atas,dapat langsung mengirimkan surat lamaran dan CV ke alamat e-mail :Vincent.hrdevelopment@gmail.com

Atau langsung datang interview ke :

PT.Jalatama Artha

JL.Jendral Sudirman Kav.79

Prudential Tower lt.22

Jakarta Selatan

Contact Person : Mr.Vincent [08811650627]


Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: Rp.2.500.000 – Rp.4.000.000
Tanggal Penutupan: 10/11/2010


Dibutuhkan :
Baker,menguasai bakery,cake and pastry,untuk area Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta
di utamakan berdomisili di Jawa Tengah atau Yogyakarta.
Lamaran di kirim atau datang langsung ke PT. SEKAWAN KARSA MULIA JL. Ketileng RAya No. 14 Semarang


Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jawa Tengah / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Temporary Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: negotiations
Tanggal Penutupan: 30/11/2010




Usia min 24 thn
Pendidikan S1
Menguasai metode penelitian, baik kuantitatif maupun kualitatif
Memiliki kemampuan analisa data dan logical thinking yang kuat
Menguasai aplikasi Ms. Office
Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
Disiplin dan sanggup bekerja lembur
Tugas dan tanggung jawab:

Menangani dan mengelola aktifitas data harian, serta melakukan analisa data, mengkonsep, mengkoordinasikan, dan menjalankan aktifitas / rutinitas operasional harian.

· Income 4 juta - 6 juta

· Transportasi

· Asuransi

Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan kami, silahkan kirim aplikasi beserta CV ke:



Pendidikan: Associate Degree - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: 4 juta - 6 juta
Tanggal Penutupan: 10/11/2010

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010


KUALIFIKASI UMUM: 1. Pendidikan min. D3 bidang keperawatan 2. Usia max. 30 thn 3. Berpenampilan menarik 4. Berbahasa Inggris aktif 5. Menguasai komputer 5. Bersedia bekerja shift 6. Mampu kerja mandiri dan di bawah tekanan JOB DESCRIPTION: 1. mempersiapakan ruang praktekdan ruang tindakan beserta kelengkapan peralatan medis dan obat-obatan yang diperlukan sebelum dokter melakukan praktek atau tindakan 2. bekerjasama denagn perawat lain untuk mengatur ruangan maupun pasien untuk dokter-dokter yang telah terjadwal tindakan pasiennya 3.mengecek kembali kedatangan pasien yang sudah terjadwal akan dilakukan tindakan atau operasi Lamaran dan CV dapat dikirim melalui pos atau diantar langsung ke SENOPATI SKIN CENTER Jl. Senopati No. 44A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12190.


Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 30/11/2010

Full Time Teacher

- Fluent in English
- Able to teach Primary Students
- Able to teach higher lever students will be an advantage


Pendidikan: Associate Degree - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: negotiable
Tanggal Penutupan: 30/11/2010


Kami adalah perusahaan yang sedang berkembang pesat di sektor keuangan internasional.

Job Description : Saat ini perusahaan membutuhkan tenaga profesional yang dinamis dan energik sebagai Marketing Executive.

Persyaratan :
- Pria / Wanita - Pendidikan minimal D3 (semua jurusan)
- Lebih diutamakan wanita dan pernah bekerja di institusi keuangan seperti bank dan asuransi
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun - Berpenampilan menarik - Memiliki relasi yang luas
- Memiliki jiwa entrepreneur dan menyukai tantangan
- Dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan
- Dapat bekerja secara sendiri maupun team.

Kirimkan surat lamaran Anda ke farantac@gmail.com


Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 25/11/2010

Costomer Service Representative

- Female, Minimum of Diploma 3 years (D III)
- In the field of Public relations, Business and Administration is preferable.
- Attractive and mature appearance
- Excellent interpersonal and presentation skill
- Experience in banking, property and insurance is a plus point.


Pendidikan: Diploma - Advanced Career (10+ years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 03/11/2010


1. Pendidikan min. D3 bidang farmasi
2. Usia max. 30 thn
3. Berpenampilan menarik
4. Berbahasa Inggris aktif
5. Menguasai komputer
5. Bersedia bekerja shift
6. Mampu kerja mandiri dan di bawah tekanan

1. menyiapkan stok obat di apotek
2. membuat daftar permintaan barang ke gudang farmasi
3. menerima resep
membaca dan memberi harga terhadap resep yang diterima
4. menyiapkan obat berdasarkan resep
5. mengemas obat-obat yang telah disiapkan
6. menyerahkan obat kepada pasien dan memberi penjelasan mengenai obat tersebut Lamaran dan CV dapat dikirim melalui pos atau diantar langsung ke SENOPATI SKIN CENTER Jl. Senopati No. 44A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12190.


Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 30/11/2010


1. Pendidikan min. D3
2. Usia max. 30 thn
3. Berpenampilan menarik
4. Berbahasa Inggris aktif
5. Menguasai komputer
5. Bersedia bekerja shift
6. Mampu kerja mandiri dan di bawah tekanan

1. Mengingatkan pasien melalui telepon/sms untuk melakukan tindakan berulang pada waktu yang telah ditentukan
2. mengenal setiap tindakan, alat dan jasa yang ditawarkan oleh SSC
3. mempelajari fasilitas dan tindakan yanga da di SSC melalui leaflet dan brosur SSC
4. menjalankan fungsi marketing SSC
5. memberikan penjelasan kepada pasien mengenai program-program pelayanan SSC Lamaran dan CV dapat dikirim melalui pos atau diantar langsung ke SENOPATI SKIN CENTER Jl. Senopati No. 44A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12190.


Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 30/11/2010


1. Pendidikan min. D3
2. Usia max. 30 thn
3. Berpenampilan menarik
4. Berbahasa Inggris aktif
5. Menguasai komputer
5. Bersedia bekerja shift
6. Mampu kerja mandiri dan di bawah tekanan
7. Pengalaman min. 2 tahun di bidang Marketing

1. mempersiapkan dan mengevaluasi materi promosi SSC
2. membuat nahan presentasi untuk mempromosikan produk dan jasa yang tersedia di SSC
3. mempresentasikan produk dan jasa yang ada di SSC Lamaran dan CV dapat dikirim melalui pos atau diantar langsung ke SENOPATI SKIN CENTER Jl. Senopati No. 44A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12190.


Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 11/30/2010


1. Pendidikan min. D3 bidang Akuntansi
2. Usia max. 30 thn
3. Berpenampilan menarik
4. Berbahasa Inggris aktif
5. Menguasai komputer
5. Bersedia bekerja shift
6. Mampu kerja mandiri dan di bawah tekanan
7. Mempunyai pengalaman min. 2 tahun di Bidang Akuntansi Publik

1. Mengaudit keuangan akunting Lamaran dan CV dapat dikirim melalui pos atau diantar langsung ke SENOPATI SKIN CENTER Jl. Senopati No. 44A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12190.


Pendidikan: Associate Degree - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 11/30/2010

Export Import Administration


Male / Female
Age max 30 year old
Experience to prepare PEB ( Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang ) and PIB ( Pemberitahuan Impor Barang )
Fluent english and computer
Willingness to be located on Tangerang
Fresh graduated are welcome to apply
Only qualified persons shall apply.


Pendidikan: Diploma - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: Rp.3.000.000
Tanggal Penutupan: 30/12/2010


The ideal candidate should possess :

Min. D3 Akuntansi/Ekonomi/Perpajakan
Fresh Graduate atau pengalaman max. 1 tahun, usia max. 25 tahun
Jujur, Integritas tinggi
Teliti, rapi dan sistematis
Menguasai MS Office


Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: Rp. 3.000.000
Tanggal Penutupan: 30/12/2010


Perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang general trading membutuhkan staff kantor untuk bagian Administrasi dan HRD. Income 1,7Jt - 3,7Jt/bln+transport.
Kirim CV via Email: hrd_imam@yahoo.com atau SMS data diri Nama,Alamat,Pendidikan Terakhir
ke Bp.Imam 0817 790 213

Pendidikan: SMU/SMEA/STM - Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: 1,7jt - 3,7jt
Tanggal Penutupan: 30/10/2010

Lowongan Suzuki Indomobil Motor Oktober Nopember 2010

Lowongan otomotif Suzuki Indomobil Motor Job Vacancy Batas lamaran bulan Oktober s/d 01 November 2010

As a response to the global transformation plan and to extend our perspectives in Suzuki’s Business Growth, We intend to share the challenging experiences and opportunities to young prominent individual to join and be part of our growth as:

Manufacturing Engineering Staff (MES)


* Male, Single, Max: 27 years old
* S1 degree in Engineering (Metallurgy/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Industrial/ Chemical/ Environment)
* GPA: min 3 from reputable university
* Having min. 1 year experience in Manufacturing/ Production Engineering especially in Automotive Industry would be an advantage.
* Familiar with computer and technical drawing programs is a plus point
* Well proven in English communication skill (spoken & written) or Japanese would be very helpful.
* Willingly to be posted in Manufacturing Site.
* Fresh graduates are welcome too.

Environment Safety & Health (ESH)


* Male, Single, Max: 27 years old
* S1 degree in Engineering (Chemical/ Environmental)
* GPA: min 3 from reputable university
* Have an experience in Environment Safety & Health Area min. 2 years would be an advantage.
* Familiar with computer and technical drawing programs is a plus.
* Advance in ISO 14001 & health and safety (K3) management
* Well proven in English communication skill (spoken & written) or Japanese would be very helpful.

Please submit your comprehensive resume (detailing your qualifications and also previous work experiences) and recent photograph to:
HRD – Recruitment
PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor
Jl. P. Diponegoro Km. 38,2 – Tambun
Bekasi 17510

Australia NAHSSS Bachelor Scholarships 2011-2012

2011 2012 Undergraduate Scholarships in Nursing and Allied Health, Australia
The Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship and Support Scheme (NAHSSS) – Allied Health Undergraduate Stream

Applications for the Undergraduate Scholarship NAHSSS 2011 are now open.
To send an application form go to the application of a scholarship page and follow the link.
Before applying please ensure you have read and understood the guidelines and the list of eligible courses.
Applications for the 2011 Undergraduate Scholarship will close 17:00 ESDST current (Canberra Time) on November 5, 2010.

Please note that late applications will not be accepted.

Eligible allied health professions for 2011:

* Aboriginal health worker (Cert IV and above only)
* Audiology
* Chiropractic
* Dental & oral health
* Dietetics & nutrition
* Exercise physiology (ESSA Exercise & Sports Science Australia approved course)
* Genetic counselling (Postgraduate/CPD only)
* Medical radiation science
o Medical Imaging
o Nuclear Medicine Technology
o Radiation Therapy
* Occupational therapy
* Optometry
* Orthoptics
* Osteopathy
* Physiotherapy
* Podiatry
* Prosthetics and Orthotics
* Psychology
* Social work (AASW Australian Association of Social Workers approved courses only)
* Speech pathology
* Sonography

Please Note: If your Profession is not on this list (you are not eligible) please email: undergrad@sarrah.org.au if you would like your profession to be considered in future years.


Undergraduate Stream Manager

PO Box 74

Deakin West ACT 2600

Free call: 1800 338 061

Tel: (02) 6285 4960

Fax: (02) 6162 4094

Email: undergrad@sarrah.org.au

Lowongan RCTI TV

PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia Job Vacancies Batas lamaran: 31 OKtober 2010)

Global Mediacom is a media company with more than 12.000 employees and national/international operations. Towards reaching our aggressive goals in Indonesia. Global Mediacom is committed to acquire and develop the best talent in the media industry by providing challenging opportunities in an environment that reinforces individual growth and development, and where the highest degree of integrity, individual initiative, balanced risk taking, entrepreneurial spirit and teamwork are encouraged and rewarded.

Due to our business expansion in Indonesia, we require high caliber, talented, energetic individuals, who value integrity and ethical behavior.

1. Studio Cameraman (Jakarta Raya)


* Age max 25 years old
* Diploma/Bachelor degree, major in Broadcasting, from reputable university
* Minimum 1 year experience as a Cameraman
* Have basic skills in Audio, Camera, & Lighting
* Good command in English
* Good team player

2. Account Executive (Jakarta Raya)


* Age max 28 years old
* University degree (S1), any major, from reputable university
* Minimum 1 year experience as an Account Executive
* Proven strong presentation skill
* Good communication and negotiation skill
* Strong interpersonal relationship skill
* Have the ability to build and maintain professional networking
* Possess high level of achievement motivation
* Good team player

3. Internal Auditor (Jakarta Raya)


* University degree (S1), prefer accounting/ finance from reputable university
* Experience min 2 years, prefer from Audit firm/ having experience in media broadcast industry.
* Knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, power point, Visio) and other application support for audit process.
* Knowing about Risk Based Audit approach
* Age : 22 – 27 year old
* High integrity and attention to detail
* Highly motivated and good team player
* Willing to work hard, and travel during audit assignment

4. Purchasing Officer (Jakarta Raya)


* Bachelor degree from reputable university
* Major in Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering
* GPA min. 2,75 (out of 4)
* Max. 26 years old
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Computer literate
* Able to work under pressure
* Good communication & negotiation skills
* Possess strong interpersonal skills

5. Sales Administration Support (Jakarta Raya)


* Associate/Bachelor degree from reputable university
* GPA min. 2,75 (out of 4)
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* High level of detail orientation
* Computer literate
* Able to work under pressure
* Good communication skills
* Possess strong interpersonal skills

If you are keen to pursue a career in an exciting and growing industry and at the same time work with highly motivated and bonded team, do e-mail your resume to: recruitment@rcti.tv

Human Resource Department
PT. Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia
Jl. Raya Pejuangan Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta 11530

Lowongan D3 PT Gudang Garam Tbk

Lowongan kerja di perusahana rokok terbesar PT Gudang Garam Tbk untuk lulusan D3 S1. Batas lamaran: 30 Oktober 2010
PT Gudang Garam Tbk is one of the leading cigarette producers that secures the largest market share in Indonesia, produced more than 70 billions sticks in the year 2001 and well-known as the high quality kretek cigarette producer. We are currently seeking professional candidates for the following positions:

Production Staff (Code: PRO)

* Diploma (D3) in Mechanical, min. GPA : 2.75 (4 scale). Male, max. age 25 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) in Industrial Engineering/ Information System/ Statistic, min. GPA : 3.00 (4 scale). Female, max. age 26 years old

Technician (Code : TCH)

* Male/ Female
* Max. age 26 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) and Diploma (D3) in Mechanical/ Electronics/ Mechatronics/ Telecommunication Engineering, min. GPA : 3.00 (4 scale)

Internal Auditor (Code : IA)

* Male/ Female
* Max. age 27 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting/ Industrial Engineering, min. GPA : 3.00 (4 scale)

General Requirement

* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Able to operate computer application
* Willing to posted in Kediri, East Java

Please submit your application within 2 weeks after this advertisement including your latest CV, photo and contact number to: hrd.gg@gudanggaramtbk.com not later than October 30, 2010. Please write the code in your application. We regret that only short-listed applicants will be notified.

Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive PT. Artha Telekomindo Surabaya

Corporate Sales

An internet service company that is growing rapidly, requiring sales executive with the following qualificatios:
- Female with good appearance
- Graduate min Diploma
- Age max 30 years old
- Have minimum of 1 – 2 year working experience, fresh graduated are welcome.
- Have networking in National and Multinational Company (Preferred)
- Able to communicate well
- Able to build relationships, communicative and able to work together as an individual / team
- Able to speak English (min. read and write)
- Able to master the Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, Outlook)
- Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision
- Hard working, self motivated & target oriented

Please send your complete resume with passport sized photograph and expected salary to:
HRD Manager
PT. Artha Telekomindo
Surabaya Rep. Office
Plaza BRI 3rd Floor, Suite 307
Jl. Basuki Rahmat 122 Surabaya
Email: sales.sby@scbd.net.id

Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive PT. Artha Telekomindo Surabaya

Corporate Sales

An internet service company that is growing rapidly, requiring sales executive with the following qualificatios:
- Female with good appearance
- Graduate min Diploma
- Age max 30 years old
- Have minimum of 1 – 2 year working experience, fresh graduated are welcome.
- Have networking in National and Multinational Company (Preferred)
- Able to communicate well
- Able to build relationships, communicative and able to work together as an individual / team
- Able to speak English (min. read and write)
- Able to master the Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, Outlook)
- Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision
- Hard working, self motivated & target oriented

Please send your complete resume with passport sized photograph and expected salary to:
HRD Manager
PT. Artha Telekomindo
Surabaya Rep. Office
Plaza BRI 3rd Floor, Suite 307
Jl. Basuki Rahmat 122 Surabaya
Email: sales.sby@scbd.net.id

Lowongan Kerja Bank Swasta Sales Excutive Surabaya

Kami perusahaan multinasional membutuhkan kadidat potensial yang mampu bekerja dalam target sebagai:

Sales Excutive

1. Min lulusan SMU atau sedang menjalani kuliah (masa studi)
2. Perempuan/Laki-laki
3. Min 20 thn
4. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik
5. Basically pekerjaan di dalam kantor.
6. Pekerja keras (target oriented)

hubungi : 081331511918(irfan)
kirim lamaran atau walk interview langsung ke
Plaza BRI TOWER Lt 5
Jl Basuki Rahmat No.122

up: fanny

*Iklan Lowongan Berlaku Hingga Akhir Oktober 2010

Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Kasir, Sales Kanvaser, Driver PT. Arina Multikarya

Perusahaan nasional bergerak di bidang Outsourching, Advertaising & Distributor Unilever. PT. Arina Multikarya membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional untuk di posisikan sebagai :


Dengan Persyaratan Sebagai Berikut :
1. D3/S1 Akutansi
2. Wanita max 30 th
3. Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer ( MS Word, Excel )
4. Menguasai Rugi/Laba
5. Menguasai Pembukuan


Dengan Persyaratan Sebagai Berikut :
1. L/P max 35 th
2. Berpengalaman sebagai seles
3. Mempunyai Motor dan SIM C
4. Bisa bekerja dalam Team dan Target


Dengan Persyaratan Sebagai Berikut :
1. Pria max 32th
2. Pendidikan min SMA
3. Mempunyai SIM B1

Applikasi lengkap dibawa ( Walk Interview ) ke :

Jl. Rajawali no.18. Surabaya
contact person : Mr. Samsul Cahyadi / Mrs. Efie Christina

Lowongan Kerja Accounting, Marketing Manager, Programmer CV Matahari

CV. Matahari membutuhkan segera tenaga kerja sbb :
1. ACCOUNTING/ Finance Staff, Wanita
– D1/D2/D3/SMK, Single, mengerti akuntansi dan administrasi
- jujur, sabar, ulet

2. Modern Marketing Manager, Pria/Wanita
– mempunyai kendaraan, maks 35 thn
– Jujur, Ulet, kreatif, Wawasan luas
– berpengalaman di area modern market terutama untuk pengembangan produk baru

3. Desktop Programmer
- sangat mengerti JAVA, Delphi, VB, C
- jujur, ulet, kreatif

Lamaran lengkap dikirim ke :
CV. Matahari
Jl. Panggung 18, Surabaya
atau kirim ke email : fransing899@hotmail.com

Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Marketing Executive, Assisten Chief RADJA CATERING

Perusahaan berkembang yang bergerak di bidang CATERING & WEDDING SERVICE
membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga staff sebagai berikut.

Dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :
a. Wanita min 20 Thn
b. Min SMA atau Sederajat
c. Menguasai computer min Office
d. Berpenamplan menarik
e.Percaya Diri, Energik, Kreatif dan komunikatif, Jujur,Ulet dan mau Kerja keras

2. Assisten Chief
Dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :
a. Pria / wanita Min 19 thn
b. Min SMA atau sederajat
c. Pengalaman Min 1 Thn atau lulusan sekolah Perhotelan( tata Boga )
d. Kreatif dan komunikatif, Jujur,Ulet dan mau Kerja keras

Lamaran di tujukan ke :
atau email ke radjacatering@gmail.com , UP bapak EKO
Paling lambat 8 November 2010

Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Unit Manager Manulife Financial

For your future

Membutuhkan :
Posisi : Profesional Financial Planner
Fungsi Kerja : Penjualan dan Pemasaran
Lokasi domisili: Surabaya dan sekitarnya
Jenjang Pendidikan : Diploma (D3) / Sarjana (S1) semua jurusan

Persyaratan :
a. Pria dan Wanita
b. Usia 25 – 40 tahun
c. Penampilan Menarik
d. Berpengalaman dibidang marketing dan perbankan
e. Menguasai komputer
f. Memiliki Kendaraan pribadi
g. Mampu mencapai target dan bekerjasama dalam team

Benefit :
a. Kompensasi Sistem Progresif (Komisi).
b. Pengembangan Karir Terbuka Lebar.
c. Bonus Bulanan dan Tiga bulan
d. Mendapatkan Training secara berkala.
e. Mendapatkan Asuransi Jiwa
f. Mendapatkan Asuransi Kesehatan (Rawat jalan dan inap)
g. Program Dana Pensiun
h. Bonus keluar negeri

Kirimkan surat lamaran melalui email ke : sutantoh18@yahoo.com

Note : Bagi yang berdomisili di luar Surabaya & sekitarnya sebaiknya tidak mengirimkan surat lamaran.