Senin, 01 November 2010

Lowongan Kerja BTN

Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk open job opportunities for Information Technology Professionals to join and fill the following positions:

A. IT Risk - ITRM
B. IT Quality Assurance - ITQA
C. Infrastruktur TI - ITINF
D. IT Security - ITSEC
E. Perangkat Lunak & Database - SWDB
F. Help Desk - HDESK
G. Data Warehouse - DTWR

General Requirements

* Indonesian citizen
* Able-bodied
* Maximum 30 years old (C,D,E,F,G), 35 years old (A,B)
* Fresh graduate are welcome, preferably:
o A,B,D,E,G: Bachelor Degree (S1) in Informatics/ Electrical/ Computer Engineering with minimmum 2 years experience in IT or Bachelor Degree (S1) in any major with minimmum 2 years experience in IT.
o C: Diploma Degree (D3/ D4) in Informatics/ Electrical/ Computer Engineering with minimmum 2 years experience in IT or Bachelor Degree (S1) in any major with minimmum 2 years experience in IT.
o F: Diploma Degree (D3/ D4) in Informatics/ Electrical/ Computer Engineering with minimmum 2 years experience in IT
o Minimum 2.75 for ITB/ UI/ UGM/ ITS graduates or 3.00 for others.
* Active in English
* Willing to be placed in any brach across Indonesia.

1. Melakukan registrasi secara online pada website Bank BTN (Karir -> Registrasi Online)
2. Pelamar wajib mengisi dan menyampaikan seluruh data yang diminta pada saat pengisian data registrasi
3. Lamaran berikut CV lengkap, referensi dan photo terbaru agar dikirim melalui e-mail : Cantumkan nama dan kode posisi pada subject e-mail
4. Besar file photo max. 50 kb
5. Semua dokumen disimpan dalam 1 folder dan dikompress dalam format .zip
6. Nama folder agar dibuat dengan format : CV-[Nama Pelamar]_[Kode Posisi]
7. Untuk nama pelamar harap dicantumkan lengkap dengan titel pendidikan dan gelar sertifikasi bila ada.
8. Registrasi pelamar akan dibuka mulai tanggal 30 Oktober 2010 sampai dengan tanggal 6 Nopember 2010 pukul 18.00 WIB

Online Registration : Lowongan BTN
Closing date: November 6, 2010.


PT Bank Tabungan Negara BTN (Persero)open up job opportunities to fill the PERSONAL SELLING OFFICER position on the Branch Office with the following requirements:

Location: Jambi region


1. Male/Female, looking attractive, energetic and proactive
2. Height of at least 160 with proportional weight
3. Minimum D3 in any disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.75 (Skalla 4)
4. Age between 22-30 years
5. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Able to speak English or Mandarin can be value added.
6. Have a broad relationship
7. Working experience preferably in financial services product marketing
8. Ready to work with target
9. Status of employment: to become permanent employees

Administrative requirements:

* Cover letter & CV
* Photos all dressed body 1 sheet of postcard size, and fit 2 pieces of 4x6 color photo
* Copy of diploma and transcripts of legalized
* Copy of ID card
* Copy of certificate support
* Health Certificate
* Certificate of Good Behaviour from the local Police

File at the latest we received on November 12, 2010. Send your complete application to:

PT Bank BTN (Persero)
Kantor Cabang Jambi
Jl. Sultan Taha 119
Jambi 36 113
(Depan Pasar Angso Duo)

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