Kita adalah perusahaan kontraktor spesialis aluminium dan kaca yang sedang berkembang, mengajak para kandidat fresh graduate untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai posisi : 1. Drafter (DRA) 2. Supervisor (SPV) 3. Estimate (ES) 4. Cost Control (CC) Persyaratannya adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Minimal D3 Teknik Sipil (ES & CC), STM bangunan (SPV & DRA) 2. Fresh Graduate Maksimal 27 tahun 3. Menguasai MS Office, MS Project (SPV & ES), Autocad (DRA, SPV, & ES) 4. Menguasai perhitungan volume untuk Rancangan Anggaran Belanja Proyek konstruksi (SPV & ES) 5. Mampu membuat konsep design konstruksi bangunan (DRA) 6. Kreatif & Teliti
Rabu, 30 Maret 2011
Kami perusahaan yang sedang berkembang PT. TERANG FAJAR PERSADA Rattan Industri lokasi di Sidoarjo membutuhkan tenaga kerja dengan kualifikasi berikut: 1. HRD/GA a. Laki-Laki /Perempuan b. Pendidikan D3/S1 Jurusan Psikologi (nilai lebih bisa Mandarin) c. Terampil dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office d. Diutamakan berpengalaman selama minimal 3 tahun menjadi HRD/GA e. Jujur, Ulet, dapat bekerja secara team 2. ACCOUNTING a. Laki-Laki/Perempuan b. Pendidikan D3/S1 (nilai lebih bisa Mandarin) c. Jurusan IPA dengan IP 3.00 keatas, Menguasai pajak perusahaan. d. Terampil dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office e. Diutamakan Pengalaman Min 1 th. f. Jujur, Ulet, dapat bekerja secara team 3. PPIC a. Laki-laki/Perempuan b. Pendidikan min SMA c. Terampil dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office d. Diutamakan berpengalaman selama minimal 3 tahun menjadi PPIC di Industry Furniture e. Jujur, Ulet, dapat bekerja secara team 4. PURCHASING a. Laki-laki/Perempuan b. Pendidikan D3/S1 c. Terampil dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office d. Diutamakan berpengalaman selama minimal 3 tahun menjadi Purchasing di Industry Furniture (nilai lebih bisa Mandarin), bisa bernegosiasi. e. Menguasai Wilayah Sidoarjo, Surabaya dan sekitarnya. f. Jujur, Ulet, dapat bekerja secara team g. Memiliki SIM A kirim lamaran dan
Lowongan Administration Engineering PT. MALIDAS STERILINDO (Mar 2011)
Administration Engineering Responsibilities: * Responsible for managing sparepart, maintenance schedule & activity record * Update database & support for administration duties Requirements: * Candidates must possess at least Diploma Degree in Engineering Faculty * Has minimum 1 years experience in Manufacturing Administration * Age below 30 years old * Has excellent skill in computer Candidate will be placed at Sidoarjo.
Lowongan Kerja Marine Surveyor untuk Surabaya & Jakarta (Mar 2011)
Perusahaan swasta nasional membutuhkan tenaga
Marine Surveyor untuk ditempatkan di Jakarta dan Surabaya dengan
1. IJASAH ANT-1/2/3, D-3 Ketatalaksanaan Pelayaran Niaga / SMA Sederajat
2. Diutamakan mempunyai pengalaman di bidang marine Surveyor.
3. Bisa berbahasa Ingris Aktif.
4. Menguasai Microsoft Office.
Marine Surveyor untuk ditempatkan di Jakarta dan Surabaya dengan
1. IJASAH ANT-1/2/3, D-3 Ketatalaksanaan Pelayaran Niaga / SMA Sederajat
2. Diutamakan mempunyai pengalaman di bidang marine Surveyor.
3. Bisa berbahasa Ingris Aktif.
4. Menguasai Microsoft Office.
Lowongan Pengajar Full Time & Part Time LBB IC (Mar 2011)
Kami LBB IC membuka kesempatan bagi Anda, untuk membuktikan diri, dan bergabung dengan kami. LBB IC yang berdiri sejak tahun 2000 adalah sebuah lembaga bimbingan belajar professional yang telah lama terjun dalam dunia pendidikan dan sudah dikenal reputasinya oleh sekolah-sekolah nasional plus dan sekolah-sekolah internasional di Surabaya. Kami membuka peluang besar untuk bergabung dengan kami sebagai Student Advisor (Staf Pengajar). Kesempatan benar-benar terbuka sangat lebar bagi Anda. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas ini! Mari, segera bergabung dengan kami!!!
Kami LBB IC membuka kesempatan bagi Anda, untuk membuktikan diri, dan bergabung dengan kami. LBB IC yang berdiri sejak tahun 2000 adalah sebuah lembaga bimbingan belajar professional yang telah lama terjun dalam dunia pendidikan dan sudah dikenal reputasinya oleh sekolah-sekolah nasional plus dan sekolah-sekolah internasional di Surabaya. Kami membuka peluang besar untuk bergabung dengan kami sebagai Student Advisor (Staf Pengajar). Kesempatan benar-benar terbuka sangat lebar bagi Anda. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas ini! Mari, segera bergabung dengan kami!!!
Marketing, Public Relation PT. Trijaya Pratama (Mar 2011)
Lowongan Pekerjaan
Perusahaan Nasional bergerak dalam bidang pasar modal, yang terdaftar di BAPPEBTI dengan izin Pialang Berjangka No. 407/BAPPEBTI/S1/VII/2004. Dan memiliki cabang perusahaan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia antara lain Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan, dan Samarinda. Saat ini perusahaan kami membutuhkan segera tenaga Marketing dan Public Relation. Untuk itu PT. Trijaya Pratama Futures memberikan kesempatan untuk berkarir di bidang financial market dengan posisi
Marketing (MKT)
- Pria/Wanita
- Pendidikan minimal SMA (Berpengalaman)/Mahasiswa Semester Akhir/D3/S1/Fresh Graduate dari semua jurusan
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Mampu bekerja dengan target
- Berpenampilan menarik, Komunikatif, Kreatif dan Berwawasan luas
- Mampu bekerja secara team maupun individu
- Lebih diutamakan berpengalaman di bidang Keuangan, Property atau Insurance.
Public Relation (PR)
- Wanita
- Pendidikan D3/S1/Fresh Graduate dari semua jurusan
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Mampu bekerja dengan target
- Berpenampilan menarik, Komunikatif, Kreatif dan Berwawasan luas
Kandidat yang berminat dapat mengirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap ke alamat email:
Walk in Interview
attn. Mr.Wendy Chow
Surabaya Town Square (SUTOS)
M12-M17 (Mezzanine Level)
Jl. Adityawarman No. 55
Surabaya 60242
Perusahaan Nasional bergerak dalam bidang pasar modal, yang terdaftar di BAPPEBTI dengan izin Pialang Berjangka No. 407/BAPPEBTI/S1/VII/2004. Dan memiliki cabang perusahaan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia antara lain Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan, dan Samarinda. Saat ini perusahaan kami membutuhkan segera tenaga Marketing dan Public Relation. Untuk itu PT. Trijaya Pratama Futures memberikan kesempatan untuk berkarir di bidang financial market dengan posisi
Marketing (MKT)
- Pria/Wanita
- Pendidikan minimal SMA (Berpengalaman)/Mahasiswa Semester Akhir/D3/S1/Fresh Graduate dari semua jurusan
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Mampu bekerja dengan target
- Berpenampilan menarik, Komunikatif, Kreatif dan Berwawasan luas
- Mampu bekerja secara team maupun individu
- Lebih diutamakan berpengalaman di bidang Keuangan, Property atau Insurance.
Public Relation (PR)
- Wanita
- Pendidikan D3/S1/Fresh Graduate dari semua jurusan
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Mampu bekerja dengan target
- Berpenampilan menarik, Komunikatif, Kreatif dan Berwawasan luas
Kandidat yang berminat dapat mengirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap ke alamat email:
Walk in Interview
attn. Mr.Wendy Chow
Surabaya Town Square (SUTOS)
M12-M17 (Mezzanine Level)
Jl. Adityawarman No. 55
Surabaya 60242
RECEPTIONIST PT. Gelora Djaja (Mar 2011)
Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri tembakau dengan brand yang terkenal. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja potensial untuk posisi:
1. Wanita
2. Minimal SMA sederajat
3. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai receptionist / customer service
4. Berpenampilan menarik
5. Area penempatan di Surabaya
1. Wanita
2. Minimal SMA sederajat
3. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai receptionist / customer service
4. Berpenampilan menarik
5. Area penempatan di Surabaya
Selasa, 29 Maret 2011
Lowongan Kerja Administrasi, Receptionist Supplier Elektronik (Mar 2011)
LOWONGAN PEKERJAAN (KHUSUS WILAYAH JAWA TIMUR) Perusahaan berpusat di Jakarta Selatan Membuka kantor di wilayah Jawa Timur, khusnya SURABAYA. Bergerak Di bidang SUPPLIER ELEKTRONIK. Membutuhkan : 1. Administrasi (ADM) 2. Receptionist (RCP) Dengan persyaratan : - Pendidikan min. SMA/ Sederajat - Pengalaman / Non Pengalaman (Pengalaman lebih diutamakan) - Pekerja keras dan mampu bekerja dalam tim work – Jujur dan disiplin Fasilitas yang ditawarkan : - Penghasilan 1,5 jt/ bln - Jamsostek (karier)
Supervisor Finance & Accounting, Sales Marketing PT. KITRANS (Mar 2011)
Perusahaan Jasa yang sedang berkembang, bergerak dalam bidang Jasa Pengurusan Transportasi/Freight Forwarding, membutuhkan segera : 1. Supervisor Finance & Accounting (ACC) 2. Sales Marketing (SM) Persyaratan Umum : - Pria / Wanita, usia max 35 th - Pengalaman dibidangnya - Min D3 Akuntansi / Perpajakan (poing 1) - Mengerti & Memahami ilmu Perpajakan (point 1) - Bisa menggunakan aplikasi komputer - Energik & mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan - Domisili di Surabaya Kirimkan Lamaran & CV anda dengan subject “Lamaran Spv Fin & Acc” untuk point 1 dan “Lamaran Sales Marketing” untuk point 2,
Lowongan Pekerjaan Marketing, Public Relation PT. TRIJAYA PRATAMA FUTURES (Mar 2011)
Lowongan Pekerjaan PT. TRIJAYA PRATAMA FUTURES Perusahaan Nasional bergerak dalam bidang pasar modal, yang terdaftar di BAPPEBTI dengan izin Pialang Berjangka No. 407/BAPPEBTI/S1/VII/2004. Dan memiliki cabang perusahaan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia antara lain Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan, dan Samarinda. Saat ini perusahaan kami membutuhkan segera tenaga Marketing dan Public Relation.
Info Lowongan Pekerjaan Divisi Pemasaran PT Telkom Tbk Surabaya Utara (Mar 2011)
Info Lowongan Pekerjaan Sebagai Divisi Pemasaran Di Bidang Jasa Telekomunikasi:
1. Ada Gaji Pokok + Bonus
2. Pria/Wanita Max 30 Th
3. Pendidikan Min SMU Sederajat
4. Pengalaman Di Bidangnya
5. Pekerja Keras, Bertanggung Jawab, Jujur, Ulet & Pantang Menyerah
6. Bersedia Bekerja Dengan Target
7. Memiliki Motor Sendiri/SIM
1. Ada Gaji Pokok + Bonus
2. Pria/Wanita Max 30 Th
3. Pendidikan Min SMU Sederajat
4. Pengalaman Di Bidangnya
5. Pekerja Keras, Bertanggung Jawab, Jujur, Ulet & Pantang Menyerah
6. Bersedia Bekerja Dengan Target
7. Memiliki Motor Sendiri/SIM
Lowongan ADM/CSO, KURIR PT. Wahana Prestasi Logistik (Mar 2011)
PT. Wahana Prestasi Logistik bergerak dibidang jasa membutuhkan karyawan yang akan ditempatkan pada posisi :
Kualifikasi sbb :
1. Wanita (Fresh Graduate)
2. Umur Maks. 25 Tahun
3. Min. SMA / Sederajat
4. Bisa Mengoperasikan Komputer (Min.Ms.Office & Internet)
5. Komunikatif
Kualifikasi sbb :
1. Wanita (Fresh Graduate)
2. Umur Maks. 25 Tahun
3. Min. SMA / Sederajat
4. Bisa Mengoperasikan Komputer (Min.Ms.Office & Internet)
5. Komunikatif
HRD Administrator PT. Gelora Djaja (Mar 2011)
Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri tembakau dengan brand yang terkenal. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja potensial untuk posisi:
1. Wanita
2. SMA / SMK semua jurusan
3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di posisi yang sama
4. Cukup familiar dengan administrasi HRD
5. Area penempatan di Surabaya
1. Wanita
2. SMA / SMK semua jurusan
3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di posisi yang sama
4. Cukup familiar dengan administrasi HRD
5. Area penempatan di Surabaya
MANAGEMENT TRAINEE PT. Gelora Djaja (Mar 2011)
Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri tembakau dengan brand yang terkenal. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja potensial untuk posisi:
1. Pria / Wanita
2. S1 semua jurusan (IPK min. 2.8)
3. Memiliki pengalaman organisasi
4. Senang belajar hal baru
1. Pria / Wanita
2. S1 semua jurusan (IPK min. 2.8)
3. Memiliki pengalaman organisasi
4. Senang belajar hal baru
Senin, 28 Maret 2011
Lowongan Kerja Cikarang Listrindo (Mar 2011)
PT Cikarang Listrindo, a power company, provides energy to industrial and residential estate in Indonesia. Its plant centers use gas turbines that run on gas or liquid fuel. The company is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Cikarang Listrindo is the first private power company to be granted a license to Build-Own-and-Operate (B.O.O.) a 1000 MW power station in Indonesia. Providing energy to industrial and residential estate in Bekasi. Cikarang Listrindo’s plant centers using General Electric Frame 6 and Frame 9 gas turbines that run on gas or liquid fuel. The use of gas fuel as the primary energy supply not only helps to maintain the equilibrium on environmental issues, but also means cleaner power. The liquid fuel available on the site is to provide a back-up fuel source.
Cikarang Listrindo is the first private power company to be granted a license to Build-Own-and-Operate (B.O.O.) a 1000 MW power station in Indonesia. Providing energy to industrial and residential estate in Bekasi. Cikarang Listrindo’s plant centers using General Electric Frame 6 and Frame 9 gas turbines that run on gas or liquid fuel. The use of gas fuel as the primary energy supply not only helps to maintain the equilibrium on environmental issues, but also means cleaner power. The liquid fuel available on the site is to provide a back-up fuel source.
Lowongan Kerja English Playgroup Teacher with Tumble Tots (Mar 2011)
Lowongan Kerja English Playgroup Teacher with Tumble Tots
Tumble Tots is a preschool for children ages 6 months-5 years old. Tumble Tots is a programme that is focusing on children motoric skills.
Tumble Tots is now looking for an english playgroup teacher with the requirements :
Tumble Tots is a preschool for children ages 6 months-5 years old. Tumble Tots is a programme that is focusing on children motoric skills.
Tumble Tots is now looking for an english playgroup teacher with the requirements :
Dibutuhkan Web Programer dan Web Design CV. Glorindo Abadi Jaya (Mar 2011)
Web Programer dan Web Design
- Pria/wanita
- Minim S1 dan Ipk 3.0
Kirimkan Lamaran ke:
CV. Glorindo Abadi Jaya
Web Programer dan Web Design
- Pria/wanita
- Minim S1 dan Ipk 3.0
Kirimkan Lamaran ke:
CV. Glorindo Abadi Jaya
Lowongan Kerja Desain, Trainer Program PT. Karunia Mandiri Consultant (Mar 2011)
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillah, kami terus berkembang dan lebih pesat dari sebelumnya. Karenanya saat ini kami membuka lowongan sebagai programmer di Perusahaan kami. Kami mengundang Anda yang berminat untuk bergabung bersama kami menjadi bagian dari Tim kami.
Alhamdulillah, kami terus berkembang dan lebih pesat dari sebelumnya. Karenanya saat ini kami membuka lowongan sebagai programmer di Perusahaan kami. Kami mengundang Anda yang berminat untuk bergabung bersama kami menjadi bagian dari Tim kami.
Lowongan Kerja Unit Manager Manulife Financial (Mar 2011)
For your future
Membutuhkan :
Position : Professional Financial Planner
Persyaratan :
• Pria / Wanita
• Usia 25 – 45 tahun
• Berpengalaman dibidang : Perbankan,Lembaga Keuangan dan Marketing minimal 2 tahun (minimal position : Supervisor)
• Berpenampilan menarik
• Domisili Surabaya dan sekitarnya
• Jenjang pendidikan : Diploma (D3)/Sarjana (S1).
• Memiliki kendaraan pribadi
• Mampu mencapai target dan bekerjasama dalam team.
For your future
Membutuhkan :
Position : Professional Financial Planner
Persyaratan :
• Pria / Wanita
• Usia 25 – 45 tahun
• Berpengalaman dibidang : Perbankan,Lembaga Keuangan dan Marketing minimal 2 tahun (minimal position : Supervisor)
• Berpenampilan menarik
• Domisili Surabaya dan sekitarnya
• Jenjang pendidikan : Diploma (D3)/Sarjana (S1).
• Memiliki kendaraan pribadi
• Mampu mencapai target dan bekerjasama dalam team.
Perusahaan Packaging & Printing di Kawasan Industri PT. SIER Surabaya membutuhkan segera tenaga profesional muda untuk :
- Pria / Wanita, usia maks 30th
- Pendidikan min D3 diutamakan S1
- Pengalaman Purchasing min 2th
- Menguasai program Microsoft Office
- Diutamakan yang berbahasa inggris aktif ( reading, Writing, Speaking dan
Listening )
- Memiliki skill negosiasi dan interpersonal yang baik
Perusahaan Packaging & Printing di Kawasan Industri PT. SIER Surabaya membutuhkan segera tenaga profesional muda untuk :
- Pria / Wanita, usia maks 30th
- Pendidikan min D3 diutamakan S1
- Pengalaman Purchasing min 2th
- Menguasai program Microsoft Office
- Diutamakan yang berbahasa inggris aktif ( reading, Writing, Speaking dan
Listening )
- Memiliki skill negosiasi dan interpersonal yang baik
Graphic Design, Staff Accounting & Perpajakan, Marketing & Sales Multigraph Digital (Mar 2011)
Perusahaan Nasional yang bergerak di bidang digital printing membuka kesempatan bagi yang menyukai tantangan untuk diposisikan sebagai :
Graphic Design / Prepress (GD)
Kualifikasi :
1. Pria , sehat jasmani dan rohani & tidak buta warna.
2. Berpengalaman dalam bidang repro dan separasi cetak / sablon lebih diutamakan.
3. Menguasai Coreldraw, Freehand, Photoshop & Illustrator.
4. Mampu bekerja secara individu maupun dalam team.
5. Lokasi penempatan di Surabaya
Graphic Design / Prepress (GD)
Kualifikasi :
1. Pria , sehat jasmani dan rohani & tidak buta warna.
2. Berpengalaman dalam bidang repro dan separasi cetak / sablon lebih diutamakan.
3. Menguasai Coreldraw, Freehand, Photoshop & Illustrator.
4. Mampu bekerja secara individu maupun dalam team.
5. Lokasi penempatan di Surabaya
Klien kami sebuah bank swasta asing terkemuka di Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga PROJECT STAFF untuk di tempatkan di Kuta
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Melakukan verivikasi data pelanggan / nasabah.
- Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Pendidikan min. S1, semua jurusan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
- Fluent in English (Writen and Oral)
Klien kami sebuah bank swasta asing terkemuka di Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga PROJECT STAFF untuk di tempatkan di Kuta
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Melakukan verivikasi data pelanggan / nasabah.
- Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Pendidikan min. S1, semua jurusan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
- Fluent in English (Writen and Oral)
Klien kami sebuah bank swasta asing terkemuka di Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga Dunning Collection untuk di tempatkan di Denpasar
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Melakukan penagihan kepada para nasabah melalui telepon dengan data yang sudah disediakan
- Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan min. S1, semua jurusan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
- Siap bekerja dengan target
- Gaji pokok
- Komisi
- Lembur
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap dengan riwayat hidup copy ijazah legalisir, transkrip nilai legalisir dan pas foto berwarna ukuran 4X6 serta lampirkan kode posisi di sudut kanan atas amplop.
Jl. Diponegoro No. 109, Lt. 2 Denpasar – Bali atau kirim melalui email ke / / apply melalui website kami di
Klien kami sebuah bank swasta asing terkemuka di Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga Dunning Collection untuk di tempatkan di Denpasar
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Melakukan penagihan kepada para nasabah melalui telepon dengan data yang sudah disediakan
- Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan min. S1, semua jurusan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
- Siap bekerja dengan target
- Gaji pokok
- Komisi
- Lembur
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap dengan riwayat hidup copy ijazah legalisir, transkrip nilai legalisir dan pas foto berwarna ukuran 4X6 serta lampirkan kode posisi di sudut kanan atas amplop.
Jl. Diponegoro No. 109, Lt. 2 Denpasar – Bali atau kirim melalui email ke / / apply melalui website kami di
DIBUTUHKAN SEGERA STAFF BES 247 (Mataram & Kupang) (Mar 2011)
STAFF BES 247 (Mataram & Kupang)
Klien Kami perusahaan telekomunikasi seluler terkemuka membutuhkan tenaga BES 247 untuk di tempatkan di Mataram dan Kupang.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
* Melayani pelanggan serta memberikan informasi dengan jelas tentang jasa layanan klien kami.
* Mengidentifikasi dan mencatat permasalahan atau keluhan pelanggan.
* Mengerjakan networking data
* Menyediakan info produk, program dan jasa layanan
* One Stop Service layanan Broadband untuk pelanggan
STAFF BES 247 (Mataram & Kupang)
Klien Kami perusahaan telekomunikasi seluler terkemuka membutuhkan tenaga BES 247 untuk di tempatkan di Mataram dan Kupang.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
* Melayani pelanggan serta memberikan informasi dengan jelas tentang jasa layanan klien kami.
* Mengidentifikasi dan mencatat permasalahan atau keluhan pelanggan.
* Mengerjakan networking data
* Menyediakan info produk, program dan jasa layanan
* One Stop Service layanan Broadband untuk pelanggan
Lowongan Gudang, Kernet, Sopir PT. Wahana Prestasi Logistik (Mar 2011)
PT. Wahana Prestasi Logistik bergerak dibidang jasa membutuhkan karyawan yang akan ditempatkan pada posisi :
Syarat dan kualifikasi :
1. Laki – laki
2. Sehat jasmani & rohani
2. Umur max. 27 tahun
3. SMA / sederajat
4. Bisa komputer (nilai tambah)
Syarat dan kualifikasi :
1. Laki – laki
2. Sehat jasmani & rohani
2. Umur max. 27 tahun
3. SMA / sederajat
4. Bisa komputer (nilai tambah)
Supervisor, Recruitment, Accounting, Teknik,Finance, TL PT.ARINA MULTIKARYA (Mar 2011)
Perusahaan nasional yang bergerak di bidang Advertising & Distributor PT.ARINAMULTIKARYA , yang sekarang ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional untuk diposisikan sebagai:
• Laki-laki / Perempuan
• Punya LeaderShip
• Komunikatif
• Max 30 Th
• S-1 segala jurusan
• Bisa komputer (Excel,Word,& Power point)
• Pengalaman
• Punya motor SIM A & C
• Perempuan
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan S-1
• Bisa komputer(Min.Ms.Office)
• Pengalaman Recruitment
• Laki-laki/Perempuan
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan Min S-1 Accounting (mengerti perpajakan)
• Bisa komputer (Min MS.Office + MYOB)
• Berpengalaman
• Laki-laki / Perempuan
• Punya LeaderShip
• Komunikatif
• Max 30 Th
• S-1 segala jurusan
• Bisa komputer (Excel,Word,& Power point)
• Pengalaman
• Punya motor SIM C
• Laki-laki
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan Min S-1 / D3 ELEKTRO
• Bisa komputer , mengerti perlistrikan
• Berpengalaman min 1 th
• Laki-laki/Perempuan
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan Min S-1
• Bisa komputer (Min MS.Office )
• Berpengalaman
• Perempuan Cantik
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan Min S-1
• Bisa komputer (Min MS.Office )
• Berpengalaman min 1 th
• Laki- laki
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan SMA
• Mengerti listrik , utk area perkantoran
• Berpengalaman
Contact person: Bu Rossa
• Laki-laki / Perempuan
• Punya LeaderShip
• Komunikatif
• Max 30 Th
• S-1 segala jurusan
• Bisa komputer (Excel,Word,& Power point)
• Pengalaman
• Punya motor SIM A & C
• Perempuan
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan S-1
• Bisa komputer(Min.Ms.Office)
• Pengalaman Recruitment
• Laki-laki/Perempuan
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan Min S-1 Accounting (mengerti perpajakan)
• Bisa komputer (Min MS.Office + MYOB)
• Berpengalaman
• Laki-laki / Perempuan
• Punya LeaderShip
• Komunikatif
• Max 30 Th
• S-1 segala jurusan
• Bisa komputer (Excel,Word,& Power point)
• Pengalaman
• Punya motor SIM C
• Laki-laki
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan Min S-1 / D3 ELEKTRO
• Bisa komputer , mengerti perlistrikan
• Berpengalaman min 1 th
• Laki-laki/Perempuan
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan Min S-1
• Bisa komputer (Min MS.Office )
• Berpengalaman
• Perempuan Cantik
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan Min S-1
• Bisa komputer (Min MS.Office )
• Berpengalaman min 1 th
• Laki- laki
• Usia Max 30 Th
• Pendidikan SMA
• Mengerti listrik , utk area perkantoran
• Berpengalaman
Contact person: Bu Rossa
Minggu, 27 Maret 2011
Lowongan Kerja Kaskus (Mar 2011)
Kaskus is not like others Top Website in Indonesia, we are adapting web 2.0 (user generated content) that make our database very intense and exciting. Kaskus is an Indonesian internet forum site which is widely considered as the largest Indonesian online community. It ranks as the 7th most popular website in Indonesia and is one of two local sites in the top 10 ( at 10th), positioning at 312th worldwide according to It was established on November 6, 2000, by three Indonesian students (AD, RS, and BD) in the United States. As of January 31, 2008, Kaskus has more than 450,000 members. In August 2005 and September 2006, PC Magazine Indonesia voted Kaskus as The Best Indonesian communities twice (2005 & 2006).[1] Registration is required for new users to participate in the community, and every registered member has the privilege to access more than twenty sub-forums on various subjects. The community runs on the vBulletin forum software.
Lowongan Kerja Nestle (Mar 2011)
Nestle Indonesia is a leading food Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company. Our Company has for the past 142 years produces the best product with a passion for excellence in food safety and quality. We are committed to these ideals and value the trust given to us by our consumers worldwide.
If you have the same passion for excellence, we invite people with professional knowledge, personal integrity, and strong motivation to excel and enjoys facing challenges in a dynamic organization to join as our:
If you have the same passion for excellence, we invite people with professional knowledge, personal integrity, and strong motivation to excel and enjoys facing challenges in a dynamic organization to join as our:
Lowongan Meratus Jaya Iron & Steel (Mar 2011)
PT Meratus Jaya Iron & Steel , a joint venture company between PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) and PT Antam Tbk, operating in an integrated steel industry. PT Meratus Jaya Iron & Steel, a growing Iron and Steel Company as a pioneer of Iron & Steel Industry in Batulicin Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan Province, we are seeking for employee who has competence, integrity and dedicated to joint with us for the positions of:
Lowongan Kerja Deloitte (Mar 2011)
Deloitte provides audit, tax, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. Deloitte's professionals are unified by a collaborative culture that fosters integrity, outstanding value to markets and clients, commitment to each other, and strength from cultural diversity.
Our practice is growing fast, and in our continuing effort to be the preferred service provider in Indonesia, we offer you an opportunity to join our dynamic professional team in the following position:
Our practice is growing fast, and in our continuing effort to be the preferred service provider in Indonesia, we offer you an opportunity to join our dynamic professional team in the following position:
Lowongan Kerja TVS Motor (Mar 2011)
TVS MOTOR COMPANY located in KARAWANG, part of the TVS Group is the seventh largest motorcycle company in the world, with a turn over of USD 740 million. We are now in Indonesia where we see a fast potential for growth motorcycle market in the world.
To fulfill our ambition to become the third largest motorcycle in Indonesia, we are looking for dynamic and highly motivated individuals to strengthen our management team for the future. If you're ready for challenge and want to join a company with sports culture, you can apply for career opportunity as:
To fulfill our ambition to become the third largest motorcycle in Indonesia, we are looking for dynamic and highly motivated individuals to strengthen our management team for the future. If you're ready for challenge and want to join a company with sports culture, you can apply for career opportunity as:
Lowongan Kerja Wilo Pumps Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PT Wilo Pumps Indonesia is a representative office of one of the biggest pump in the world. The company established in Indonesia since year 2002. We have two kinds of pumps which are household pump and commercial pump. WILO, EMU, SALMSON, and Marther & platt are our product brands.
Our commercial pumps installed in many famous building in the worlds such as Mulia Hotel , ITC Permata Hijau, Gading mediterania apartment, etc. Besides building, our pumps also installed in PDAM, CPO factory and many Government projects. Regarding household pump, we already have good market share and you can find easily our pump for jet pump, shalow pump in pump market such as Pasar Kenari, Glodok, etc,
Our commercial pumps installed in many famous building in the worlds such as Mulia Hotel , ITC Permata Hijau, Gading mediterania apartment, etc. Besides building, our pumps also installed in PDAM, CPO factory and many Government projects. Regarding household pump, we already have good market share and you can find easily our pump for jet pump, shalow pump in pump market such as Pasar Kenari, Glodok, etc,
Lowongan Kerja Sandin (Mar 2011)
SANDIN GROUP Is a privately held independent Company provides a key competitive edge in services and supplies to the oil & gas, Power Plant, Construction Engineering, Marine and Petrochemical Industries in SOUTHEAST ASIA & CHINA, urgently seeking potential and experienced applicants to join the company for below full time position
Requirement :
Requirement :
Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011
Klien kami sebuah bank swasta asing terkemuka di Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga SALES SUPPORT untuk di tempatkan di Denpasar
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Membantu tugas Branch Manager dan administrasi frontliner.
- Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Pendidikan min. S1, semua jurusan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
- Fluent in English (Writen and Oral)
Klien kami sebuah bank swasta asing terkemuka di Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga SALES SUPPORT untuk di tempatkan di Denpasar
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Membantu tugas Branch Manager dan administrasi frontliner.
- Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Pendidikan min. S1, semua jurusan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
- Fluent in English (Writen and Oral)
Lowongan Kerja Ultrajaya (Mar 2011)
PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk - Indonesia’s leading producer of aseptic beverages, long life foods and dairy products. We select high quality ingredients to produce best quality products using one of the most modern plants in Asia in the most hygienic condition. This make PT Ultrajaya the most trusted and reliable producer for consumers throughout the country. We are currently seeking:
Lowongan Kerja Citibank (Mar 2011)
Citibank, N.A., Indonesia Branch (“Citibank”) is a full branch of Citibank, N.A. with its head office in New York, U.S.A. Citigroup Inc. (“Citigroup”) fully owns Citibank, N.A. We first established our presence in Indonesia in 1918 through its predecessor company, The International Banking Corporation in Batavia and Surabaya. While those branches were closed in the late 1920s, Citibank returned to Jakarta in 1968 and established a full range of banking activities.
Citibank retail banking in Indonesia operates 19 branch offices and 102 ATMs in six major Indonesian cities: Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang and Denpasar.
Citibank retail banking in Indonesia operates 19 branch offices and 102 ATMs in six major Indonesian cities: Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang and Denpasar.
Lowongan Kerja MSM - Meares Soputan Mining (Mar 2011)
PT Meares Soputan Mining is developing the Toka Tindung Gold Project in North Sulawesi. Applicants are invited for the following position:
Assist in the planning and implementation of exploration programs over the project from the near-mine environment out to satellite targets within the company s CoWs in a safe, cost effective and environmentally compliant manner. Development and implementation of the SCPs for exploration department. Documentation and log sheets accurately completed, maps regularly updated and all correctly filed.
Assist in the planning and implementation of exploration programs over the project from the near-mine environment out to satellite targets within the company s CoWs in a safe, cost effective and environmentally compliant manner. Development and implementation of the SCPs for exploration department. Documentation and log sheets accurately completed, maps regularly updated and all correctly filed.
Lowongan Kerja Tripatra (Mar 2011)
Tripatra is a reputable Company in Energy sector and has been operating in Indonesia for more than 35 years. Tripatra has established a proven track record in providing safe reliable engineered solution to infrastructure needs in Energy sectors through: EPC (Engineering Procurement and Construction), Engineering & Project Management, Engineered Equipment Packaging, O & M (Operation and Maintenance)
To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, Tripatra is now inviting experienced candidates who posses relevant education background, experience, and competencies to join the company.
To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, Tripatra is now inviting experienced candidates who posses relevant education background, experience, and competencies to join the company.
Lowongan Kerja Bank DBS (Mar 2011)
PT Bank DBS Indonesia is a subsidiary of DBS Bank. DBS is one of the largest financial services groups in Asia with operations in 16 markets. Headquartered in Singapore, DBS is a well-capitalized bank with "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings that are among the highest in the Asia-Pacific region. DBS provides the full range of services in corporate, SME, consumer and wholesale banking activities across Asia and the Middle East. With expansion of the Bank, we are looking for high caliber individuals for the following positions to be located in several areas:
Lowongan PCI Elektronik Internasional (Mar 2011)
PT PCI Elektronik Internasional is a susidiary Company of PCI Limited. PCI Limited is a leading Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) company headquartered in Singapore with manufacturing locations in Batam and Shanghai. We serve global OEM customers in USA, Europe and Asia, offering design and manufacturing services for the telecommunications, office automation, industrial, automotive and medical sectors.
We are looking for highly motivated individual to join us in the following area:
We are looking for highly motivated individual to join us in the following area:
Lowongan Kerja Unisem (Mar 2011)
UNISEM is one of the top 10 SATS (Semiconductor Assembly & Test Services) providers in the world, with global manufacturing presence in Malaysia, Indonesia, China, US and Europe. With approximately 8,600 employees worlwide, our company is aggresively moving forward in stegthening its position by focusing on providing value added service and complete solution to our customers. We invite enthusiastic and talented people to join us as an :
Jumat, 25 Maret 2011
Lowongan Kerja Bayer CropScience (Mar 2011)
Bayer CropScience is with annual sales of about EUR 6.5 billion one of the world’s leading innovative cropscience companies in the area of crop protection (Crop Protection), non agricultural pest-control (Environmental Science), seeds and plant biotechnology (BioScience). We are currently seeking:
Assistant Phytopathology - Jogjakarta Based
Responsible to assist pathologist and breeders in disease screening activities and in selection of disease resistant lines
Assistant Phytopathology - Jogjakarta Based
Responsible to assist pathologist and breeders in disease screening activities and in selection of disease resistant lines
Lowongan Kerja Astra Daihatsu Motor (Mar 2011)
PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor as the biggest car manufacturing company in South-East Asia and the main global production base for Daihatsu & Toyota products which firmly managed by Astra Management System, challenge all intellectuals to achieve their self actualizations by joining our Kaizen-Culture Team within position:
Manufacturing Supervisor
* Bachelor graduates in Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Physic & Industrial Engineering.
* Minimum GPA 2.75 (scale of 4)
* Preferably of age are maximum 27 years old
* Show evidence of good level in English both oral and written (preferably those with TOEFL score minimum 450)
* Ready to be placed in our office & plant/ factory in Jakarta, Karawang or Cibitung
* Computer literate (minimum Microsoft Office)
* Having extensive experience in organization is an advantage
* Exhibit good leadership & interpersonal skill
* Interested in automotive industry
Manufacturing Supervisor
* Bachelor graduates in Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Physic & Industrial Engineering.
* Minimum GPA 2.75 (scale of 4)
* Preferably of age are maximum 27 years old
* Show evidence of good level in English both oral and written (preferably those with TOEFL score minimum 450)
* Ready to be placed in our office & plant/ factory in Jakarta, Karawang or Cibitung
* Computer literate (minimum Microsoft Office)
* Having extensive experience in organization is an advantage
* Exhibit good leadership & interpersonal skill
* Interested in automotive industry
Lowongan Dian Swastatika Sentosa (Mar 2011)
PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa (DSS) was established in 1996 and started the business in power and steam generation. In year 2007 DSS entered the telecomunication infrastructure business by leasing BTS (Base Transceiver Station). In year 2009 DSS expanded its business by investing in coal mining at PT Bumi Kencana Eka Sakti.
DSS Energy and infrastructure, a publicly-listed company with business in power generation, coal mining, BTS towers, and trading, is looking for high-potential candidates for the following positions:
DSS Energy and infrastructure, a publicly-listed company with business in power generation, coal mining, BTS towers, and trading, is looking for high-potential candidates for the following positions:
Lowongan Kerja Conbloc Infratecno (Mar 2011)
Conbloc Infratecno was established in 1974. For the past 34 years, the company has been an innovative partner in the development of pavement and road construction technology in Indonesia. It has also successfully participated in infrastructure jobs involving an airport, seaport, container yards , industrial estates and almost every major middle to high end real estates development in Indonesia. The company then as now prides itself as a being both pioneer and innovator in the field of pavement technology.
Lowongan Kerja Noble Denton (Mar 2011)
Noble Denton is a world-class provider of life cycle marine and offshore engineering services to the oil & gas, marine and renewable industries.Our highly skilled and dynamic personnel combine practical seafaring skills with high-end analytical engineering expertise to deliver fast, reliable, innovative solutions to complex problems with integrity and technical excellence.
Having been awarded a number of offshore projects in the Asia Pacific region we are actively seeking to recruit
Having been awarded a number of offshore projects in the Asia Pacific region we are actively seeking to recruit
Lowongan Kerja Purna Baja Heckett (Mar 2011)
PT Purna Baja Heckett, established in 1983 as a joint venture between Dana Pensiun Krakatau Steel and HARSCO – USA. PT PBH is a leading company in Steel Mill Service and Iron Granular producing in Indonesia Office and site are located in Cilegon – Banten. A Steel Mill Service Company as part of worldwide operation of MultiServ HARSCO USA. Handling and processing Steel Slag, industrial solid waste, metal scrap and Metal recovery processing as well.
Lowongan Yanmar Diesel Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PT. Yanmar Diesel Indonesia, established on March 17, 1972, is a joint venture company between Yanmar Co., Ltd. (Japan), one of the world's foremost manufacturers of diesel engine established in 1912, together with PT. Pioneer (Indonesia). It is the first manufacturer and exporter of diesel engines in Indonesia with product capacity ranging from 5 HP to 30 HP.
PT. Yanmar Diesel Indonesia, located in Cimanggis, Depok is looking for professional and ambitious candidates to fill the following position:
PT. Yanmar Diesel Indonesia, located in Cimanggis, Depok is looking for professional and ambitious candidates to fill the following position:
Lowongan Sparrows Offshore Services (Mar 2011)
PT. Sparrows Offshore Services is a global provider of oilfield engineering services, specialising in offshore lifting, crane engineering and services, mechanical handling, pipe and cable lay-systems, fluid power engineering, equipment rentals and competence training.
Financial & Accounting Executive (Regional Support) (Jakarta Raya)
Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible for all financial and accounting matters (including payroll) for the business.
Financial & Accounting Executive (Regional Support) (Jakarta Raya)
Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible for all financial and accounting matters (including payroll) for the business.
Kamis, 24 Maret 2011
Lowongan GrandAuto Dinamika (Jaguar) (Mar 2011)
PT Grandauto Dynamika, started at the beginning as providers of care and provision of spare parts for owners of Jaguar cars in Indonesia in 2000 PT Grandauto official Dynamics as Sole Agents JAGUAR brand in Indonesia. With investments of more than 15 million U.S. dollars, PT Grandauto Dynamika is a company that is fully supported by WEARNES AUTOMOTIVE & EQUIPMENT Pte, Ltd part of the Wearnes International Group Pte, Ltd. is located in Singapore. Wearnes is a familiar name in the electronics industry - computers, property and automotive. Wearnes Automotive & Equipment Pte, Ltd. has been appointed in a top class car industry - Premium brand JAGUAR, Bentley in Singapore Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei and Indonesia. Wearness International Pte, Ltd. is included in the Top 5 ranks of automotive in Singapore.
Lowongan Kerja Sigma Cipta Caraka (Mar 2011)
Sigma Cipta Caraka, a member of Telkom Group, a market leader in providing information technology solutions, with more that 20 years of experience in delivering complex, mission critical system to Indonesia and global markets. To support our rapid growth, we are inviting talented people to enter the new level of experience to grow and achieve the success together.
Oracle Database Administrator (Code: DBA)
Oracle Database Administrator (Code: DBA)
Lowongan Kerja Indomobil Prima Niaga (Mar 2011)
PT Indomobil Prima Niaga, a INDOMOBIL GROUP COMPANY looking for talented candidate who enjoys challenges, high motivation, energic and dynamic, we invite you to explore these opportunities as part of our team for the following position :
Requirement :
Requirement :
Lowongan Kerja 3M Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PT 3M Indonesia (Visit us at is an established US Based MNC with diversified technology, holds leading positions in health care, safety, electronics, telecommunications, industrial, consumer, office, and other markets. We offer not only great career prospect, but also excellent working environment as well as a fairly competitive compensation package.
In order to response our Aggressive Growth Challenge, we are seeking high caliber & result-oriented individual who want to gain personal growth through the following position:
In order to response our Aggressive Growth Challenge, we are seeking high caliber & result-oriented individual who want to gain personal growth through the following position:
Lowongan Kerja Ecogreen (Mar 2011)
PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals is a multinational company engaged in the manufacturing, marketing and distributing of high quality oleochemicals. We are one of the worlds largest producers of naturally fatty alcohols.
Formerly known as Salim Oleochemicals, it was incorporated in 1997. Today, it is a thriving company with more than 500 employees worldwide, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and a combined production capacity of more than 100, 000 MT per year.
Formerly known as Salim Oleochemicals, it was incorporated in 1997. Today, it is a thriving company with more than 500 employees worldwide, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and a combined production capacity of more than 100, 000 MT per year.
Marketing Counter PT. Dante Kitchen Wardrobe (Mar 2011)
Perusahaan Nasional bergerak di bidang Furniture Kitchen, Pantry dan Wardrobe dengan kualitas import, PT. Dante Kitchen Wardrobe, mengajak para fresh graduate untuk berkarir bersama kami untuk diposisikan sebagai :
Marketing Counter
Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
Marketing Counter
Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
Lowongan Kerja AmCapital Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PT AmCapital Indonesia is a subsidiary of AmBank Group Berhad in Malaysia. As one of the most active stock broking securities companies in Indonesia, we provide clients with the most comprehensive products platforms available in Indonesia.We have the global strength and industry expert to meet both our institutional and private clients. In all its core businesses, PT AmCapital Indonesia is determined to be a benchmark investment banking group, focusing on customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement. PT AmCapital Indonesia has key positions in its four core businesses: Corporate Finance, Fixed Income, Asset Management, Margin Financing, and Online Brokering. We are seeking a candidate to fill the position of :
Accounting, Drafter, Quality Kontrol Maestro Furniture (Mar 2011)
Perusahaan Furniture Export membutuhkan:
1. Accounting (S1)
Pengalaman min 2tahun
Menguasai Office + internet
Mempunyai kendaraan sendiri
ditempatkan di Surabaya
1. Accounting (S1)
Pengalaman min 2tahun
Menguasai Office + internet
Mempunyai kendaraan sendiri
ditempatkan di Surabaya
Lowongan Kerja Komatsu Reman (Mar 2011)
Komatsu Reman Indonesia is a part of Komatsu Group Worldwide, fast growing international heavy equipment Remanufacturer Company. We urgently need professionals to join our winning team as:
Quality Assurance Supervisor
Quality Assurance Supervisor
Looking for Marketing and Admin Mee Djin Couture (Mar 2011)
A Bridal store
Looking for Marketing and Admin
- FEMALE, Max 35 years old
- D3/S1 (Fresh graduate welcome)
- Loyal, honest, and responsible
Please send your CV at:
Looking for Marketing and Admin
- FEMALE, Max 35 years old
- D3/S1 (Fresh graduate welcome)
- Loyal, honest, and responsible
Please send your CV at:
Lowongan Kerja Suzuki Indomobil (Mar 2011)
PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor as one of the largest multinational automotive company, as a response to the global transformation plan and to extend our perspectives in Suzuki's Business Growth, we intend to provide an active role in the field of automotive business especially in Sales & Marketing function. Therefore, we would like to share the challenging experiences and opportunities to the high caliber individual to join and be part of our organization growth as our Staff within:
Lowongan Marketing Bank/Non Perbankan Koperasi HKB Jatim (Mar 2011)
Lowongan Marketing Bank
1. pria/wanita
2. usia max. 35 tahun
3. pendidikan max. SMU
4. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri
5. Siap bekerja dalam target
6. Berpengalaman min 1 tahun
7. Fresh graduate, bersedia mengikuti training
1. pria/wanita
2. usia max. 35 tahun
3. pendidikan max. SMU
4. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri
5. Siap bekerja dalam target
6. Berpengalaman min 1 tahun
7. Fresh graduate, bersedia mengikuti training
Lowongan Kerja Bank Ekonomi (Mar 2011)
Pt Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk. The Group is a financial institution engaged in general banking activities and provides savings products known as Tabungan Ekonomi, Tabungan Ultra, Tabungan Super Ultra, Eko Yunior, Eko Dolar, Eko Giro and Eko Depo. The Group also provides lending products, including bank acceptance and various loan facilities. Its services include international banking, phone banking known EkoPhone, Internet banking known as Ekonominet, call center services named Ekocare, payroll services called EkoPas, safe deposit boxes, telegraphic transfers, bank clearance, remittances, trade of foreign exchange, tax payment and various bill payments. As of December 31, 2008, the Bank was supported by 44 main branches, 36 sub-branches and nine cash offices throughout Indonesia.
Lowongan GSA or DSA Bank UOB Buana Surabaya (Mar 2011)
Dibutuhkan karyawan di bank UOB Buana Surabaya,untuk menduduki GSA or DSA. dengan ketentuan :
1. ijazah minimal SMA.
2. punya kendaraan pribadi.
3. berkemauan keras.
4. mampu bekerja dalam tim.
1. ijazah minimal SMA.
2. punya kendaraan pribadi.
3. berkemauan keras.
4. mampu bekerja dalam tim.
Lowongan Kerja Osram Indonesia (Mar 2011)
OSRAM is a globally oriented, leading lighting expert with headquarter in Germany, offering cutting-edge lighting solutions since more than 100 years. We are driven by the ambition to perform at the highest level at all times. Total quality and cost leadership are part of our corporate culture. In Indonesia, OSRAM Indonesia has now been operating for more than 11 years and we are looking forward to further expand our activity in the market. If you are ready for challenging employment opportunities and an international career development, join us now! Passion for light – Solutions for life.
Lowongan Staff Finance & Accounting (Mar 2011)
CV Rumah Kayu, adalah sebuah perusahaan Pembuatan Pintu dan Kusen Kayu berskala nasional yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan Staff untuk posisi:
- Staff Finance & Accounting (FA)
a. wanita 23-28 tahun
b. Pendidikan D3/S1 Accounting
c. Pengalaman di bidangnya minimal 1 tahun
d. Jujur, bekerja keras dan bisa bekerja dalam tim
e. Menguasai Komputer ( Min. MS Office dan Internet ) dengan baik
- Staff Finance & Accounting (FA)
a. wanita 23-28 tahun
b. Pendidikan D3/S1 Accounting
c. Pengalaman di bidangnya minimal 1 tahun
d. Jujur, bekerja keras dan bisa bekerja dalam tim
e. Menguasai Komputer ( Min. MS Office dan Internet ) dengan baik
Lowongan Kerja Sari Roti (Mar 2011)
PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk (Sari Roti) is the largest foreign owned bread manufacturing company in Indonesia currently having 3 plants, 2 plants in the Jababeka Cikarang Industrial complex (West Java) and 1 plant at the Pasuruan Industrial Zone in East Java. Indosari is the first bread manufacturing company in Indonesia that uses modern technology from Japan in its production process and continues to produce high quality of bread that is halal, healthy and hygienic. We are currently seeking:
Financial Report Supervisor
Financial Report Supervisor
Rabu, 23 Maret 2011
Lowongan Pendopo Energi Batubara (Mar 2011)
PT Pendopo Energi Batubara (PEB) is a subsidiary of PT DH Energy. Established on the 8th of June 1995, PEB is a coal mining company that focuses its activities specifically for lignite coal deposits in Pendopo, Muara Enim, South Sumatera. PEB supplies lignite to mine mouth projects, domestic and export markets. PEB is the holder of 3rd Generation Coal Contract of Work from the Government of Indonesia.
To support our current and upcoming business development, PEB is inviting qualified and highly motivated professionals to fill the following position :
To support our current and upcoming business development, PEB is inviting qualified and highly motivated professionals to fill the following position :
Lowongan Kerja Samuel Sekuritas (Mar 2011)
Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia (SAMUEL GROUP) is a premier and innovative financial services provider and a member of the Indonesian Stock Exchange and holds brokerage and underwriting licenses in Indonesia. The Equity Sales and Trading team at SSI ranks among the top local brokers on the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
We have an immediate opening for :
Description: Responsible for user interface (UI) design, content development and maintenance of website and browser based online trading applications. Designer will work with the latest web technologies for browser, mobile, and tablet devices
We have an immediate opening for :
Description: Responsible for user interface (UI) design, content development and maintenance of website and browser based online trading applications. Designer will work with the latest web technologies for browser, mobile, and tablet devices
Lowongan Kerja Cargill Indonesia (Mar 2011)
Cargill is a multinational US based company, an international marketer, processor and distributor of agricultural, food, financial and industrial products and services with more than 158,000 employees in over 66 countries. The company provides distinctive customer solutions in supply chain management, food applications and health and nutrition.
If you want to fulfill your potential and are looking for a company that thrives on innovation, values diversity and rewards performance, consider a career with Cargill. With annual sales of approximately $88.3 billion and growing, we’re among the world’s largest companies. We sell thousands of products; operate hundreds of businesses and partner with dozens of other companies, many of who are leaders in their industries.
If you want to fulfill your potential and are looking for a company that thrives on innovation, values diversity and rewards performance, consider a career with Cargill. With annual sales of approximately $88.3 billion and growing, we’re among the world’s largest companies. We sell thousands of products; operate hundreds of businesses and partner with dozens of other companies, many of who are leaders in their industries.
Lowongan Kerja Vietmindo Energitama (Mar 2011)
PT. MITRA BAHTERA SEGARA SEJATI (MBSS) is a privately owned Indonesian shipping and barging company that provides professional and competitive logistical services to the Indonesian and International coal industries. The company was established in 1993 and since its inception has supported and grown with the Indonesian coal industry.
Lowongan Kerja BDP Indonesia (Mar 2011)
BDP International (BDP), a leading, privately-held global logistics and transportation services company based in the U.S., has opened its sixth Indonesian office in Balikipapan, Kalimantan, a seaport on the eastern coast of Borneo that also serves as a transit hub to Samarinda, Bontang and Palu on Sulawesi Island. Managing the office is Henky Indracahya, who reports to Aaron Chen, managing director of BDP Indonesia in Jakarta.
The new office also will provide more conventional logistics services, including ocean and air freight, inbound and outbound customs clearance, road transport and warehousing. In addition to its headquarters in Jakarta, BDP Indonesia has branch offices in Surabaya, Semarang, Belawan, and Batam Island.
The new office also will provide more conventional logistics services, including ocean and air freight, inbound and outbound customs clearance, road transport and warehousing. In addition to its headquarters in Jakarta, BDP Indonesia has branch offices in Surabaya, Semarang, Belawan, and Batam Island.
Lowongan Kerja Mitsui Leasing (Mar 2011)
PT. Mitsui Leasing Capital Indonesia (Mitsui Leasing) was officially founded as a shareholding company largely controlled by Mitsui Leasing & Development, Ltd., Japan on October 26, 1992. Mitsui Leasing businesses focused on the activities of Consumer Finance and Leasing of motor vehicles. From year to year, Mitsui Leasing increasing performance, both in total revenue and net income.
IT Programmer (Jakarta Raya)
* Bachelor Degree in computer science / information technology from reputable university
* Familiar with Visual Basic 6.0, SQL Server 2008, Crystal Report, Web programming (ASP, .Net Framework) would be an advantage
* Strong analytical and calculation skill exposure to financial systems
* Creative and innovative logic
* Male/Female below 30 years old
* Hard worker and able to work with team
* 1 Year experience in related field (Fresh Graduates are encouraged to apply)
If you meet above requirements, please submit your resume, CV & latest photograph not later than 2 weeks to :
HR Division
PT. Mitsui Leasing Capital Indonesia
Permata Plaza 11th Floor Suite 1106
Jl.M.H. Thamrin Kav 57 Jakarta 10350
email to :
IT Programmer (Jakarta Raya)
* Bachelor Degree in computer science / information technology from reputable university
* Familiar with Visual Basic 6.0, SQL Server 2008, Crystal Report, Web programming (ASP, .Net Framework) would be an advantage
* Strong analytical and calculation skill exposure to financial systems
* Creative and innovative logic
* Male/Female below 30 years old
* Hard worker and able to work with team
* 1 Year experience in related field (Fresh Graduates are encouraged to apply)
If you meet above requirements, please submit your resume, CV & latest photograph not later than 2 weeks to :
HR Division
PT. Mitsui Leasing Capital Indonesia
Permata Plaza 11th Floor Suite 1106
Jl.M.H. Thamrin Kav 57 Jakarta 10350
email to :
Lowongan Kerja Mitra Adi Perkasa (Mar 2011)
PT Mitra Adi Perkasa, a Leading on retail network and brand portfolio in Indonesia with over 40 concepts covering all aspects - from sports to fashion and lifestyle; department stores to trendy cafes; Mitra Adi Perkasa (MAP) growth from just a few to over 710 outlets in a short span is unrivalled in Indonesia. MAP is managed by a strong management team of retail marketing professionals with extensive experience and knowledge in their various backgrounds. Are you ready for taking challenges? Let’s join us and growth the business together with our great team.
Lowongan Kerja Mead Johnson (Mar 2011)
Mead Johnson Nutrition — a global leader in infant and children's nutrition. We are best known for our Enfamil® and Enfalac® families of infant formulas as well as for our regional children's nutritional products, including Enfagrow®, Enfapro®, Enfakid®, EnfaSchool®, and Sustagen® in Asia, and Choco Milk® and Cal-C-Tose® in Mexico and Latin America.
Our company was founded more than 100 years ago — and has been committed from its very beginning to earning the trust of parents and health care professionals by offering scientific evidence of the benefits of our products.
Our company was founded more than 100 years ago — and has been committed from its very beginning to earning the trust of parents and health care professionals by offering scientific evidence of the benefits of our products.
Lowongan Staff Accounting & Perpajakan PT. Sepanjang Baut Sejahtera (Mar 2011)
PT. Sepanjang Baut Sejahtera adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur pembuatan mur dan baut. Saat ini membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :
Staff Accounting & Perpajakan.
Kualifikasi :
1. Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun.
2. Pendididikan minimal D3
3. Familiar dan menguasai aplikasi perpajakan
4. Pengalaman di bidang accounting & perpajakan minimal 1 tahun
5. Mandiri dan mampu berkeja dalam team.
6. Diutamakan memiliki kendaaran bermotor dan SIM
Staff Accounting & Perpajakan.
Kualifikasi :
1. Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun.
2. Pendididikan minimal D3
3. Familiar dan menguasai aplikasi perpajakan
4. Pengalaman di bidang accounting & perpajakan minimal 1 tahun
5. Mandiri dan mampu berkeja dalam team.
6. Diutamakan memiliki kendaaran bermotor dan SIM
Lowongan Kerja Hero Supermarket (Mar 2011)
PT Hero Supermarket, Tbk. is one of the leading retail player in Indonesia, which have the affiliation in Asia Pacific including Hongkong, Singapore, Malaysia, China & Taiwan. To support the rapid growth expansion within our business units : GIANT, HERO, GUARDIAN, and STARMART with a total population of more than 10,000 employees, we are looking for a potential candidate to fill up the following position:
To develop and implement strategic plans for assigned categories within framework of a disciplined category management business process so as to achieve company’s financial goals and objectives, improve market share, customer satisfaction and productivity perfomance measures of the company.
To develop and implement strategic plans for assigned categories within framework of a disciplined category management business process so as to achieve company’s financial goals and objectives, improve market share, customer satisfaction and productivity perfomance measures of the company.
Lowongan Finance Supervisor, Finance Staff PT. SKYLINE JAYA (Mar 2011)
PT. SKYLINE JAYA, furniture manufacturing in Surabaya, Jl. Margomulyo Indah kav 8-10 is looking immediately for::
Finance Supervisor
General requirements: Female, S1 Accounting, has been working for 2-3 years in the same position. Hard working, independent, honest, capable and well manage of finance matters (cash flow, international and local payment). She will supervise 5 or more finance staffs. Control accounts and its payment and also pay staff’s salary via bank transfer.
Finance Supervisor
General requirements: Female, S1 Accounting, has been working for 2-3 years in the same position. Hard working, independent, honest, capable and well manage of finance matters (cash flow, international and local payment). She will supervise 5 or more finance staffs. Control accounts and its payment and also pay staff’s salary via bank transfer.
Lowongan Kerja Energizer Indonesia (Mar 2011)
Energizer Holdings, headquartered in Town and Country, Missouri, Energizer is an American manufacturer of multiple consumer products, including batteries, where it has a market share of approximately 25%. The company sells in over 165 countries. Energizer is an American manufacturer of batteries and personal care products. Its most well known brands are Energizer and Eveready batteries, manufactured by the subsidiary Eveready Battery Company, Schick, Wilkinson Sword and Edge shaving products, Playtex feminine hygiene and baby products, and Hawaiian Tropic and Banana Boat sunscreen products.
Lowongan Kerja Marketing Inspire Design & IT (Mar 2011)
Inspire Design & IT merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang web development sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang berjiwa dinamis, kreatif, bermotivasi tinggi dan menyukai tantangan untuk bergabung pada posisi :
1. Pria/wanita, max 30 tahun
2. Berpengalaman di bidang marketing
3. Mengerti dan memahami dunia online/internet/website
4. Memiliki kendaraan roda dua dan SIM C / A
5. Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik
6. Memiliki relasi yang luas
1. Pria/wanita, max 30 tahun
2. Berpengalaman di bidang marketing
3. Mengerti dan memahami dunia online/internet/website
4. Memiliki kendaraan roda dua dan SIM C / A
5. Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik
6. Memiliki relasi yang luas
Lowongan Kerja Shimano Batam (Mar 2011)
Shimano is a renowned name in the bicycle components and fishing tackles industry. It is our hope that the products we develop create a natural and responsive interface between the user and his equipment; helping people interact and harmonise with nature through the activities they love
We believe that people are our strength, and developing their talents and knowledge are vital to our growth. We are currently seeking suitable candidates to fill the position as :
We believe that people are our strength, and developing their talents and knowledge are vital to our growth. We are currently seeking suitable candidates to fill the position as :
Lowongan Kerja Web Programmer Inspire Design & IT (Mar 2011)
Inspire Design & IT, bergerak di bidang web development. Membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk diposisikan sebagai:
Web Programmer
1. Male/Female, max 30 thn
2. Min D3 or Fresh Graduate, lulusan IT
3. Understanding web technologies : HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, PHP, AJAX and any other emerging platforms
4. Familiar with open source engine like joomla, wordpress, magento , etc
5. Experience with back –end development technologies ( PHP, XML, MySQL, AJAX, CMS, JAVA SCRIPT)
6. Familiar with Website
7. Quickly develops and applies new skills. Ability to code, test, debug and document applications under supervision of other.
Web Programmer
1. Male/Female, max 30 thn
2. Min D3 or Fresh Graduate, lulusan IT
3. Understanding web technologies : HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, PHP, AJAX and any other emerging platforms
4. Familiar with open source engine like joomla, wordpress, magento , etc
5. Experience with back –end development technologies ( PHP, XML, MySQL, AJAX, CMS, JAVA SCRIPT)
6. Familiar with Website
7. Quickly develops and applies new skills. Ability to code, test, debug and document applications under supervision of other.
Lowongan Kerja BUMN INKA (Mar 2011)
PT. Industri Kereta Api INKA (Persero) a state owned enterprise (BUMN) in train manufacture and mass trasportation solution opening career opportunities for high potential, integrity and commitment candidates to promote mass transport sector in Indonesia.
Bachelor Degree (S1) in:
Bachelor Degree (S1) in:
Lowongan Kerja Kasir Cafe Surabaya (Mar 2011)
Perusahaan kami bergerak dalam bidang Retail(Store & Cafe) yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk di tempatkan sebagai
di Cafe(Surabaya) dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Perusahaan kami bergerak dalam bidang Retail(Store & Cafe) yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk di tempatkan sebagai
di Cafe(Surabaya) dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Lowongan Kerja JDA Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PT. JDA-Indonesia is manpower consultants for the Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction industries within Indonesia. JDA has been servicing the Indonesian Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction industry for 20 years. As a result of the decision to strengthen JDA's presence in Indonesia, JDA-Indonesia is now strongly represented in Indonesia with offices in Jakarta, Balikpapan, Tembagapura and Batu Hijau.
Our client, a zinc poject mining company in North Sumatera, is currently looking for qualified candidates to fill the following roles:
• Degree at S1 level or equivalent in an appropriate Environmental Engineering or Science discipline, or equivalent training and experience with preferably a relevant S2 qualification.
• Minimum of 8 - 10 years experience, preferably with some in remote mining areas, in a broad range of environmental management activities.
• Financial skills to handle project and budget responsibilities.
• Computer literate in the Microsoft range of Office programs including spreadsheets, statistics programs and databases.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills, in both English and Indonesian, to liaise with internal and external contacts at both national and international levels.
• High performing leadership, advanced analytical and problem solving ability and planning skills.
• Relevant DH&S training and qualifications and preferably a Degree at S1 level or equivalent in an appropriate discipline.
• Minimum of 8-10 years experience, preferably with some in remote mining areas, and a proven track record in a brad range of DH&S management activities.
• Candidate must possess POU certificate, Financial skills to handle project and budget responsibilities.
• Computer literate in the Microsoft range of Office programs including spreadsheets statistics programs and databases.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills, in both English and Indonesian, to liaise with internal and external contacts at both national and international levels.
• High performing leadership, advanced analytical and problem solving ability and planning skills.
• Tertiary qualifications, preferably in the Humanities and/or Commercial disciplines with fluency in both written and spoken English.
• 10-15 years of proven track record at executive management levels in the human resources function at both national and international level.
• Strategic planning and operations management skills to establish and achieve tong term goals as well as meet immediate business performance targets.
• Strong and effective leadership.
• Sound negotiation and problem solving skills.
• Only those persons in possession of a surveyor certificate recognized by the Chief Mine Inspector shall apply.
• Specifically for underground mines, the surveyor shall have underground mine experience and shall have been approved by the Mine Inspector.
• Bachelor s degree in Survey, Geodet, Civil, Environmental, Mechanical, Geo-technical or other generally recognized field of engineering or survey from accredited univ.
• Min. 10 years surveying experience, of which 5 years of relevant underground survey experience, 2 years included senior level.
• Advanced computer skills in one of the major mining softwares.
• Demonstrated expertise with advanced surveying equipment like Leica TPS, GPS, CMS, grid transformation.
• Familiarity with photogrammetry preferably Adam Technology 3DM Analyst.
• Only those persons in possession of a tertiary degree in Geology shall be appointed as a Mine Geology Superintendent.
• Minimum 10 years of relevant geology experience, five years of which includes underground geology, 1 year in exploration and minimum two years as a Mine Geology Superintendent.
• Advanced computer skills in one of the major mining software, Surpac, Micromine, Vulcan or Datamine.
• In depth understanding of JORC code.
• Understanding of mine grid transformation principles.
• Supervising the geology team as well as coaching and developing graduates.
• Geology input into mine planning & scheduling.
• Production reconciliation systems to monitor the accuracy of resource modeling.
• Management and administration of the mines drilling contracts.
• Familiarity with photogrammetry, preferably Adam Technology 3DM Analyst.
• Only those persons in possession of a tertiary degree in Mining shall be appointed as a Mine Planning Superintendent.
• Minimum 10 years of relevant experience, five years of which includes underground mining, and minimum two years in a senior position.
• A POU Certificate by the Mines Department or preparedness to obtain National POU competency, and willingness to accept appointment as a Deputy KTT, or act as an Underground Manager when required, are preferred but not essential.
• Advanced computer skills in one of the major mining software, Surpac, Micromine, Vulcan or Datamine.
• In depth understanding of JORC code.
• Understanding of mine grid transformation principles.
• Supervising the mine planning team as well as coaching and developing graduates.
• In depth understanding of cut-off grade calculation for poly-metalic mines and impact to mine planning process.
• Production reconciliation systems to monitor the accuracy of the modeling.
• Management and administration at various consultants.
• Familiarity with photogrammetry, preferably Adam Technology 3DM Analyst.
All positions will be based in North Sumatera. A Challenging and innovative work environment and an attractive salary package will be attached to these positions. Positions number 4, 5, 6 are open for Indonesian and other nationalities.
Please email your comprehensive resume, recent photograph, current and expected remuneration before April 2nd, 2011 to:
Email :
Our client, a zinc poject mining company in North Sumatera, is currently looking for qualified candidates to fill the following roles:
• Degree at S1 level or equivalent in an appropriate Environmental Engineering or Science discipline, or equivalent training and experience with preferably a relevant S2 qualification.
• Minimum of 8 - 10 years experience, preferably with some in remote mining areas, in a broad range of environmental management activities.
• Financial skills to handle project and budget responsibilities.
• Computer literate in the Microsoft range of Office programs including spreadsheets, statistics programs and databases.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills, in both English and Indonesian, to liaise with internal and external contacts at both national and international levels.
• High performing leadership, advanced analytical and problem solving ability and planning skills.
• Relevant DH&S training and qualifications and preferably a Degree at S1 level or equivalent in an appropriate discipline.
• Minimum of 8-10 years experience, preferably with some in remote mining areas, and a proven track record in a brad range of DH&S management activities.
• Candidate must possess POU certificate, Financial skills to handle project and budget responsibilities.
• Computer literate in the Microsoft range of Office programs including spreadsheets statistics programs and databases.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills, in both English and Indonesian, to liaise with internal and external contacts at both national and international levels.
• High performing leadership, advanced analytical and problem solving ability and planning skills.
• Tertiary qualifications, preferably in the Humanities and/or Commercial disciplines with fluency in both written and spoken English.
• 10-15 years of proven track record at executive management levels in the human resources function at both national and international level.
• Strategic planning and operations management skills to establish and achieve tong term goals as well as meet immediate business performance targets.
• Strong and effective leadership.
• Sound negotiation and problem solving skills.
• Only those persons in possession of a surveyor certificate recognized by the Chief Mine Inspector shall apply.
• Specifically for underground mines, the surveyor shall have underground mine experience and shall have been approved by the Mine Inspector.
• Bachelor s degree in Survey, Geodet, Civil, Environmental, Mechanical, Geo-technical or other generally recognized field of engineering or survey from accredited univ.
• Min. 10 years surveying experience, of which 5 years of relevant underground survey experience, 2 years included senior level.
• Advanced computer skills in one of the major mining softwares.
• Demonstrated expertise with advanced surveying equipment like Leica TPS, GPS, CMS, grid transformation.
• Familiarity with photogrammetry preferably Adam Technology 3DM Analyst.
• Only those persons in possession of a tertiary degree in Geology shall be appointed as a Mine Geology Superintendent.
• Minimum 10 years of relevant geology experience, five years of which includes underground geology, 1 year in exploration and minimum two years as a Mine Geology Superintendent.
• Advanced computer skills in one of the major mining software, Surpac, Micromine, Vulcan or Datamine.
• In depth understanding of JORC code.
• Understanding of mine grid transformation principles.
• Supervising the geology team as well as coaching and developing graduates.
• Geology input into mine planning & scheduling.
• Production reconciliation systems to monitor the accuracy of resource modeling.
• Management and administration of the mines drilling contracts.
• Familiarity with photogrammetry, preferably Adam Technology 3DM Analyst.
• Only those persons in possession of a tertiary degree in Mining shall be appointed as a Mine Planning Superintendent.
• Minimum 10 years of relevant experience, five years of which includes underground mining, and minimum two years in a senior position.
• A POU Certificate by the Mines Department or preparedness to obtain National POU competency, and willingness to accept appointment as a Deputy KTT, or act as an Underground Manager when required, are preferred but not essential.
• Advanced computer skills in one of the major mining software, Surpac, Micromine, Vulcan or Datamine.
• In depth understanding of JORC code.
• Understanding of mine grid transformation principles.
• Supervising the mine planning team as well as coaching and developing graduates.
• In depth understanding of cut-off grade calculation for poly-metalic mines and impact to mine planning process.
• Production reconciliation systems to monitor the accuracy of the modeling.
• Management and administration at various consultants.
• Familiarity with photogrammetry, preferably Adam Technology 3DM Analyst.
All positions will be based in North Sumatera. A Challenging and innovative work environment and an attractive salary package will be attached to these positions. Positions number 4, 5, 6 are open for Indonesian and other nationalities.
Please email your comprehensive resume, recent photograph, current and expected remuneration before April 2nd, 2011 to:
Email :
Lowongan Teknisi NoteBook, Costumer Service Aedupac (Mar 2011)
Sebuah Perusahaan Distributor Laptop Merk Terkenal Membutuhkan Tenaga Professional untuk Service Center di Surabaya.
1. Teknisi NoteBook/Laptop (TKN)
• Pria/ Wanita Lulusan SMK , D3, atau S1 IT
• Berpengalaman Minimal 1 tahun sebagai Teknisi Peralatan ELektronik/Komputer
Memiliki pengetahuan tentang:
-Bongkar pasang Laptop
-Pengukuran elektronik baik analog maupun digital
-Perbaikan untuk Software maupun Hardware.
2. Costumer Service/Service Assistance (CS)
• Pria / Wanita Lulusan Minimal D3 IT,
• Berpengalaman Minimal 1 tahun dibidangnya
• Memiliki pengetahuan tentang :
- Komunikasi yang baik dengan Pelanggan
- Indentifikasi masalah yang dihadapai Pelanggan
- Pendengar yang baik atas keluhan Pelanggan.
- Pengoperasian Lap top.
Persyaratan secara umum.
• Bersedia bekerja lembur dan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi waktu pekerjaan.
• Mampu menjaga kualitas kerja.
• Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik .
• Memilki semangat kerja yang prima.
• Mampu bekerja sendiri dengan pengawasan minimal.
Kirimkan lamaran beserta CV dan Photo, melalui email ke:, atau, paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini.
1. Teknisi NoteBook/Laptop (TKN)
• Pria/ Wanita Lulusan SMK , D3, atau S1 IT
• Berpengalaman Minimal 1 tahun sebagai Teknisi Peralatan ELektronik/Komputer
Memiliki pengetahuan tentang:
-Bongkar pasang Laptop
-Pengukuran elektronik baik analog maupun digital
-Perbaikan untuk Software maupun Hardware.
2. Costumer Service/Service Assistance (CS)
• Pria / Wanita Lulusan Minimal D3 IT,
• Berpengalaman Minimal 1 tahun dibidangnya
• Memiliki pengetahuan tentang :
- Komunikasi yang baik dengan Pelanggan
- Indentifikasi masalah yang dihadapai Pelanggan
- Pendengar yang baik atas keluhan Pelanggan.
- Pengoperasian Lap top.
Persyaratan secara umum.
• Bersedia bekerja lembur dan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi waktu pekerjaan.
• Mampu menjaga kualitas kerja.
• Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik .
• Memilki semangat kerja yang prima.
• Mampu bekerja sendiri dengan pengawasan minimal.
Kirimkan lamaran beserta CV dan Photo, melalui email ke:, atau, paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini.
PT. Asia Outsourcing Services (PT. AOS)
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa outsourcing perbankan dan telekomunikasi. Klien kami salah satu Bank Swasta Ternama di Indonesia sedang mencari anda yang energik, bersemangat dan dinamis untuk ditempatkan sebagai posisi:
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa outsourcing perbankan dan telekomunikasi. Klien kami salah satu Bank Swasta Ternama di Indonesia sedang mencari anda yang energik, bersemangat dan dinamis untuk ditempatkan sebagai posisi:
Lowongan Kerja Fleishman-Hillard (Mar 2011)
Fleishman-Hillard is a leading multinational public relations firm with a fast-growing, dynamic network in Asia Pacific. The firm has built its reputation on using strategic communications to deliver what its clients value most: meaningful, positive, and measurable impact on the performance of client organizations. The firm is renowned for its strong company culture founded on teamwork, integrity, and personal commitment.
Fleishman-Hillard was named “2010 International Agency of the Year” by The Holmes Report. The firm won the coveted Gold Award for “Asia Pacific Network of the Year” in the 2004 and 2008 Asia Pacific PR Awards for best demonstrating extraordinary growth, strong interoffice cooperation, public relations innovation and high retention of clients and staff.
Fleishman-Hillard was named “2010 International Agency of the Year” by The Holmes Report. The firm won the coveted Gold Award for “Asia Pacific Network of the Year” in the 2004 and 2008 Asia Pacific PR Awards for best demonstrating extraordinary growth, strong interoffice cooperation, public relations innovation and high retention of clients and staff.
Lowongan Tifico Fiber Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PT. Tifico Fiber Indonesia, a market leader of synthetic fiber business in Indonesia for more than 30 years, located at Tangerang. Our profitability has been growing rapidly and we are continuously advancing our capacity & quality. We invite highly motivated talents to be the part of our team in these following positions :
Marketing Supervisor (Banten - Serpong - Tangerang)
Marketing Supervisor (Banten - Serpong - Tangerang)
Selasa, 22 Maret 2011
Lowongan Kerja Administrasi, Asisten Apoteker RSU dr. Etty Asharto Batu (Mar 2011)
Lowongan Kerja RSU dr. Etty Asharto Batu
Kami, perusahaan penyedia pelayanan kesehatan yang sedang berkembang di Kota Batu Jawa Timur,
mengajak anda untuk bergabung sebagai :
1. Tenaga Administrasi dan Front Office
Kualifikasi :
Kami, perusahaan penyedia pelayanan kesehatan yang sedang berkembang di Kota Batu Jawa Timur,
mengajak anda untuk bergabung sebagai :
1. Tenaga Administrasi dan Front Office
Kualifikasi :
Lowongan Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (Mar 2011)
The Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative is a technical advisory and capacity building program funded by the Australian Government and managed by SMEC International Pty. Ltd. The program’s purpose is to support the Indonesian Government in overcoming barriers to the delivery of high quality and strategic infrastructure developments through working with and building the capacity of GO] agencies at both the national and sub-national levels.
PT SDM Prime merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Recruitment, Training & Outsourcing Specialist, khususnya untuk financial dan service industry. Kami membantu klien dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan SDM yang berkualitas dan mampu menjawab tantangan di dunia bisnis yang kian meningkat. Saat kami membutuhkan:
Lowongan Kerja Sosro (Mar 2011)
PT. SINAR SOSRO, a company that produces packaged ready-to-drink tea. Its products consist of Tehbotol Sosro, Fruit Tea Sosro, Joy Tea Green Sosro, TEBS, Happy Jus, and Air Minum Prim-A. SOSRO is the pioneer of packaged ready-to-drink tea in Indonesia. The name SOSRO is taken from the name of the founding family, namely SOSRODJOJO. Along with the business growth, on November 27, 2004, PT SINAR SOSRO and PT GUNUNG SLAMAT were made subsidiaries of a holding company, namely PT ANGGADA PUTRA REKSO MULIA (Rekso Group),
Lowongan Kerja Public Relation PT.Dwege (Mar 2011)
PT.Dwege adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang International Independent Software Vendor sedang membutuhkan beberapa tenaga ahli untuk posisi di bawah ini:
Lowongan Kerja Unicef Indonesia (Mar 2011)
Indonesia has made significant progress towards achieving its basic education targets. However, while the country as a whole is on track to broadly achieve the second Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of achieving universal primary education, the situation varies from district to district. In 2008 the national primary school net enrolment rate (NER) was 96 per cent, with equal access overall for boys and girls. The country has also made good progress in recent years on the Education for All (EFA) target to provide nine years of education for all girls and boys.
URGENTLY REQUIRED : Receptionist, Quality Assurance, Quality Controll, Estimator Engineer, Senior Engineer, Civil Engineer, Electric Engineer PT PUSPETINDO (Mar 2011)
URGENTLY REQUIRED : Receptionist, Quality Assurance, Quality Controll, Estimator Engineer, Senior Engineer, Civil Engineer, Electric Engineer PT PUSPETINDO
1. Receptionist
Education : Bachelor / Diploma of Administration, etc
Having experience in public relations, secretariate, administration, etc.
1. Receptionist
Education : Bachelor / Diploma of Administration, etc
Having experience in public relations, secretariate, administration, etc.
Lowongan Kerja Wartsila Indonesia (Mar 2011)
Wartsila, Multi National Company which providing marine and energy industry with power solutions. We are Doers. We are more than 17,000 professionals manning 160 Wartsila locations in 70 countries around the world who are dedicated to achieve our clients' goal.
Through innovation in products, services and people, we prove our worth with what we get done for our clients everyday. People are the key to success At Wartsila we give the highest priority to developing our people because we recognize that they are the company's most important asset.
Through innovation in products, services and people, we prove our worth with what we get done for our clients everyday. People are the key to success At Wartsila we give the highest priority to developing our people because we recognize that they are the company's most important asset.
PT. ANZ Panin Bank, salah satu Bank Asing terkemuka di Indonesia, membutuhkan individu-individu yang berkualitas dan dinamis untuk menempati posisi :
PT. ANZ Panin Bank, salah satu Bank Asing terkemuka di Indonesia, membutuhkan individu-individu yang berkualitas dan dinamis untuk menempati posisi :
Lowongan Kerja KPMG (Mar 2011)
KPMG Indonesia (Siddharta &Widjaja, KPMG Hadibroto and Siddharta Consulting) is one of the world’s leading providers of audit, tax and advisory services. We provide clear and practical advice in order to help our clients meet the challenges of an increasingly complex business environment. We seek experienced and energetic high caliber individuals desiring to join a talented of professionals for Senior Manager Positions in the following lines of service:
Lowongan Supervisor, Call Center, Surveyor, Mortage, Adm, Accounting PT. HR Provider (Mar 2011)
2. CALL CENTER ( Kode : CC )
3. SURVEYOR ( Kode : SVY )
6. ACCOUNTING ( Kode : ACC )
2. CALL CENTER ( Kode : CC )
3. SURVEYOR ( Kode : SVY )
6. ACCOUNTING ( Kode : ACC )
Lowongan Kerja Bank ICBC (Mar 2011)
Bank ICBCPT. Bank ICBC Indonesia (ICBC Indonesia) is a subsidiary bank and is 97.83% owned by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd (ICBC Ltd), the biggest commercial bank in china, has been operating in Indonesia since 2007 with total 12 branches in area of Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung.
ICBC Ltd in 2007 has won various honors such as "Best Bank in China", "Best Trading in the World", "Best Management Company in China" awarded by the magazine Bankers, Global Finance, The Assets, Finance Asia, and was appraised by Economic Observer as "Most Honored Corporation in China".
ICBC Ltd in 2007 has won various honors such as "Best Bank in China", "Best Trading in the World", "Best Management Company in China" awarded by the magazine Bankers, Global Finance, The Assets, Finance Asia, and was appraised by Economic Observer as "Most Honored Corporation in China".
Lowongan Marketing Manager, Public Relations, HRD Trainer PT. Victory International Futures (Mar 2011)
PT. Victory International Futures, perusahaan investasi yang berlokasi di Surabaya Town Square membutuhkan beberapa profesional muda untuk bergabung sebagai:
• Marketing Manager (MM)
• Public Relations (PR)
• HRD Trainer (T)
• Marketing Manager (MM)
• Public Relations (PR)
• HRD Trainer (T)
Lowongan Kerja OPAC Barata (Mar 2011)
OPAC Barata, a consultant company in oil and gas industry is established since 1999. Our Long Term Aim is to create and give value. Both tangible and in the hearts and minds of the people who work here and deal with us. Currently we have some projects with some International Oil Company. We are looking for experienced Indonesian national personnel with experience to join us. We offer you a technically challenging career path, the opportunity to work with some of the most inspiring managers in the business, opportunities for overseas travel, a competitive salary and a friendly working environment.
Lowongan Instruktur Komputer, Administrasi dan Perpajakan DIAN INSTITUTE (Mar 2011)
Dian Institute yang bertempat di Surabaya,sidoarjo dan kediri yang berjalan di bidang Jasa pelatihan dan Konsultan Pendidikan sedang membutuhkan Sumber Daya Manusia Baru yang siap berkerja keras :
1. IK (Instruktur Komputer) Kode IK
Kriteria :
1. IK (Instruktur Komputer) Kode IK
Kriteria :
Lowongan Kerja ASEAN Secretariat (Mar 2011)
The Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) was formed in 1967 with five Member States but has gradually expanded and now consists of ten. The entry into force of the ASEAN Charter in December 2008 signified ASEAN’s movement from a loosely structured association to a rules-based organization complete with clearly-defined goals and objectives. In 2003 ASEAN committed itself to the achievement of an ASEAN Community in 2020 comprising the three pillars of Political-Security, Economic and Socio-Cultural. This date has subsequently been accelerated to 2015. Comprehensive Blueprints for each of the Communities have been developed to guide efforts towards the achievement of the ASEAN Community.
Lowongan IT Consultant Software InterActive Technologies (Mar 2011)
InterActive Technologies Corp.sebuah perusahaan IT yang sedang berkembang pesat yang bergerak di pemasaran IT khusus nya software Restoran dengan Brand InterActive My Resto mencari calon IT Consultant Software yang Ulet dan sanggupbekerja didalam team.dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :
- Mempunyai kendaraan bermotor sendiri
- Mempunyai sim C
- Pendidikan minimal SMU atau sederajat
- Target Oriented
- Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer
- Pernah bekerja sebelumnya
- Tidak mempunyai riwayat penyakit yang berat
- Mempunyai kendaraan bermotor sendiri
- Mempunyai sim C
- Pendidikan minimal SMU atau sederajat
- Target Oriented
- Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer
- Pernah bekerja sebelumnya
- Tidak mempunyai riwayat penyakit yang berat
Lowongan Kerja Tunas Ridean (Mar 2011)
PT Tunas Ridean Tbk is one of the largest independent Automotive retail, Rental and Finance groups in Indonesia. In line with our business growth, we are looking for qualified candidates to join our successful team as :
Recruitment Staff
Responsible for all recruitment process such as :
Recruitment Staff
Responsible for all recruitment process such as :
Lowongan Berkah Tujuh Saudara (Mar 2011)
PT. Berkah Tujuh Saudara ("PT.BTS") is a coal mining company, which operates mainly in Central Kalimantan. The company was in itially named PT. Tujuh Saudara which was established since 2004, after a series of restructuring the company is now named PT. BTS. The company owns a total of seven coal concessions with a total area of over 30.000 Ha. Our coal qualities are undoubtedly the best of their classes, even the low calorie due to their relatively low moisture, sulfur and ash. It is now currently under developing stage, envisioning being the biggest coal producer in the whole Central Kalimantan.
Senin, 21 Maret 2011
Lowongan Kerja Berau Coal (Mar 2011)
PT Berau Coal was established in 1983 and is a first generation Coal Contractor. It produces coal in berau area of East Kalimantan within the conession awarded to the Company under the Cal Development Cooperation Contract system established by the Government of Indonesia.
PT. Berau Coal is a joint venture between PT. Armadian Tritunggal (51%) dan Rognar Holding B.V (39%), a Netherlands company and Sojitz Corp. (10%) a Japanese company. PT. Berau Coal is one of Indonesia s largest thermal coal producers having its operation in Berau, East Kalimantan, is seeking professional and qualified candidates to join as Company's:
PT. Berau Coal is a joint venture between PT. Armadian Tritunggal (51%) dan Rognar Holding B.V (39%), a Netherlands company and Sojitz Corp. (10%) a Japanese company. PT. Berau Coal is one of Indonesia s largest thermal coal producers having its operation in Berau, East Kalimantan, is seeking professional and qualified candidates to join as Company's:
Sebuah lembaga bimbingan belajar yang sedang berkembang berskala Nasional membutuhkan beberapa orang TENAGA PENGAJAR MATEMATIKA untuk ditempatkan di regional master licence Surabaya Timur
Lowongan Kerja BASF Indonesia (Mar 2011)
BASF is the world’s leading chemical company, – The Chemical Company – with sales of €62.3 billion in 2008. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products, agriculture products and fine chemicals to crude oil and natural gas. Founded in 1865, today BASF helps customers in more than 170 countries to be more successful through intelligent solutions and high-value products.
In 2008, BASF posted sales of €62.3 billion and income before special items of approximately €6.9 billion. We help our customers to be more successful through intelligent system solutions and high-quality products. Through new technologies we can tap into additional market opportunities. We conduct our business in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
In 2008, BASF posted sales of €62.3 billion and income before special items of approximately €6.9 billion. We help our customers to be more successful through intelligent system solutions and high-quality products. Through new technologies we can tap into additional market opportunities. We conduct our business in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
Lowongan Kerja Husky Oil Madura (Mar 2011)
Husky Energy is a major Canadian oil and gas producer with international operations in Indonesia and China. Husky have recently formed a SE Asia Business Unit to concentrate on this region, and are looking for bright, energetic individuals capable of living and working throughout the region to staff this Business Unit. Husky is consistently related on of Canada’s top employers and attractive remuneration and benefits packages are available for successful applicants for these vacancies. Husky Oil Madura Ltd a production Sharing Contractor of BPMIGAS, has a requirement for National Personnel to fill several positions as follows:
Salah satu anak perusahaan Telkom saat ini sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :
- Pria
- Usia max. 30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SMK / D1 jurusan mesin / listrik
- Pria
- Usia max. 30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SMK / D1 jurusan mesin / listrik
Lowongan Kerja Redpath Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PT Redpath Indonesia is a multinational company which employs more than 800 people in Indonesia area. Our people are our keys to success. As an employer of choice, we are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all employees. Our business provides integrated mining and construction services in mining Papua Site.
Lowongan Kepala Kursus Musik 21 MUSIC CORNER (Mar 2011)
Dibutuhkan guru musik sekaligus sebagai kepala kursus musik,
- usia 25-35 tahun,
- lulusan seni musik,
- pekerja keras dan kreatif.
- usia 25-35 tahun,
- lulusan seni musik,
- pekerja keras dan kreatif.
Lowongan Kerja Summarecon Agung (Mar 2011)
PT Summarecon Agung Terbuka. The Group's principal activities are carried out through three business activities: Property Development which includes development of township of Summarecon Kelapa Gading, Summarecon Serpong and Summarecon Bekasi; Property Investment and Management which covers properties held for investment with lease rental income; and Leisure and Hospitality which includes managing Klub Kelapa Gading and Gading Raya Padang Golf & Klub. Operations of the Group are carried out in Indonesia.. Due to our business growth expansion, we are currently seeking ambitious and energetic professional to join our winning team as:
Voila! creative communication agency is seeking young and creative person which have passion and integrity to join with us as:
Voila! creative communication agency is seeking young and creative person which have passion and integrity to join with us as:
Lowongan Kerja Pharos Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PHAROS INDONESIA, pharmaceutical company with has established in 1971, the one of big pharmacy industries in Indonesia, especially in ethical field. Try to be come Indonesia’s fastest growing pharmaceutical company with the orientation towards customer’s satisfaction, looking for candidates to fill the following position:
Packaging Assistant Manager (Placement Tangerang)
Male/Female, max 33 years old. Bachelor Degree of Industrial Technology/ Economy / Technic. Min 2 years experience as Packaging Supervisor
Packaging Assistant Manager (Placement Tangerang)
Male/Female, max 33 years old. Bachelor Degree of Industrial Technology/ Economy / Technic. Min 2 years experience as Packaging Supervisor
Job Vacancy
DRM GROUP merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Multimedia System dan Security System. DRM GROUP terdiri dari beberapa perusahaan dengan line businessnya : Duta Raya Makmur & Duta Dewata Makmur (Multimedia System Integrator & Retail), DRM Team (Rental Multimedia System & Creative Multimedia Design), Adipha Satya Defendo/ Dasendo (Security System Solution), Duta Multi Teknologi (Multi Teknologi & General Suplier)
DRM GROUP merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Multimedia System dan Security System. DRM GROUP terdiri dari beberapa perusahaan dengan line businessnya : Duta Raya Makmur & Duta Dewata Makmur (Multimedia System Integrator & Retail), DRM Team (Rental Multimedia System & Creative Multimedia Design), Adipha Satya Defendo/ Dasendo (Security System Solution), Duta Multi Teknologi (Multi Teknologi & General Suplier)
Lowongan Kerja Korean Air (Mar 2011)
Korean Air, is the largest airline and flag carrier of South Korea. Its global headquarters are located in Seoul. Korean Air's international passenger division and related subsidiary cargo division together serve 130 cities in 45 countries, while its domestic division serves 20 destinations. It is among the top 20 airlines in the world in terms of passengers carried, and is also top ranked in international freight carrying. [1] Incheon International Airport serves as Korean Air's international hub. Korean Air also maintains a satellite headquarters campus at Incheon.
Perusahaan telekomunikasi nasional membutuhkan tenaga CUSTOMER SERVICE (CS) untuk penempatan di area Jember dengan kualifikasi sbb :
- Wanita
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Usia maksimal 28 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3 (segala jurusan)
- Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Jember
- Ramah, komunikatif, & energik
- Customer oriented
- Bersedia mobile
- Wanita
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Usia maksimal 28 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3 (segala jurusan)
- Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Jember
- Ramah, komunikatif, & energik
- Customer oriented
- Bersedia mobile
Lowongan Kerja Wijaya Karya (Mar 2011)
Established on March 11, 1960, PT Wijaya Karya (Persero), or commonly named WIKA, one of the state owned enterprises. The continuous growth, which PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) Indonesia has established for more than forty years, is a succsess story that reflects the towering commitment and hard work of its workforce.
Entering the 21st century, WIKA strives to advance its performance in every aspect, starting from the Management, Human Resources, to more highly structured innovation and technology.
Entering the 21st century, WIKA strives to advance its performance in every aspect, starting from the Management, Human Resources, to more highly structured innovation and technology.
Lowongan Marketing Mee Djin Couture Surabaya (Mar 2011)
Looking for marketing:
- Loyal & Responsible
- Able to selling product
- Fresh Graduate Welcome
- Female
Please Send Your CV to:
- Loyal & Responsible
- Able to selling product
- Fresh Graduate Welcome
- Female
Please Send Your CV to:
Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011
Lowongan Internal Audit, Accounting, Staff HRD, 17 Posisi Lainnya PT BEHAESTEX (Mar 2011)
PT BEHAESTEX, salah satu perusahaan tekstil terbesar di Indonesia dengan produk andalan “SARUNG ATLAS”. Saat ini membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga professional Untuk menempati posisi:
1. MT. Internal Audit
Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:
* Pria
* Usia max. 25 thn
* Pendidikan min. S1 Akuntansi
* IPK min. 3.00
* Memiliki Brevet A/B
1. MT. Internal Audit
Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:
* Pria
* Usia max. 25 thn
* Pendidikan min. S1 Akuntansi
* IPK min. 3.00
* Memiliki Brevet A/B
Lowongan Legal Administration BINA TALENTA Surabaya (Mar 2011)
in the BANK
Legal Administration (LEGAL)
1. Male / Female
2. Age between 22 – 28 years
3. Bachelor Degree in Majoring Law with GPA min. 3,00
4. Fresh graduated are welcome
5. Computer literate (MS Office : MS Word, Ms Excel, MS Powerpoint)
6. Having strong leadership, communication skill, strong initiative, well organize, adaptive, analyze skill, problem solver, able to work under pressure
in the BANK
Legal Administration (LEGAL)
1. Male / Female
2. Age between 22 – 28 years
3. Bachelor Degree in Majoring Law with GPA min. 3,00
4. Fresh graduated are welcome
5. Computer literate (MS Office : MS Word, Ms Excel, MS Powerpoint)
6. Having strong leadership, communication skill, strong initiative, well organize, adaptive, analyze skill, problem solver, able to work under pressure
Lowongan Perekam Medik RSU ANWAR MEDIKA Sidoarjo (Mar 2011)
Rumah sakit umum yang bertempat di daerah Balongbendo-SIdoarjo, RSU ANWAR MEDIKA, mengajak para profesional untuk bergabung di bidang Pelayanan Kesehatan untuk diposisikan sebagai:
Perekam Medik
dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
Perekam Medik
dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
LOWONGAN KERJA SUPERVISOR PT Nasa Surabaya Multimedia (Mar 2011)
Sebuah perusahaan susu ternama di Indonesia membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk menempati posisi sbb :
Job Disc
• Mengkoordinir anggota team
• Monitoring acgievement team
• Coaching dan Training
Job Disc
• Mengkoordinir anggota team
• Monitoring acgievement team
• Coaching dan Training
Jumat, 18 Maret 2011
Lowongan Kerja Dewhirst Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PT Dewhirst Indonesia, a leading UK Garment manufacturing company in the Bandung area with more than 5,000 employees, supplying a high quality range of clothing to a major UK retailer. Our mission is to achieve “World Class Standards”. Now we are looking for highly motivated and competent individual, with a good track record to fill the following position:
Requirements :
Requirements :
Purchasing, Administrasi, Kasir TAMA GROUP (Mar 2011)
Kami adalah TAMA GROUP perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa dan distributor pendingin untuk kapasitas industri membuka kesempatan untuk para generasi muda untuk menduduki posisi:
1. Purchasing
– wanita
– D3 / S1 segala jurusan
– Usia max. 24 th
1. Purchasing
– wanita
– D3 / S1 segala jurusan
– Usia max. 24 th
Lowongan Design & prepress Officer CV MULTIGRAPH DIGITAL (Mar 2011)
CV MULTIGRAPH DIGITAL is inviting the right candidate to fill in the position as Design & prepress Officer.
As the Design & prepress Officer, you will be responsible for design, layouts and operate prepress machinery.
To be successful for this role, you should have the following qualifications:
As the Design & prepress Officer, you will be responsible for design, layouts and operate prepress machinery.
To be successful for this role, you should have the following qualifications:
Lowongan Staf Marketing Full Time Efata Surabaya (Mar 2011)
Kami adalah Software House di Surabaya yang membutuhkan beberapa Staf Marketing full time dalam memasarkan Program Aplikasi Jadi (Ready Install)
Syarat Marketing :
a. Pria/Wanita max 30 th.
b. Lulusan SMA/D3, diutamakan jurusan periklanan / komunikasi.
c. Berpenampilan Rapi/Menarik.
d. Lancar berkomunikasi dan melakukan Presentasi serta memiliki keahlian interpersonal yang baik dibidangnya.
Syarat Marketing :
a. Pria/Wanita max 30 th.
b. Lulusan SMA/D3, diutamakan jurusan periklanan / komunikasi.
c. Berpenampilan Rapi/Menarik.
d. Lancar berkomunikasi dan melakukan Presentasi serta memiliki keahlian interpersonal yang baik dibidangnya.
Lowongan Kerja MNC TV (Mar 2011)
MNC TV (formerly TPI) is an Indonesian private television station which broadcasts a terrestrial from Jakarta. His name is now used since October 20, 2010. MNC TV, founded with the name of TPI, is the third private television station in Indonesia after SCTV. TPI was founded by Mbak Tutut and used most of its shares owned by PT Cipta Lamtoro Gung Persada.
In the year 2009 up to 2010, MNC TV not broadcast sporting events. But beginning in 2010 TPI back sporting events are broadcast English Premier League.
In the year 2009 up to 2010, MNC TV not broadcast sporting events. But beginning in 2010 TPI back sporting events are broadcast English Premier League.
CV Matahari membuka lowongan yang BUTUH CEPAT !
- Dicari DESKTOP/WEB PROGRAMMER yang handal ! Gaji 2-3 jt
- Dicari MODERN MARKET COORDINATOR/MARKETING yang berpengalaman ! Gaji 1-2 jt
- Dicari GRAPHIC DESIGNER yang Creative ! Gaji 2-3 jt
CV Matahari membuka lowongan yang BUTUH CEPAT !
- Dicari DESKTOP/WEB PROGRAMMER yang handal ! Gaji 2-3 jt
- Dicari MODERN MARKET COORDINATOR/MARKETING yang berpengalaman ! Gaji 1-2 jt
- Dicari GRAPHIC DESIGNER yang Creative ! Gaji 2-3 jt
Dicari guru les privat untuk mengajar TK, SD, SMP SMA
daerah malang dan sekitarnya
Mata Pelajaran : Matematika, Fisika, Kimia, Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia, Ekonomi Akuntansi, agama mengaji, komputer
Dicari guru les privat untuk mengajar TK, SD, SMP SMA
daerah malang dan sekitarnya
Mata Pelajaran : Matematika, Fisika, Kimia, Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia, Ekonomi Akuntansi, agama mengaji, komputer
Lowongan Kerja Adaro (Mar 2011)
PT Adaro Indonesia operates under a Coal Cooperation Agreement with the Government of Indonesia which gives it the right to mine coal within its Agreement Area in the Tanjung district of Kalimantan Selatan Province until the year 2022 with Rights to extend by mutual agreement are available.
There are three deposits within the Agreement Area which contain total coal resources of 2.8 billion tones of open cut coal characterized by extremely thick seams of up to 50 meters with relatively low overburdenhereby otter you the following positions:
There are three deposits within the Agreement Area which contain total coal resources of 2.8 billion tones of open cut coal characterized by extremely thick seams of up to 50 meters with relatively low overburdenhereby otter you the following positions:
Kami adalah salah perusahaan alih dengan skala nasional sedang membutuhkan lebih dari 200 orang karyawan lapangan perusahaan – perusahaan finance di Indonesia untuk posisi :
Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
Lowongan Kerja Nutrifood (Mar 2011)
Established in 1979, Nutrifood manufactures and markets international-quality health foods and beverages under leading brands. Our brands are : Nutrisari, Tropicana Slim, L-Men, WRP, HiLo, and WRP Diet Center (WDC). Due our rapid growth, we invite dynamic professionals to grow with us, for these following position:
Nutritionist (NUT)
Nutritionist (NUT)
Lowongan Marketing PT. Karunia Mandiri Consultant (Mar 2011)
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillah, kami terus berkembang dan lebih pesat dari sebelumnya. Karenanya saat ini kami membuka lowongan sebagai programmer di Perusahaan kami. Kami mengundang Anda yang berminat untuk bergabung bersama kami menjadi bagian dari Tim kami.
Alhamdulillah, kami terus berkembang dan lebih pesat dari sebelumnya. Karenanya saat ini kami membuka lowongan sebagai programmer di Perusahaan kami. Kami mengundang Anda yang berminat untuk bergabung bersama kami menjadi bagian dari Tim kami.
Lowongan Hotel Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta (Mar 2011)
Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta is located right in the heart of Jakarta's prestigious commercial shopping, dining and entertainment districts, Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta Hotel is the perfect choice for your stay in Jakarta. Just 35 minutes away from Jakarta's Soekarno Hatta International Airport, it is also close to Jalan Thamrin, the most famous Boulevard in Central Jakarta. Most airline offices, major business offices, several embassies and a leading department store are just a few minutes walk away from the hotel. The Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta Hotel has won the Adikarya Wisata Award three times for exceeding hospitality achievement and dedication to support tourist development. Above all, here at Jakarta's preferred business address, we seek to provide five-star service, always. One of the finest luxury hotels in Jakarta, Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta Hotel offers guests 400 elegantly appointed rooms and suites complete with plug and play internet connectivity. For discerning guests who seek indulgence and leisure, the Jakarta and Sari Suites make a perfect choice. For business travelers, the convenience and facilities of the Pacific rooms is ideal. For a perfect combination of luxury and comfort, you can choose from the fully-equipped deluxe and standard rooms.
Lowongan Accounting & Adm, Staff Logistik, Call Center PT. LEJEL TIMUR HOME SHOPPING (Mar 2011)
Perusahaan kami adalah salah satu perusahaan berkembang di Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang eksport dan distributor alat olahraga dan alat masak , mengajak bagi anda yang berkompeten untuk berkarir di perusahaan kami , untuk menempati posisi :
1. Accounting & Adm
* Wanita max 28 th
* pendidikan terakhir D3/S1 Accounting ( di utamakan yang berpengalaman kerja )
* Mampu mengoprasikan komputer
* familiar dengan internet
* Bisa bekerja dalam team
* untuk penempatan Surabaya , Jakarta
1. Accounting & Adm
* Wanita max 28 th
* pendidikan terakhir D3/S1 Accounting ( di utamakan yang berpengalaman kerja )
* Mampu mengoprasikan komputer
* familiar dengan internet
* Bisa bekerja dalam team
* untuk penempatan Surabaya , Jakarta
Kamis, 17 Maret 2011
Lowongan Kerja International SOS (Mar 2011)
International SOS is the world’s leading provider of medical assistance, international healthcare, security services and outsourced customer care. The company was founded in Indonesia in 1984 and now employs over 4,000 people worldwide, with offices in over 65 countries. The company is aiming to accelerate the growth of the business across Indonesia.
Account Manager
We require new Account Manager to help us service our current customers and grow our business with them. In this challenging role you will develop pertnerships with current customers, understand their changing needs and help them find International SOS solutions to address their company issues.
Account Management experience in the Mining, Oil & Gas Sector and Finance, Business services or Insurance sector is an advantage.
Account Manager
We require new Account Manager to help us service our current customers and grow our business with them. In this challenging role you will develop pertnerships with current customers, understand their changing needs and help them find International SOS solutions to address their company issues.
Account Management experience in the Mining, Oil & Gas Sector and Finance, Business services or Insurance sector is an advantage.
Lowongan Staff IT PT. Terang Fajar Persada (Mar 2011)
PT. Terang Fajar Persada, Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Berkantor di Sidoarjo Membutuhkan Tenaga Professional untuk Posisi :
Dengan Persayaratan Sebagai Berikut :
• Laki – laki / Perempuan Usia max. 35 tahun
• Pendidikan Minimal D-3 Teknik / Manajemen Informatika.
• Fresh Graduate atau Berpengalaman.
• Menguasai Networking (LAN, WAN, Wirelles & Kabel UTP)
• Menguasai Troubleshooting Hardware & Software
• Menguasai Database Mysql
• Menguasai Jaringan di Windows Server dan Linux
• Mampu Bekerja Dalam Tim, Komunikatif, Motivasi Tinggi dan Berwawasan Luas.
Dengan Persayaratan Sebagai Berikut :
• Laki – laki / Perempuan Usia max. 35 tahun
• Pendidikan Minimal D-3 Teknik / Manajemen Informatika.
• Fresh Graduate atau Berpengalaman.
• Menguasai Networking (LAN, WAN, Wirelles & Kabel UTP)
• Menguasai Troubleshooting Hardware & Software
• Menguasai Database Mysql
• Menguasai Jaringan di Windows Server dan Linux
• Mampu Bekerja Dalam Tim, Komunikatif, Motivasi Tinggi dan Berwawasan Luas.
Lowongan Sekretaris PT. Interbat (Mar 2011)
Kami PT. Interbat perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri farmasi yang berskala Nasional & Internasional, membutuhkan karyawan :
Syarat :
1. Wanita
2. Usia Maks. 30 Tahun
3. D3 Akademi Sekretaris
4. IPK minimal 2,75
5. Berpenampilan menarik
6. Mengerti bahasa Inggris
7. Mampu berkorespodensi
8. Mampu administrasi
9. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer MS. Office
10. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Syarat :
1. Wanita
2. Usia Maks. 30 Tahun
3. D3 Akademi Sekretaris
4. IPK minimal 2,75
5. Berpenampilan menarik
6. Mengerti bahasa Inggris
7. Mampu berkorespodensi
8. Mampu administrasi
9. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer MS. Office
10. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
PT. BKK salah satu Perusahaan farmasi terdepan di Indonesia, saat ini kami tengah dibutuhkan tenaga kerja berpotensi, memiliki motivasi tinggi, dan semangat kerja yang besar di bidang sales dan marketing farmasi untuk ditempatkan sebagai :
Kualifikasi :
1. Laki-laki max. 28 tahun
2. Pendidikan min. SMA
3. Memiliki SIM C dan Motor
4. Mengenal area Surabaya dan sekitarnya
5. Mempunyai komunikasi dan selling skill yang baik
6. Siap bekerja dengan target
7. Siap bertugas ke luar kota
Kualifikasi :
1. Laki-laki max. 28 tahun
2. Pendidikan min. SMA
3. Memiliki SIM C dan Motor
4. Mengenal area Surabaya dan sekitarnya
5. Mempunyai komunikasi dan selling skill yang baik
6. Siap bekerja dengan target
7. Siap bertugas ke luar kota
Lowongan Kerja Customer Service Akses+ Madiun (Mar 2011)
Lowongan Kerja Customer Service Akses+ Madiun :
Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang penjualan jasa pembayaran listrik,telepon,pulsa, TV kabel,tiket keret api,dll.Kantor kami berpusat di Bandung dan cabangnya tersebar di seluruh Jawa, bali & Sumatra
Perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :
Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang penjualan jasa pembayaran listrik,telepon,pulsa, TV kabel,tiket keret api,dll.Kantor kami berpusat di Bandung dan cabangnya tersebar di seluruh Jawa, bali & Sumatra
Perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :
Bagi profesional muda, kami Perusahaan berskala Internasional yang bergerak di bidang furniture mengundang anda bergabung di perusahaan kami untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:
Persyaratan :
Persyaratan :
Perusahaan nasional yang bergerak di bidang Advertising & Distributor PT.ARINAMULTIKARYA , yang sekarang ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional untuk diposisikan sebaga
1. SPG
• Cantik
• Usia Max 28 Th
• Pendidikan Min SMA sederajat
• TB 158 CM
• Pengalaman
• Penampilan menarik
1. SPG
• Cantik
• Usia Max 28 Th
• Pendidikan Min SMA sederajat
• TB 158 CM
• Pengalaman
• Penampilan menarik
Lowongan Kerja Pupuk Kujang (Mar 2011)
PT Pupuk Kujang was established on June 9, 1975 with funds of U.S. $ 260 million is a loan from the Government of Iran for U.S. $ 200 million, and Government Equity (PMP), Indonesia for U.S. $ 60 million. Loans to the Government of Iran has been settled in 1989.
Currently, PT Pupuk Kujang have 5 (five) a subsidiary which is a joint venture with private parties, namely: PT survive Kurama Prime producing formic acid, PT Multi Nitrotama Chemicals which produce Ammonium Nitrate and Nitric Acid, PT Indonesia Pratama manufactures Hydrogen Peroxide Peroxide, PT Kujang Sud-Chemie Catalysts which manufactures catalysts, and the latter is PT Kujang Cikampek Industrial Area which manages land in the Area of PT Pupuk Kujang.
Currently, PT Pupuk Kujang have 5 (five) a subsidiary which is a joint venture with private parties, namely: PT survive Kurama Prime producing formic acid, PT Multi Nitrotama Chemicals which produce Ammonium Nitrate and Nitric Acid, PT Indonesia Pratama manufactures Hydrogen Peroxide Peroxide, PT Kujang Sud-Chemie Catalysts which manufactures catalysts, and the latter is PT Kujang Cikampek Industrial Area which manages land in the Area of PT Pupuk Kujang.
Lowongan Kerja Cardig Air (Mar 2011)
Cardig Air is a cargo airline in Indonesia, based at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Jakarta. It operates cargo services within Indonesia and across Asia on a scheduled, contract and charter basis. Cardig Air leases two Boeing 737-300F aircraft which had been converted to freighters, both aircraft arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport on 20 October 2008. Cardig Air officially began its operating activities in January 2009.
Cardig Air currently has scheduled flights to Jakarta, Singapore, Balikpapan, and Padang. In addition, Cardig Air has charter flights to various domestic and regional destinations. Cardig Air is listed in category 2 by Indonesian Civil Aviation Authority for airline safety quality
Cardig Air currently has scheduled flights to Jakarta, Singapore, Balikpapan, and Padang. In addition, Cardig Air has charter flights to various domestic and regional destinations. Cardig Air is listed in category 2 by Indonesian Civil Aviation Authority for airline safety quality
Lowongan Kerja Korindo (Mar 2011)
Established in Indonesia on September 10, 1969, Korindo, overcoming a lot of challenges during the last 40 years, has become one of the high-rank companies in the nation, while being in the peak among the Korean companies in Indonesia. Being engaged in such core business lines as plywood, news print paper, and container manufacturing, it has always aimed to reach the overseas markets and thus are proud to have contributed a great deal to the creation of jobs for the people of Indonesia as well as to the expansion of exports for the nation.
Lowongan Kerja Prudential (Mar 2011)
Established in 1995, PT Prudential Life Assurance (Prudential Indonesia) is a subsidiary of Prudential plc, a leading international financial services group from the United Kingdom that has more than £245 billion (Rp 4,115 trillion) of assets under management (as at 30 June 2009). Combining Prudential's global experience in life insurance for more than 160 years with knowledge of local customs and businesses, Prudential Indonesia is committed to develop its business in Indonesia.
Lowongan Kerja Mott MacDonald (Mar 2011)
Mott MacDonald has worked continuously in Indonesia for both public and private clients since 1969, contributing to projects covering irrigation, urban and rural water supply and sanitation. We are currently involved in a range of activities to promote the sustainable provision of clean water, including water manage-ment, management of municipal water supply corporations and financing supply services. Through our expertise in transport planning and highway design we have been successfully involved in finalising the feasibility study into the provision of Phase 1 of the Bekasi Monorail transport system between Bekasi and Jakarta. Our transport portfolio also includes environmental and social impact studies and design for 600km of road improvement and capacity expansion in Sumatera, Java and Sulawesi.
Lowongan Kerja Cordlife (Mar 2011)
CordLife Indonesia collects, processes and stores cord blood stem cells, which may later become potential source material for life saving treatments. Headquartered in Singapore, Cordlife Indonesia been providing quality and reliable service to our customers in different countries throughout the region since our incorporation in May 2001.
Cordlife Indonesia laboratory in Singapore where Cordlife stores your cord blood units is the first and only AABB* accredited private cord blood banking facility in South and Southeast Asia. Cordlife Indonesia are also licensed by the Ministry of Health in Singapore.
Cordlife Indonesia laboratory in Singapore where Cordlife stores your cord blood units is the first and only AABB* accredited private cord blood banking facility in South and Southeast Asia. Cordlife Indonesia are also licensed by the Ministry of Health in Singapore.
Lowongan Kerja Sharp (Mar 2011)
Sharp Corporation has a long history of creating breakthrough products designed to meet the needs of people living in Australia and around the world. Since the company was founded in Osaka, Japan in 1912, where Sharp produced the first self-propelling pencil called the “Ever Sharp”, we have gone from strength to strength.
Today, Sharp produce variety of electronics products and sold in more than 140 countries. There are 27 manufacturing operations, 23 sales companies and 9 representative offices in 15 countries. Now Sharp Indonesia is looking for :
Today, Sharp produce variety of electronics products and sold in more than 140 countries. There are 27 manufacturing operations, 23 sales companies and 9 representative offices in 15 countries. Now Sharp Indonesia is looking for :
Lowongan Trans Coffee (Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf) (Mar 2011)
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (PT Trans Coffee) a member of Transcorp company is looking for the energic and smart young people, self confidence, good appearance and deep passion for SERVICE EXCELLENCE to fill in the following challenging positions :
Secretary (SC)
Secretary (SC)
Lowongan SECURITY PT. Duta Makmur Bersama (Mar 2011)
T. Duta Makmur Bersama mencari beberapa tenaga untuk di pekerjakan sebagai
- Laki-laki
-Usia max 35 tahun
-Pendidikan min. SMA/Sederajat
- Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
-Berpengalaman min 2 Tahun
kirim lamaran ke PT. Duta Makmur Bersama. Jl. Jemur Andayani 50, Ruko Surya Inti Permata Blok B 55-58 Surabaya. Contact Person 031-8431854
- Laki-laki
-Usia max 35 tahun
-Pendidikan min. SMA/Sederajat
- Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
-Berpengalaman min 2 Tahun
kirim lamaran ke PT. Duta Makmur Bersama. Jl. Jemur Andayani 50, Ruko Surya Inti Permata Blok B 55-58 Surabaya. Contact Person 031-8431854
Rabu, 16 Maret 2011
Lowongan Kerja Energi Batu Hitam (Mar 2011)
PT Energi Batu Hitam ( EBH ), part of one of the largest and highly reputable group, that operates and is a market leader in multiple business segments in Indonesia. To support our coal mining exploration and production development in West Kutai, East Kalimantan, we required highly qualified professionals to fill the following vacancies :
Procurement Superintendent (Procure SPT)
Procurement Superintendent (Procure SPT)
Lowongan Kerja Oorja Indo Petangis Four (Mar 2011)
PT Oorja Indo Petangis Four, one of the fastest growing mining company, having its site in South and East Kalimantan. Currently we are mining and exporting our coal to various countries. Now we are in the process of expanding our business, looking for several good candidate for :
Lowongan Kerja Malaysia Airlines (Mar 2011)
Malaysia Airlines System Berhad , DBA Malaysia Airlines (abbreviated MAS), is the government-owned flag carrier of Malaysia. Malaysia Airlines operates flights from its home base, Kuala Lumpur International Airport, and its secondary hub in Kota Kinabalu. It has its headquarters on the grounds of Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang, Selangor.
Malaysia Airlines has built up a strong brand name in the aviation industry for service and safety,[6] coupled with numerous awards from international bodies such as Skytrax. Malaysia Airlines is accredited by International Air Transport Association with IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) for its operational safety practices.
Malaysia Airlines has built up a strong brand name in the aviation industry for service and safety,[6] coupled with numerous awards from international bodies such as Skytrax. Malaysia Airlines is accredited by International Air Transport Association with IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) for its operational safety practices.
Lowongan Kutai Timber Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PT. KUTAI TIMBER INDONESIA is a pioneer of foreign-affiliated plywood company which was established in 1970 and began its factory operation in 1974. We have cultivated technology, trust, and experience for the past 30 years.
We are also the member of SUMITOMO FORESTRY Group. The Group appreciates the benefits of nature and utilizes the advantages of timber as a renewable natural resource, with "The Power of Forests Empowers the Future" and also aspires to continue bringing happiness into daily life and contributing to a prosperous society.
We are also the member of SUMITOMO FORESTRY Group. The Group appreciates the benefits of nature and utilizes the advantages of timber as a renewable natural resource, with "The Power of Forests Empowers the Future" and also aspires to continue bringing happiness into daily life and contributing to a prosperous society.
Lowongan Store Supervisor, Barista Rollaas Coffee & Tea (Mar 2011)
Kami sebuah caffee shop berskala international membutuhkan staf dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :
Store Supervisor :
1. Pendidikan Minimal S1
2. Menguasai bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
3. Memiliki pengalaman di posisi yang sama minimal 2 tahun
4. Usia minimal 25 tahun
5. Memiliki kemapuan leadership yang baik
Store Supervisor :
1. Pendidikan Minimal S1
2. Menguasai bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
3. Memiliki pengalaman di posisi yang sama minimal 2 tahun
4. Usia minimal 25 tahun
5. Memiliki kemapuan leadership yang baik
Lowongan Kerja Sales Counter Bengkel Video surabaya (Mar 2011)
Mari berkarir bersama kami.
Kami perusahaan jasa Video Editing berlokasi di SURABAYA,
membutuhkan SALES COUNTER yang siap berkembang bersama kami.
Sales Counter
• Wanita
• Minimum SMU atau sederajat
• Menguasai computer (Windows, Excell)
• Berpenampilan menarik
• Pandai berkomunikasi
• Jujur dan teliti
• Usia 20-28 Tahun
• Bersedia bekerja di Mal / Pusat perbelanjaan (surabaya)
Kami perusahaan jasa Video Editing berlokasi di SURABAYA,
membutuhkan SALES COUNTER yang siap berkembang bersama kami.
Sales Counter
• Wanita
• Minimum SMU atau sederajat
• Menguasai computer (Windows, Excell)
• Berpenampilan menarik
• Pandai berkomunikasi
• Jujur dan teliti
• Usia 20-28 Tahun
• Bersedia bekerja di Mal / Pusat perbelanjaan (surabaya)
Lowongan Kerja Synovate Indonesia (Mar 2011)
Synovate is the world's most dynamic and passionate global market intelligence and research company full of curious people who continuously stretch the definitions of conventional research . The company operates across 5 continents, in 52 countries and 24 time-zones.
We seek smart, curious and suitably qualified people for the following position :
Main job responsibilities
We seek smart, curious and suitably qualified people for the following position :
Main job responsibilities
Lowongan Kerja Amerta Indah Otsuka (Mar 2011)
PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka (, is group of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Our leading products are POCARI SWEAT (the market leader in Isotonic drink) and SOYJOY (the first fruit soy bar in Indonesia which fully made from soy powder and real fruits).
To support our massive expansions, we need to invite some professionals to grow together. If you are the people who have integrity, passion, teamwork spirit, curiosity, courage, be able to make improvement & innovation, and want to win the change, we invite you to join our team as:
To support our massive expansions, we need to invite some professionals to grow together. If you are the people who have integrity, passion, teamwork spirit, curiosity, courage, be able to make improvement & innovation, and want to win the change, we invite you to join our team as:
Lowongan Panasonic Shikoku Electronics (Mar 2011)
Panasonic Shikoku Electronics provides information equipments, visual equipments, health care and heating equipments, and manufacturing systems in Japan. It offers information equipments, such as hard disk drives (HDD), CD-RW DVD-ROM combination drives, DVD-ROM drives, DVD-R drives, DAT data storage, and 1U DDS libraries. The company’s visual equipments include video cassette recorders (VCR), DVD/VCR decks, VHS-C camcorders, digital video camcorders, digital still cameras, TV/VCR combinations, TV/DVD/VCR combinations, TV/DVD-RAM/VCR combinations, multimedia projection displays, video intercoms, and surveillance camera systems.
Lowongan Kerja Lippo Karawaci (Mar 2011)
Lippo Karawaci, as a company, has shown a resilient ability to achieve excellent growth over more than a decade, in some of the most challenging periods in recent Indonesian history. We are resolved to continue developing and adapting strategies as necessary to be able to effectively exploit every new opportunity which presents itself and to move forward.
With the successful edge city Lippo Karawaci located west of the capital city Jakarta as the flagship, the entity also includes the new towns of Lippo Cikarang to Jakarta's East and Tanjung Bunga on the coast of Makassar - The "Gateway To East Indonesia, four hospitals as well as six shopping malls.
With the successful edge city Lippo Karawaci located west of the capital city Jakarta as the flagship, the entity also includes the new towns of Lippo Cikarang to Jakarta's East and Tanjung Bunga on the coast of Makassar - The "Gateway To East Indonesia, four hospitals as well as six shopping malls.
Lowongan Kerja Castrol Indonesia (Mar 2011)
Castrol is a fast growing multinational lubricant company with a highly successful track record. Our performance focus has resulted in a very strong consumer franchise through highly customer oriented distribution.
You have to be a good team player, ambitious, confident, and having proven ability to work with colleagues and ability to adapt to multicultural and multidiscipline working environment. You must also have Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university with GPA min. 2.75 with excellent English fluency for the following positions:
You have to be a good team player, ambitious, confident, and having proven ability to work with colleagues and ability to adapt to multicultural and multidiscipline working environment. You must also have Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university with GPA min. 2.75 with excellent English fluency for the following positions:
Selasa, 15 Maret 2011
Lowongan Admin Sales PT. BORWITA CITRA PRIMA Malang (Mar 2011)
Perusahaan Distributor “Global Consumer Goods” (P&G, Ceres dan Sunco) di Jawa Timur, Bali, NTB dan Sulawesi mencari Tenaga Prefesional untuk bergabung sebagai :
Admin Sales (ADM-S)
- Laki-laki/Perempuan ; Maks 28 tahun
- Min D3 dengan IPK 2.80
- Lebih diutamakan pengalaman min. 1 th sebagai administrasi staff
- Mampu menggunakan aplikasi MS Office, min. Word, Excell dan Power Point
- Jujur, Teliti, Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
- Untuk penempatan : MALANG dan PASURUAN
Admin Sales (ADM-S)
- Laki-laki/Perempuan ; Maks 28 tahun
- Min D3 dengan IPK 2.80
- Lebih diutamakan pengalaman min. 1 th sebagai administrasi staff
- Mampu menggunakan aplikasi MS Office, min. Word, Excell dan Power Point
- Jujur, Teliti, Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
- Untuk penempatan : MALANG dan PASURUAN
Lowogan Supervisor Finance & Accounting PT. KITRANS (Mar 2011)
Perusahaan Jasa yang sedang berkembang, bergerak dalam bidang Jasa Pengurusan Transportasi/Freight Forwarding, membutuhkan segera :
Supervisor Finance & Accounting (ACC)
Persyaratan Umum :
- Pria, usia max 27 th
- Min D3 Akuntansi / Perpajakan
- Pengalaman dibidangnya
- Mengerti & Memahami ilmu Perpajakan
- Energik & mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Domisili di Surabaya
Supervisor Finance & Accounting (ACC)
Persyaratan Umum :
- Pria, usia max 27 th
- Min D3 Akuntansi / Perpajakan
- Pengalaman dibidangnya
- Mengerti & Memahami ilmu Perpajakan
- Energik & mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Domisili di Surabaya
Lowongan Sales Executive CV. Maxima Anugrah Solusindo (Mar 2011)
Kami perusahaan yg bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi, CV. Maxima Anugrah Solusindo membutuhkan SEGERA sbb:
untuk memasarkan produk-produk elektronika/telekomunikasi.
Dengan persyaratan sbb:
1. Diutamakan Wanita, max 28 tahun.
2. Minim SMA atau sederajat
3. Berpenampilan menarik.
4. Bisa melakukan presentasi dengan baik.
5. Bisa bekerja dengan target.
6. Penempatan: SURABAYA
untuk memasarkan produk-produk elektronika/telekomunikasi.
Dengan persyaratan sbb:
1. Diutamakan Wanita, max 28 tahun.
2. Minim SMA atau sederajat
3. Berpenampilan menarik.
4. Bisa melakukan presentasi dengan baik.
5. Bisa bekerja dengan target.
6. Penempatan: SURABAYA
Lowongan Kerja Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (Mar 2011)
PT. Pasifik Satelit Nusantara is Indonesia’s first private satellite telecommunications company and one of the leading satellite companies in Asia Pacific region. Headquartered in Indonesia, the Company is focused on becoming a fully integrated provider of satellite based telecommunication products and services in the region. Due to the Company’s rapidly expanding business; we invite young, energetic and talented person to join our professional team as :
Lowongan Kerja Jotun Indonesia (Mar 2011)
Jotun is one of the world's leading manufacturers of paints, coatings and powder coatings. The group has 71 companies and 40 production facilities in 37 countries on all continents. In addition, Jotun has agents, branch offices and distributors in more than 70 countries. Jotun's total sales in 2008 were NOK 11,704 million, and has today 7,300 employees. The Jotun Group has four divisions, and its head office in Sandefjord, Norway.
In line with our continued expansion program, Jotun Indonesia is looking for a dynamic and ambitious professional to fill the following position:
In line with our continued expansion program, Jotun Indonesia is looking for a dynamic and ambitious professional to fill the following position:
Lowongan Kerja Batavia Air (Mar 2011)
Batavia Air has been operating its business in Indonesia for more than 20 years. Departing from a travel bureau, it increasingly improved its business to provide an air charter flight service. Batavia Air founded in 2001. In 2002, Batavia Air earned an Air Operating Certificate (AOC) and officially deserved for operating its fleet in Indonesia.
With experiences in a travel bureau and airline industry, backed up by accommodated fleet and qualified human resources, they make us to be the first choice and trusted carrier to fly. After all we believe that we can survive and continuously grow to take part in the rapid airlines competition.
With experiences in a travel bureau and airline industry, backed up by accommodated fleet and qualified human resources, they make us to be the first choice and trusted carrier to fly. After all we believe that we can survive and continuously grow to take part in the rapid airlines competition.
Lowongan Kerja Epson Indonesia (Mar 2011)
PT Epson Indonesia is a sales and marketing office and a subsidiary of Seiko Epson Corporation in Indonesia and well established since October 1st, 2000. Our product ranges from: SIDM (Single Impact Dot Matrix), Ink Jet Printer, Laser Printer, Large Format Printer, Scanner, Projector, High quality consumables for all range of Epson product.
We have a nation-wide service in all the big cities in Indonesia: Epson Service Center in 6 big cities : MEDAN, JAKARTA, BANDUNG, SURABAYA, YOGYAKARTA,and MAKASSAR.
We have a nation-wide service in all the big cities in Indonesia: Epson Service Center in 6 big cities : MEDAN, JAKARTA, BANDUNG, SURABAYA, YOGYAKARTA,and MAKASSAR.
Senin, 14 Maret 2011
Kami adalah GRAMEDIA EXPO sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Venue Management. Lokasi kami yang berada di kawasan strategis atau pusat Kota Surabaya, membuat kami menjadi salah satu Venue terbaik yang ada di Indonesia. Salah satu kebijakan mutu kami adalah selalu berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan prima kepada setiap pelanggan.
Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan para profesional muda untuk bergabung pada posisi :
Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan para profesional muda untuk bergabung pada posisi :
Lowongan Banking Head, Relationship Manager, PT. Bank CIMB Niaga (Mar 2011)
PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk
Sebagai salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia, mengundang profesional muda untuk bersama mengembangkan secara pesat layanan Corporate Banking dengan memberikan kesempatan mengembangkan karir sebagai :
1. Banking Head (BH)
Memiliki pipeline booking yang terencana untuk mendukung pencapaian target
Evaluasi dan menyetujui proposal kredit RM yang disupervisinya sesuai kewenangan kredit yang dimiliki
Monitoring Loan Quality
Membina hubungan Baik dengan nasabah dan dapat mengembangkan strategi untuk mendapatkan nasabah baru
Sebagai salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia, mengundang profesional muda untuk bersama mengembangkan secara pesat layanan Corporate Banking dengan memberikan kesempatan mengembangkan karir sebagai :
1. Banking Head (BH)
Memiliki pipeline booking yang terencana untuk mendukung pencapaian target
Evaluasi dan menyetujui proposal kredit RM yang disupervisinya sesuai kewenangan kredit yang dimiliki
Monitoring Loan Quality
Membina hubungan Baik dengan nasabah dan dapat mengembangkan strategi untuk mendapatkan nasabah baru
Lowongan Manager Marketing PT. Aj. Manulife Indonesia (Mar 2011)
Kesempatan untuk berkarier pada usia muda
Manulife Financial perusahaan terkemuka dari Kanada yang melayani jutaan nasabah di 22 negara dan teritori di seluruh dunia.
Manulife Indonesia adalah perusahaan multinasional, anak perusahaan Manulife Financial, adalah salah satu perusahaan terbesar dan terkuat yang secara berturut-turut selama 19 tahun terakhir mengalami keuntungan di Indonesia, mengajak Anda untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :
Manulife Financial perusahaan terkemuka dari Kanada yang melayani jutaan nasabah di 22 negara dan teritori di seluruh dunia.
Manulife Indonesia adalah perusahaan multinasional, anak perusahaan Manulife Financial, adalah salah satu perusahaan terbesar dan terkuat yang secara berturut-turut selama 19 tahun terakhir mengalami keuntungan di Indonesia, mengajak Anda untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :
Lowongan METRO Department Store (Mar 2011)
METRO Department StoreMETRO Department Store is one of the leading retailers in Indonesia operating 5 stores, 4 in Jakarta and one in Bandung. The first METRO store opened in 1991 at Mal Pondok Indah catering to the needs of the residents of the exclusive Pondok Indah and surrounding residential districts.
With the success of METRO Pondok Indah, the second store at Plaza Senayan opened in 1995 bringing another METRO to the central business district and the posh central residential areas. In October 2001, a third store followed in Bandung, at the newest and largest shopping mall, Bandung Supermal, bringing shopping to another level for the population of Bandung.
With the success of METRO Pondok Indah, the second store at Plaza Senayan opened in 1995 bringing another METRO to the central business district and the posh central residential areas. In October 2001, a third store followed in Bandung, at the newest and largest shopping mall, Bandung Supermal, bringing shopping to another level for the population of Bandung.
Lowongan Kerja Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories (Mar 2011)
PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories has built up trust and cooperation with many parties, such as distributors, doctors, pharmacies, hospitals, consumers, drugstores and supermarkets throughout Indonesia.
During the period, PT. Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories has also succeeded to achieve recognition as a quality-oriented manufacturer and as the first Indonesian pharmaceutical company to receive three certificates on quality system.
During the period, PT. Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories has also succeeded to achieve recognition as a quality-oriented manufacturer and as the first Indonesian pharmaceutical company to receive three certificates on quality system.
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